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Mob torches 16 cattle trucks, Delhi-Jaipur highway blocked

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He threatened to beat up people with rods who make the personal choice of eating something.

You are a proud RSS member, doesn't matter to me.

They go around and try to save Hindu girls from Muslim men in the name of 'love jihad.'

That's all the information I need right there.

Look man, I care two f***s what Nair did or did not do to you. You take it up with him or complain to the mods.

When you start talking smut about the RSS sitting in New Zealand, you come across like a neo-liberal coconut.
Asuras exist as much as Aryans.

People who show noble qualities and use a value system in leading a Dharmic life are called Arayas.

Their opposite are the Asuras. People like you who are ignoble, ignorant, crude, immoral beef eaters. So Asuras do exist, just take a good long hard look in the mirror.

I love my India and am lucky a$$holes like you leave India. Just stay out.

You are absolutely right man. I did take a look at myself in the mirror this morning. I seem to be growing horns. Must be from all the beef eating.

There are doctors who save lives, police men who save lives andbrilliant scientists who eat beef too. Are they asuras?

Oh and btw, I amde a silly little joke and it was YOU who jumped at my throat and accused me of being immoral in a rude way. And here you are judging me arrogantly, even though you know next to nothing about my life.

All you religious extremists (Hindu, Christian and Islamic) are the same.

intolerant, arrogant, rude and utterly lacking a sense of humor. Oh and a constant persecution complex to boot.

stop being so serious, chill out and get a sense of humor.

Look man, I care two f***s what Nair did or did not do to you. You take it up with him or complain to the mods.

When you start talking smut about the RSS sitting in New Zealand, you come across like a neo-liberal coconut.

Would you like some whine with that cheese ?

I will keep talking smut about the RSS whether you like it or not. Like you have the freedom to call me a Neo-Liberal coconut.

Grow a stronger chin.
Great Work ... Its the Duty of Every Hindu to Protect Cow...

And Those Converts who claim to be Beef eater just dont Dare to Claim in front of a Real Hindus ... or their A&&e& will be Burned with Charcoal...

One who doesnt Protect Cow or Eats Beef is not a Hindu... We should Socially Ban them ... including a Kerala Hindu here who is jumping up here and there in the forum to show he is Dedicated Beef eater ... Such A&& holes should be beaten up with Rod and served to animals to know the pain that a Animal suffers when slaughtered, Rascals ...

Appreciate your words....:cheers:

BTW, what abt chicken...?in this country,most of the beef haters have no problem with chicken...like cow its also a life..:undecided:
You are absolutely right man. I did take a look at myself in the mirror this morning. I seem to be growing horns. Must be from all the beef eating.

There are doctors who save lives, police men who save lives andbrilliant scientists who eat beef too. Are they asuras?

Oh and btw, I amde a silly little joke and it was YOU who jumped at my throat and accused me of being immoral in a rude way. And here you are judging me arrogantly, even though you know next to nothing about my life.

All you religious extremists (Hindu, Christian and Islamic) are the same.

intolerant, arrogant, rude and utterly lacking a sense of humor. Oh and a constant persecution complex to boot.

stop being so serious, chill out and get a sense of humor.

Anyone who do not follow the Dharmic value system, give in to their Asura nature, become Asuras.

Ravana had doctors and scientist in his Army and Nation too. But they were Asuras as well, because they did not follow the Dharmic value system or code. Ravan was a Brahmin to boot, but he was/is/will be considered a Asura.

It is your actions and deeds that make your Arya or Asura.

Proclaiming beef eating as natural and normal is not funny nor is it moral or ethical. I am judging you on your own admission.

Get a sense of propriety, moral and ethics before telling others to have a sense of humor.
Would you like some whine with that cheese ?

I will keep talking smut about the RSS whether you like it or not. Like you have the freedom to call me a Neo-Liberal coconut.

Grow a stronger chin.

Stop generalizing based on your personal butt hurt for being exposed as the beef eating pseudo-Hindu coconut that you are.

The RSS remains unaffected by turds like you. Go copulate with some sheep out there.
Appreciate your words....:cheers:

BTW, what abt chicken...?in this country,most of the beef haters have no problem with chicken...like cow its also a life..:undecided:

I am a Life Long Vegetarian ... I am against Killing of Animal for Food ...
Stop generalizing based on your personal butt hurt for being exposed as the beef eating pseudo-Hindu coconut that you are.
I had thought I would have been long exposed as a pseudo secular. good to know that you don't generalize yourself.

Go copulate with some sheep out there.

No thank you. But by observing the hive nature of the saffron chaddiwallahs I am sure you will find you have no dearth in finding a mate among your flock.
Proclaiming beef eating as natural and normal is not funny nor is it moral or ethical. I am judging you on your own admission.

Get a sense of propriety, moral and ethics before telling others to have a sense of humor.

Yes it is. humor is subjective. What works for some, doesn't work for others.

Did you know that Cows fart so much that they are considered potential global warming contributors due to the amount of methane they release into the atmosphere?

Do you know what else is filled with hot air?

Your arguments.

tell you what my friend, I regret telling you to have a sense of humor because that was simply out of line.

Now will you stop judging other people not on their dietary choices but what they have done in terms of helping a fellow Human being?
I had thought I would have been long exposed as a pseudo secular. good to know that you don't generalize yourself.

I did not judge you till you spoke crap about the RSS. If you can generalize and be judgmental, so can others.

And I called you a pseudo-Hindu, not a pseudo-Secular.

One is religious in connotation, the other social. Appreciate the difference.

No thank you. But by observing the hive nature of the saffron chaddiwallahs I am sure you will find you have no dearth in finding a mate among your flock.

I would be way more comfortable in the company of any Indian knowing what to speak on a Pakistani forum, than a neo-liberal coconut who thinks it fashionable to talk crap about respected nationalist institutions of India from a foreign country, mouthing the opinion of his new white brothers.

News flash. They would still look at you as a brown skinned native. Does that make you feel let down? Used even?
ust dont Dare to Claim in front of a Real Hindus ... or their A&&e& will be Burned with Charcoal...

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...i-jaipur-highway-blocked-6.html#ixzz2i3HXYqzk
@Nair saab. I eat beef, and I am right here.

If your physical prowess is greater than your mental faculties.

You still don't stand a chance. That's what you internet RSS warriors are capable of. Sit behind your computer keyboard and incite violence.

Because you yourself are too weak, too cowardly to do it yourself.

I pity the jains because they miss the best things in life

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...i-jaipur-highway-blocked-6.html#ixzz2i3ILJSnW

Don't pity them too much. they are one of the most prosperous communities in India

I dont Care if U eat &hit sitting in New Zeland ... if u Dare to Show ur ugly CHoice in front of a Hindu Nationalist Face to Face He would make you eat ur &hit ...

And Yes i am RSS Carder a Hindu Nationalist a Cow Protector ... Unlike u Pu&&y who kill Poor Animals for Food... For a Hindu Cow is Gau... Mother and Equal to MotherLand ... Shame of u to eat a Mother...

Useless Convert ... neither u can Mess with on Web nor in real life ... The Will of a Hindu Nationalist can tame the mightiest Wrestler ...
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Yes it is. humor is subjective. What works for some, doesn't work for others.

Did you know that Cows fart so muchthat they are considered potential global warming contributors due to the ampunt of methane they release into the atmosphere?

Do you know what else is filled with hot air?

Your arguments.

So Asura logic is any living creature who farts is evil as they contribute to global warming :lol: Now that is Funny. Truly humor is subjective. :P

We all call smell the hot air here, so need to blame the poor cows again.
What upsets me is the fact that there clearly people here who supports killing people for enforcing the law. Not apprehending them, or chastising them, but support taking of Human lives to protect a custom.

And these same indians will turn around and call Pakistanis barbarians.


If u Stupids think u have right to Kill a Life for ur eating Habits ... We have Full Authority to Save one ...

The Answer to a Cow Butcher with Knife can only be a Hindu Nationalist with Knife to Defend her...

So Asura logic is any living creature who farts is evil as they contribute to global warming :lol: Now that is Funny. Truly humor is subjective. :P

We all call smell the hot air here, so need to blame the poor cows again.

Its not a Asura Logic ... even Asuras didnt use to kill Cow ... This is a Mlechha Logic ... these are Mlechha Aka Converts or western Slaves
Many cows caught from Chandigarh and adjoining areas are being transported to other parts of India in cow orphanage, these mobs think those cows are being taken to slaughter house, Couple pf month back this happened with trucks sent by Municipal corporation, Chandigarh for shifting owner less cows
You don't get that either mate, eating Pork is haram in Islam if I m not wrong. How will a Muslim family feel then while sitting in a Pizza Hut when they'll see people on the next table feasting on 'Pizza Pepperoni'. Hindus got worked up bcz they thought those cattle were being taken to get butchered (which wasn't the case by the way) so if u justify that by any means then we have no right to question Muslims if they do same at a place which is serving Pork right ?

Muslims and Jews do not eat pork, they consider the animal dirty and unhealthy. When this rule was passsed many years ago, there may have been many illnesses associated with pig worms, pig viruses and food poisoning. Of course with better farming techniques and slaughter practices pork meat does not pose the same risks.

Muslims living in western countries routinely dine in places where meat such as pork, beef, chicken, mutton, fish is served. They will order either the halal or non-meat meals. You give the example of Pizza Hut, most Muslims will order the vegetarian and fish meals. The rest of the restaurant will be with people ordering what they want, pepperoni or not, it is not their business.

For Hindus the cow issue goes a lot further and seems to be a complicated affair, since a meat is a very expensive type of food and due to the scarcity, it seems that the early Hindus wanted to reserve the meat for the upper and warrior castes, obviously they need the protein to mantain body mass and muscle esp for fighting. However, for the rest of the population the cow was made a sacred animal. conferring the title mata joining the ranks of the mother and nature/earth as the other two mothers. To make the animal even more sacred and thus to protect it from hungry stomachs, the cow mata was said to contain the prescence of many millions of gods and goddesses and thus it cannot be eaten. Cow urine was promoted as healthy for human consumption.

Yet many Hindus and Sikhs do eat beef, just as many Muslims drink, just as many Jews eat pork, the realtionship with food is personal and depends on the individual. This type of mass pogroms over food over personal belief and this choice is simply a nonsense.
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