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Modi addressing UNGA makes no mention of Pakistan or China

So you want them to wait until it's too late rather than stand up now and fight back against hindutva extremist India???

haha yeah, sounds like a plan. I'm going to protest for a law that's not even enacted but there is a chance that it is enacted.
haha yeah, sounds like a plan. I'm going to protest for a law that's not even enacted but there is a chance that it is enacted.

It's already been enacted CAA is law now

NRC the hindutva desperately want

see the writing on the wall

you don't wait till the last moment, the time to unify and act is now

I repeat Jinnah was always RIGHT about India, once you understand this then waiting and trusting isn't a option

but boy oh boy have the hindutva given us a weapon to hurt India with
NRC the hindutva desperately want
Repeating same thing won't do any good. I asked a simple question, is NRC happening all over India?

If it's not, how do you know Muslims will be targeted. Or are you saying the largest illegal migrants in India will be Muslims? That's a lot of predictions, or you are simply bigoted that you don't want Hindus, Sikhs Christians getting citizenships.

There is no NRC all over India, CAA is specifically for Minorities from these theocracies. And no matter protests India will give citizenships to these minorities quickly than Muslims.

Why's thousands of Hindus, Sikhs, Christians leaving Pakistan for India? Still I'm waiting for some enlightened ones to answer how CAA is against Muslims.
First kindly provide the evidence requested by our ministries on behalf of Pakistani Hindus pertinent to the case of 11 massacred Pakistani Hindu civilians in Jodhpur this year. Your filthy qom shouldn't offer any sort of asylum or migrant opportunities for anyone while this track record of abusing justice persists. Pakistani fishermen die in your custody, Pakistani Hindus die under your watch. Pakistan will not forget. For now, your wailing about the supposed suffering of Hindus in Pakistan stands exposed as a simple tool to score cheap points for RSS.

India betrays Hindus as a routine.
As fOr NRC CAA, we've had this discussion many times you and I. Indian denizens who have lived for generations in poorer areas are unlikely to be able to produce the valid paperwork required. At this point of NRC failure, there are two options: concentration camps or asylum under CAA. Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist individuals will be able to escape the protocol by claiming refugee status under CAA, while muslims will not.

When the initial experiment of NRC occurred in Assam, the problem that emerged was that more Hindus than expected failed the NRC checkpoint and were thus illegal. Shah then introduced CAB to bypass this and restore the original intended objective of NRC - to deal with the "termites" as he called them.

I'm surprised you forgot our conversations on this. Or are you just playing dumb for the crowd?

@chattra chappati
It's not that CAA is against Muslims

It's that CAA + NRC is made to target Indian Muslims

In any India wide NRC millions of true Indians will be swept up in the NRC simply because they are poor as shit Indians with no paperwork

Now CAA was made to protect everyone except Indians muslims aslong as they could prove they were in India prior to 2014 with multiple acceptable documents that were otherwise inadmissible in the NRC to prove they were Indian

this would leave millions of poor Indian Muslims at the mercy of a hindutva run programme made to target them especially in areas where they hindutva want them cleared from

The documentation to prove citizenship under CAA 99%+ of all Indians will have access to including Indian Muslim

But the documentation required under the NRC is much more difficult

the hindutva wanted the NRc but they realised they would trawl up millions of Hindus then if they treated the Hindus and Indian Muslims differently they would be challenged

so they needed a way to target Indian Muslims and get Hindus off the hook

CAA was the result

and it's why Indian Muslims and minorities have finally realised that Jinnah was RIGHT all along and India can't be trusted
Excellent analysis sir. Chattrapati is a bona fide hindutva sympathiser, hence he will squirm for hours over this exposure.

Even the UN has pointed out this mechanism of religious discrimination as being unacceptable. Still Modi has the gall to persist with it.
First kindly provide the evidence requested by our ministries on behalf of Pakistani Hindus pertinent to the case of 11 massacred Pakistani Hindu civilians in Jodhpur this year. Your filthy qom shouldn't offer any sort of asylum or migrant opportunities for anyone while this track record of abusing justice persists. Pakistani fishermen die in your custody, Pakistani Hindus die under your watch. Pakistan will not forget. For now, your wailing about the supposed suffering of Hindus in Pakistan stands exposed as a simple tool to score cheap points for RSS.

India betrays Hindus as a routine.
Again, is there any evidence they were killed. Their bodies were found poisoned, they were living in a farm land. Probably they couldn't make a living as a migrant in India committing suicide. The only filth here are people who couldn't keep their minorities from leaving country, lest straight to their enemy country.
Yaar of course your crying

We don't want your monkey worshipping Jahilat

Accept it, the moment you come to peace with this the better it will be for you

We have no issue with your hindutva Republic
Jinnah did not just propose a Muslim state, he proposed and encouraged Indians to see sense and separate so they could make a Hindu state, Sikh state, xtian state

we need our own space so we can breath free and determine our own way of life and culture

the problem was never Jinnah, Jinnah understood and saw India clearly

the problem was you idiot Indians who spent time trying to force EVERYone into.one united India for all
and now you want a hindutva extremist state with hundreds of millions of non Hindus stuck in your one united India for all

Just like our faith, if you Indians had just come to peace with PARTITION south Asia could have been so much different and better
Instead your stuck with a poisonous communal India and animosity across all south Asia at Indians constant threats
With so many experts like you in Pakistan, humanity wonders, why is Pakistan in the current state since like ever?

You ooze so much confidence, have such clarity of thought, follow the perfect divine code, are the flagbearers of ummat (having aitami quwat), are guaranteed of heaven in the hereafter but still are looked down upon? Not so much by the kafirs, but by parts of ur own ummat? Really why?

While you ponder above above, let me tell you: Jinnah did a blessing to india. Forget India, I doubt whether China would want you to be its part.

Now please breathe freely.
Again, is there any evidence they were killed. Their bodies were found poisoned, they were living in a farm land. Probably they couldn't make a living as a migrant in India committing suicide. The only filth here are people who couldn't keep their minorities from leaving country, lest straight to their enemy country.
You've deceived plenty of Indian low caste Hindus into a life of servitude. We watch with horror as these people repeatedly live lives of servitude to higher castes and lament our historical failings in terms of liberating them when we had the opportunity. It's no surprise that low caste Hindus of other countries will also be deceived by your trickery into chanting "Jay shree ram" while being forced to stand as others sit, eat from different plates, and keep their children from mixing with yours. This is how hindutva and brahminism operate. Traditional forms of Hinduism and animism practised in the IVC had nothing to do with the brahminist cult.

Even if they're tricked into entering the Hindu rashtra under false promises of a twisted slave cult, we Pakistanis will still welcome them back if they see sense and return. Certainly, if their lives are threatened by false allegations, send them home.
The thing about brahminists is that the sense of sheer entitlement they hold remains perpetually in place, wherever they may be. Even in UK, brahminists routinely look on in horror with jaws wide open when someone dares to suggest their rewards in life should be based on merit, not perceived birth right. It is a very real problem that I know of and wage war against every day.
Pakistan is irrelevant in international fora. Why should we name them?
Pakistan is irrelevant in international fora. Why should we name them?

More like surrender modi learnt his lesson last year in February, and knows that he needs to shut up about Pakistan. Works well for us because now the world will now his previous crybaby attitude about Pakistan was totally irrelevant.

No point of him mentioning Pakistan when his country is too weak, powerless and scared to take on the Pakistani military despite being more than 7x bigger than Pakistan and having the full backing of the west and Russia. Hence india can forget about even dreaming about confronting China.

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