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Mob torches 16 cattle trucks, Delhi-Jaipur highway blocked

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We Muslims will continue eating beef till the end of the Earth. Whether you hindus want to eat veg, pork beef, camel, goat hare, or bat excrement is entirely up to you.
If you think a animals life is worth more than a human your sick in the head.
you deserve to get stoned to death.

i dont care if cows is your god. you can drink its **** for all i care. but dont equate a animal above human.
primitive rat.

BUT Muslims treat Humans worse than animals........you kill people by stoning and chopping off their heads just like you chop off the heads of the animals you intend to kill and eat.........
While eating beef did you ever realize that humans and animals are killed in the same way according to Sharia......
The question is, did someone get to eat those BBQd cow or they had to be thrown out?
Must you torture my palette and stomach?:angry:

AND- "cat is cute...", hunh?

For you-


Still, I am going to feed you to Buttsy!

All I can hope for is Buttsy to be a reincarnation of some stong vegetarian and not the likes of you or your friends Armstrong and Hyprin.:)
The question is, did someone get to eat those BBQd cow or they had to be thrown out?

Since after Eid namaz, I have been eating beef kebab with fried onions and raita on the daily. OMG. It's been awesome. Indians can keep complaining.
Well this happened last month. Although i condemn the destruction of property (public as well as private), but don't break the law of the land. Moreover people must have listened to the authorities when they tried to convince the cattle was being sent to Gau Shala and not for slaughter.
Saffron extremist. Why do converts act more patriotic than the originals?

Hindu moron. Why do fools pretend to be intelligent but still make foolish statements ?

Aren't you the same idiot who said blue eyes are included in 'Indian definition of beauty as per Brahminical Hinduisms ' ? :lol:
You do realise there a lot of Hindus (for example Kerala) who eat beef?

I eat beef too. it tastes absolutely Blasphemous

And I don't crave my mother's tits.

as long as that mother is not mine that is.

There is a moral code practiced by Hindus, A Hindu value system that is fundamental to Hinduism. A cow/buffalo who gives milk to sustain humans is equivalent to a mother. The Hindu value system does not allow Hindus to kill that very being who gave life to them.

Murder is also practiced by Hindus, that does not make them any less Hindu.

Rape is also practiced by Hindus, that too does not make them any less Hindu.

Only sinful and brasht Hindus. Or what is better know as 'Asura'.

If you are bragging about being a Asura then that is your problem. You become a laughing stock for your admission and certainly a person to avoided by most cultured sensible people.

Cow killing is sinful in all Dharmic religion including Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism and Sikhism. Cow protection is an age old tradition, culture and an extremely holy practice.

All the Vedas, Bhagwat Gita, Puranas, Sruti, Smriti and Upanished's have spoken about cow protection and sin's of Gau Hatya. No practicing Hindu will ever consider killing a cow as 'normal'.

Even the Chinese who pretty much eat anything and Everything do not eat the cow. The beef taboo, known as niú jiè (牛戒), has historically been an important dietary restriction in Ancient China, particularly among the Han Chinese, as oxen and buffalo (bovines) are useful in farming and are respected. During the Zhou Dynasty, they were not often eaten, even by emperors. Some emperors banned killing cows. Beef is not recommended in Chinese medicine, as it is considered a hot food and is thought to disrupt the body's internal balance.

This beef taboo had become well accepted in the framework of Chinese morality and was found in morality books (善書), with several books dedicated exclusively to this taboo. The beef taboo comes from a Chinese perspective that relates the respect for animal life and vegetarianism (ideas shared by Buddhism, Confucianism and Daoism, and state protection for draught animals.) In Chinese society, only ethnic and religious groups not fully assimilated (such as the Muslim Huis and the Miao) and foreigners consumed this meat. This taboo, among Han Chinese, led Chinese Muslims to create a niche for themselves as butchers who specialized in slaughtering oxen and buffalo.
damn waht a waste give to me i can sale and will give you guys 50% shear
You don't get that either mate, eating Pork is haram in Islam if I m not wrong. How will a Muslim family feel then while sitting in a Pizza Hut when they'll see people on the next table feasting on 'Pizza Pepperoni'. Hindus got worked up bcz they thought those cattle were being taken to get butchered (which wasn't the case by the way) so if u justify that by any means then we have no right to question Muslims if they do same at a place which is serving Pork right ?

Pig is not Holy, it is the opposite, Pig is unhole for the muslims. Cow is specifically to be protected by the Hindus. There is no comparison.

The equivalent would be burning the koran by Hindus to be used as fuel.

Muslims can object to burning of koran by hindu, but to to serving pork.

In any case most practicing muslims cannot even eat any meat that is not Halal or hotels that do not serve halal meat. That pretty much counts out McDonnels, KFC and Pizza hut.
Hindu moron. Why do fools pretend to be intelligent but still make foolish statements ?

Aren't you the same idiot who said blue eyes are included in 'Indian definition of beauty as per Brahminical Hinduisms ' ? :lol:

32 Great signs came from India, didn't they. God you really are that smart, aren't you. Worship a cow as your mother. Cows became sacred after a great drought. Kill the machines that till an already unproductive land is deadly. Some smart hindus like yourself decided to start worshipping cows as their mother after that.
I like eating my beef burgers along with bacon BBQ's.

So I do mind it if both Hindu and Muslim religious nutjobs get their damn dirty hands of my food.

If you don't like it, don't indulge in it yourself.

Free country my brown ***

As I said earlier, your Asura nature is your true nature and upbringing.

Your fascination for all the is illegal or immoral like having $ex with your mother is your problem. No need to scream it out in the open.

Its a free country as long as you do not abuse that freedom. Your freedom ends where my rights begin.

You don't like it ? stay in NZ. :wave:

32 Great signs came from India, didn't they. God you really are that smart, aren't you. Worship a cow as your mother. Cows became sacred after a great drought. Kill the machines that till an already unproductive land is deadly. Some smart hindus like yourself decided to start worshipping cows as their mother after that.

You continue to give evidence of your stupidity.

Give me proof that those 32 great signs came fro India.

Protecting cow is not the same as worshiping a cow, or for that matter worshiping mother. Gau mata is a sign of respect and acknowledgement that she provide milk for you and by that sacrifice she gives you life. A life giver is a mata or mother.

Keep your foolish ideas to yourself. That is less humiliating for you.
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