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Modi addressing UNGA makes no mention of Pakistan or China

Modi never give a damn to Imran from 1st day of his tenure. Indian representative is enough to response to Imran.

Ignorance is a best policy... Imran khan could had sent recorded speech of last year. Every year is same old speech and would be the same in future about Kashmir.

But, do anyone cares?.... I guess turkey, china and Iran.... Maximum
Not Iran, its Malaysia.
But China alone is enough. With China, they think they have the world world with them. Let them. LOL.
A weak leader is what Modi is. The following are Modi's achievements:

1. Indian economy destroyed.
2. Got a bloody nose during conflict on the 27th with Pakistan. Humiliated and begging for Rafale.
3. Got destroyed by China with sticks and clubs. Continues to get destroyed.
4. Covid is wreaking havoc. No policy in place to contain covid massacre. Only blame games.
5. Lynchings and mass rapes at an all time high. Minorities aren't safe. India earned the title for being the most unsafe place for women under Modi's watch.
A weak leader is what Modi is. The following are Modi's achievements:

1. Indian economy destroyed.
2. Got a bloody nose during conflict on the 27th. Humiliated and begging for Rafale.
3. Got destroyed by China with sticks and clubs. Continues to get destroyed.
4. Covid is wreaking havoc. No policy in place to contain massacre.
5. Lynchings and mass rapes at an all time high. Minorities aren't safe.
Please divide #5 into two. Or are minorities being raped? LOL.
Just watched the whole speech. A quick summary of what he seems to be saying;

Give us a seat at every table in the UN because:

1. we have a large population
2. done things to manage this large population that any half way decent government should already be doing
3. we participated in the UN for 75 years
4. He is laying the ground work to be accepted as the regional Hegemon because of regional initiatives. (he didn’t directly say this but alludes to it through charity donations to other countries)
5. A domestic consumption speech for his domestic audience to say look at all the great thinks the BJP has accomplished in just a few years.

In his speech he alludes to moving in the direction of becoming a “Self-Reliant” India, which would be the opposite of a interconnected global partner and more of a isolated kingdom, where Modi and his party bestow patronage to those that support him or at least don’t publicly oppose him.
somebody rightly said.. they cannot change the speech in one day.. at least the reactionary to IK speech..
A country where caste based system turns a Dalit into an untouchable(Achoot) is talking about humanity..how is this not a hypocrisy. The world actually knew more about India than what Indians think they do or don't.

In India they enact anti Muslim CAA, NRC, which states that Muslims from neighboring country are not allowed to get citizenship in India and rest of the people other than Islam/Muslims can and encouraged to do so...and here this hypocrite is talking about pluralism and tolerance.

His own party BJP has not picked a single Muslim as MLA in Lok Sabha and this clearly reeks of anti Muslims bigotry and hate and here in intl' forum this fake jumla politician is talking about sab ka Vikaas and equality in India...

The world opinion cannot be changed with these litany of falsehood which India preaches. Only a fool will think he can fool the world each and every time....

The world doesn't listen to and read Godi media controlled by Modi/BJP. Intl' press is coming up with all the truth about India(some links below)...

So making a fool of intl' audience doesn't works here, it may work in India for Andhbhakts and Sanghis and many more millions.

There are tens of hundred of other international media articles on the reality of India and they can be easily searched on Google.

This is really so childish of Modi to think that international audience can be fooled by these fake narrative of humanity, inclusiveness, tolerance, compassion, pluralism when talking about India when the reality can be seen as totally opposite to it. Walk the talk matters....

Still can't decipher in this age of global connectivity and internet only a fool will think about fooling the international audience.
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In India they enact anti Muslim CAA, NRC, which states that Muslims from neighboring country are not allowed to get citizenship in India and rest of the people other than Islam can and encouraged...and here this hypocrite is talking about pluralism and tolerance.
hmm why should Muslims from Pakistan or Bangladesh want Indian citizenship in the first place? You guys wanted to be in an Islamic republic.

PS : CAA only fasttracks citizenship for minorities from Pak, BD and Afg. Muslims can still get citizenship in India if you've been living here for 11 years or married to an Indian.
A country where caste based system turns a Dalit into an untouchable(Achoot) talking about humanity..how is this not a hypocrisy. The world actually knew more about India than what Indians think they do or don't.

In India they enact anti Muslim CAA, NRC, which states that Muslims from neighboring country are not allowed to get citizenship in India and rest of the people other than Islam/Muslims can and encouraged to do so...and here this hypocrite is talking about pluralism and tolerance.

His own party BJP has not picked a single Muslim as MLA in Lok Sabha and this clearly reeks of anti Muslims bigotry and hate and here in intl' forum this fake jumla politician is talking about sab ka Vikaas and equality in India...

The world opinion cannot be changed with these litany of falsehood which India preaches. Only a fool will think he can fool the world each and every time....

The world doesn't listen to and read Godi media controlled by Modi/BJP. Intl' press is coming up with all the truth about India(some links below)...

So making a fool of intl' audience doesn't works here, it may work in India for Andhbhakts and Sanghis and many more millions.

There are tens of hundred of other international media articles on the reality of India and they can be easily searched on Google.

This is really so childish of Modi to think that international audience can be fooled by these fake narrative of humanity, inclusiveness, tolerance, compassion, pluralism when talking about India when the reality can be seen as totally opposite to it. Walk the talk matters....

Still can't decipher in this age of global connectivity and internet only a fool will think about fooling the international audience.
Itna detail mein India ko study kiya hai to ye bhi pata kar lete ki Lok Sabha mein "MP" hota hai

CAA is for giving Indian citizenship to "minority communities which are getting mistreated". Do you know "minorities"? The ones which are on the verge of extinction today but were the originals once upon a time? The ones who were your ancestors? If you dont want them to to take advantage of CAA, please erase them in toto (Having already made them near extinct, you can easily do that). Or treat them properly (not possible but just assuming "theoretically").

Eitherway, CAA is not anti muslim. And, after carving out seperate "islamic republics", external muslims should not be welcome in India anyway. We have enough of them already. We would want to cap the population (theirs as well as overall).

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