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Modi addressing UNGA makes no mention of Pakistan or China

Just watched the whole speech. A quick summary of what he seems to be saying;

Give us a seat at every table in the UN because:

1. we have a large population
2. done things to manage this large population that any half way decent government should already be doing
3. we participated in the UN for 75 years
4. He is laying the ground work to be accepted as the regional Hegemon because of regional initiatives. (he didn’t directly say this but alludes to it through charity donations to other countries)
5. A domestic consumption speech for his domestic audience to say look at all the great thinks the BJP has accomplished in just a few years.

In his speech he alludes to moving in the direction of becoming a “Self-Reliant” India, which would be the opposite of a interconnected global partner and more of a isolated kingdom, where Modi and his party bestow patronage to those that support him or at least don’t publicly oppose him.
Seems like Modi is speaking to his RSS proteges rather than the UN.
as we are waiting for this fasict terrorist ? he is mad dog you beat him he run away you scared of him he will bark or bite . we teach him good lesson on 27th feb and china teach him 2 months ago now surrender modi will stay in his hole long time . they language he understand is language of bombs and missiles only .
Hyena always comes back for more from the lion as they never learn their lesson.
Seems like Modi is speaking to his RSS proteges rather than the UN.

Clear sign of an Authoritarian Populist; constantly needs to assure his base while the world is expected to at least half hearted clap for India doing the bare minimum.

I.e. most of us don’t crap out in the open anymore so give use a seat on the security council.

The main thing attracting the world viewing India any differently then Sub-Saharan Africa (a similar population size) was the prospect of an Indian economy growing faster then others so foreign investors can make better ROI on their FDI.

Now that Modi has ruined that, and their military has literally been pushed over by the Chinese, the world will look for greener pastures. With the Indian demographic dividend window closing in 20-25 years; every year that goes by means a good chance Modi will leave India to a permanent fate of underdeveloped, and less likely foreigners will come back.

This is the time, Pakistan need to just achieve faster growth then India and attract FDI, especially if the CPEC SEZ take off. If Pakistan is at least a better ROI on FDI then India, it may help balance the geo-strategic relations with other nations. Then Pakistan’s message will no longer be drowned out by western profits made in India.
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Modi is mentally in an alternative reality. Rome burns while he plays with his peacocks.

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CAA did fast track visas for 11 pour Pakistani Hindus now they are not on this earth anymore.. who would have thought...

they must be in better condition than returning to land where they are treated as kafir. CAA is providing immediate relief to all such kafirs .they will get citizen ship very easily .
Lolx Minorities in West Pakistan in 1951 were 1.8% today they are around 4% yeah we erased them isn't it ? And bharat mata killed 11 Pakistanis Hindus saying they are ISI agents is that what rights you are giving through CAA ?
Yeah sure!!
Just in case you did not know, once upon a time, these 1.8% or 4% (or whatever % you want them to be) were 100%. May be in your world, 100% to 1.8% to 4% (or whatever % you want them to be) is something to be proud of. You can even claim them to be 50% if u wish. You will still have to explain "kahan gaye wo log". Explain it to yourself. External civilised world means nothing to you anyway.
Get over it, we don't want to worship rocks and idols

We dumped Hinduism, how long will you cry about this

This is Pak zameen now 🇵🇰
May be speaking the truth is crying for you.

If we were crying about it, the LEAST we would have done is, declared India a Hindu Republic at the time of partition. We did not do it. Or we may do it today. Eitherway, speaking truth is not crying.

You may worship whatever you want.

Only point which makes average person with common sense wonder is: After 70 years of "perfection" & "purity", which attribute of Pak Zameen displays that P&P? terrorism? loans& rescue packages? trying to avoid getting blacklisted? I think CPEC it is. CPEC is P&P no doubt.
modi is mentally sick alone and in deep stress like our elephant kavan :lol:

hindus of pakistan are like eternally sad kavan .they will get citizenship of their hindu land india under CAA as KAVAN got freedom .
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hindus of pakistan are like kavan .they will get citizenship of their hindu land india under CAA as KAVAN got freedom .
11 of them already got citizenship of heaven

rest are came back to pakistan these days enjoying :lol: and protesting in front of indian embassy islamabad

and they holding azad kashmir flags to keep heat on surrender modi too




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