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Modi addressing UNGA makes no mention of Pakistan or China

CAA did fast track visas for 11 pour Pakistani Hindus now they are not on this earth anymore.. who would have thought...
The fact that there are 11 Hindus who left for a foreign country with no money shows how bad situation is for minorities in Pakistan.
That is some exaggeration. Number is probably around 40 percent

Sure, You know more about India than Indians anyway.
Please keep educating us whenever modi says anything word by word. You can even let us know when he slept & when he got -up.

Eitherway, CAA is not anti muslim. And, after carving out seperate "islamic republics", external muslims should not be welcome in India anyway. We have enough of them already. We would want to cap the population (theirs as well as overall).

Have the audacity to call CAA not anti Muslim and in the same post written that external Muslims are not welcome in India, and that we want to cap their population(of Muslims in India).

Couldn't get more hypocritical than this, it is like you are blaming Islam for large scale conversion of Hindus to this newer religion in India.

And also blaming Pakistan for the conversion of Hindus to Islam in Pakistan.

Take some time to read and accept the reality why Hindus en mass is converting to Islam, and why low caste or out of the caste Dalits have converted to Islam and this is still going on.

Hinduism cannot be the reason for this conversion???

Every individual has the freedom to accept and follow his religion of choice and what he deemed is good for him or her...the real reasons are different and mostly ignored.

And don't blame Pakistan and Islam if people are converting to Islam...in India and the rest of the world.
Have the audacity to call CAA not anti Muslim and in the same post written that external Muslims are not welcome in India, and that we want to cap their population(of Muslims in India).

Couldn't get more hypocritical than this, it is like you are blaming Islam for large scale conversion of Hindus to this newer religion in India.

And also blaming Pakistan for the conversion of Hindus to Islam in Pakistan.

Take some time to read and accept the reality why Hindus en mass is converting to Islam, and why low caste or out of the caste Dalits have converted to Islam and this is still going on.

Hinduism cannot be the reason for this conversion???

Every individual has the freedom to accept and follow his religion of choice and what he deemed is good for him or her...the real reasons are different and mostly ignored.

And don't blame Pakistan and Islam if people are converting to Islam...in India and the rest of the world.
I think in your world, I am partial even if I give half of MY part to you and even after that you want more part from my remaining half PART of the TOTAL which was MINE to begin with.

You may have your own logic but please dont assume everyone to be like you.

Next, why should CAA welcome majority from neighbouring states? Is majority being mistreated too? Or do u mean that Ahmedis and Shias to be allowed via CAA?

And of-course we want to cap our population. Earth has limited resources. India is part of that earth. The least productive people should be have been capped in the beginning itself. Neither mother nature nor any civil society wants to overburden itself with parasites who exist just to suck the host.

I dont know where you located me blaming Pakistan on this matter. Nevermind
Have the audacity to call CAA not anti Muslim and in the same post written that external Muslims are not welcome in India, and that we want to cap their population(of Muslims in India).

Couldn't get more hypocritical than this, it is like you are blaming Islam for large scale conversion of Hindus to this newer religion in India.

And also blaming Pakistan for the conversion of Hindus to Islam in Pakistan.

Take some time to read and accept the reality why Hindus en mass is converting to Islam, and why low caste or out of the caste Dalits have converted to Islam and this is still going on.

Hinduism cannot be the reason for this conversion???

Every individual has the freedom to accept and follow his religion of choice and what he deemed is good for him or her...the real reasons are different and mostly ignored.

And don't blame Pakistan and Islam if people are converting to Islam...in India and the rest of the world.
Hindutva doesn't care about Hindus, never mind caring about Muslims.
The fact that there are 11 Hindus who left for a foreign country with no money shows how bad situation is for minorities in Pakistan.
Filthy business this hindutva stuff. It's one thing treating Muslims with disdain, but hindutva scum doesn't even care about Hindus. Still, that shouldn't come as a shock - some Hindus are always more equal than other Hindus. We understand.
Filthy business this hindutva stuff. It's one thing treating Muslims with disdain, but hindutva scum doesn't even care about Hindus. Still, that shouldn't come as a shock - some Hindus are always more equal than other Hindus. We understand.

Why's thousands of Hindus, Sikhs, Christians leaving Pakistan for India? Still I'm waiting for some enlightened ones to answer how CAA is against Muslims.
May be speaking the truth is crying for you.

If we were crying about it, the LEAST we would have done is, declared India a Hindu Republic at the time of partition. We did not do it. Or we may do it today. Eitherway, speaking truth is not crying.

You may worship whatever you want.

Only point which makes average person with common sense wonder is: After 70 years of "perfection" & "purity", which attribute of Pak Zameen displays that P&P? terrorism? loans& rescue packages? trying to avoid getting blacklisted? I think CPEC it is. CPEC is P&P no doubt.

Yaar of course your crying

We don't want your Jahilat

Accept it, the moment you come to peace with this the better it will be for you

We have no issue with your hindutva Republic
Jinnah did not just propose a Muslim state, he proposed and encouraged Indians to see sense and separate so they could make a Hindu state, Sikh state, xtian state

we need our own space so we can breath free and determine our own way of life and culture

the problem was never Jinnah, Jinnah understood and saw India clearly

the problem was you idiot Indians who spent time trying to force EVERYone into.one united India for all
and now you want a hindutva extremist state with hundreds of millions of non Hindus stuck in your one united India for all

Just like our faith, if you Indians had just come to peace with PARTITION south Asia could have been so much different and better
Instead your stuck with a poisonous communal India and animosity across all south Asia at Indians constant threats
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Why's thousands of Hindus, Sikhs, Christians leaving Pakistan for India? Still I'm waiting for some enlightened ones to answer how CAA is against Muslims.

It's not that CAA is against Muslims

It's that CAA + NRC is made to target Indian Muslims

In any India wide NRC millions of true Indians will be swept up in the NRC simply because they are poor as shit Indians with no paperwork

Now CAA was made to protect everyone except Indians muslims aslong as they could prove they were in India prior to 2014 with multiple acceptable documents that were otherwise inadmissible in the NRC to prove they were Indian

this would leave millions of poor Indian Muslims at the mercy of a hindutva run programme made to target them especially in areas where they hindutva want them cleared from

The documentation to prove citizenship under CAA 99%+ of all Indians will have access to including Indian Muslim

But the documentation required under the NRC is much more difficult

the hindutva wanted the NRc but they realised they would trawl up millions of Hindus then if they treated the Hindus and Indian Muslims differently they would be challenged

so they needed a way to target Indian Muslims and get Hindus off the hook

CAA was the result

and it's why Indian Muslims and minorities have finally realised that Jinnah was RIGHT all along and India can't be trusted

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