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Mob torches 16 cattle trucks, Delhi-Jaipur highway blocked

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@Hyperion Lets see

1) Eat beef- check

2) Not believe in gods- check

3) Most definitely far too enamored with the carnal- check

Well now I know, I am an "Asura". Now If only I can find a way to make it sound cool.:chilli:
@doppelganger Beta tereko bithake kisi din properly khaana khilana padega, ulti ganga bahegi phir.:omghaha:

Not believing in Dharma and not believing in God are two different things.

Adharmic is relative morality where everything is good and nothing is bad. Which is the path you have claimed to walk.

So terrorism is also ok and so is incest.

Being enamored with the carnal is different from having multiple partners. It is also different from sleeping with another mans wife. Sri Ramchanraji was a king who could have multiple wives and sex slaves, the mariyada purush promised his wife never to look at another women. Ravan on the other hand did have multiple partners.

SO its clear that your hero is Ravan and not Ram. So why are you surprised that your are a Asura ?

In Kali yug you are already considered cool. Asuras are the cool ones in Kali yug. :angel:
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As mentioned earlier you do not have to share your lust for you mother and other sick fantasies with us. They are your personal choice.

If you cannot respect the faith of others do not expect others to offer that respect to you either.

But propriety and shame are not for the Asuras. Immorality, impropriety and crudeness is their mark.

Hahahahaha Not eating beef is your personal choice as well, why do you criticize others then?
Well honestly when I read posts inspired by religion and all [any religion] is very funny.

I dunno about you but our mother is for sure a human being. BTW I rather be an Asura than a religious nutjob.

Also you can be a good person without god. If people are just good out of fear of god it is sick, cause they are just pretending to be good.

Anyways If you dont want to eat its your personal choice and if we want to eat it is our personal choice so lets leave it at that. :)

Also I do not like an animal being slaughtered out of hate or just for fun, I will kill people like those if I could. Only take a life of an animal only if you are going to consume it.
The reason these things keep happening is because we dont allow police to act on mobs. Due to one consideration or other we let them go. We need the rule of land to be supreme. Just because you are upset does not mean you can do anything.
Sadly that is quite true.

Hinduism clearly defines the characteristics of Asura and one of them is taking pleasure in cow slaughter & eating food that is forbidden.

Now since you do not adhere to dharma as defined by Hinduism and you do not have the burden of being a Hindu or of any Dharmic faith.

You can now form your own religion or not, and enjoy the life of Asuravithu. Morality is no more a burden for you.

And thank whichever real/imaginary god/gods populate the ether for that. Achchi khaasi freedom hai, achcha kahsa desh hai jahaan apni marzi se jeeten hain..baaki sab jae ghas charne.:partay:

Don't worry though- as me and @Hyperion say, Lahore to Delhi, swinging in the wind.:agree:

Although, as an asura, can I grow to humongous proportions and use maya?:taz:
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Hahahahaha Not eating beef is your personal choice as well, why do you criticize others then?
Well honestly when I read posts inspired by religion and all [any religion] is very funny.

I dunno about you but our mother is for sure a human being. BTW I rather be an Asura than a religious nutjob.

Also you can be a good person without god. If people are just good out of fear of god it is sick, cause they are just pretending to be good.

Anyways If you dont want to eat its your personal choice and if we want to eat it is our personal choice so lets leave it at that. :)

Also I do not like an animal being slaughtered out of hate or just for fun, I will kill people like those if I could. Only take a life of an animal only if you are going to consume it.

It is a personal choice because I choose to be a Hindu.

Non Hindu's are not bound by the value systems of the Hindus or the value systems of other Dharmic faiths.

I find ignorant rants by the Asuras pretty funny and I would rather be a Hindu than a Asura.

You cannot be a good person without Dharma, otherwise you can claim everything is good. Osama bin Laden was good too. LOL.

Hinduism directs its followers to protect Dharma from the Adharmis and that is what we plan to do. Cow slaughter is Adhrama and every Hindu has a dharma of cow protection. You want to enforce Adhrama under the guise of 'personal choice' you cannot do it. Tomorrow under 'personal choice' you will practice incest. That too is still a No No.

It still does not prevent from eating pork, dog or lizards. Only creatures who's milk you consume. Animals who's sacrifice gives you life. That is enforcing a moral code of conduct.
And thank whichever real/imaginary god/gods populate the ether for that. Achchi khaasi freedom hai, achcha kahsa desh hai jahaan apni marzi se jeeten hain..baaki sab jae ghas charne.:partay:

Don't worry though- as me and @Hyperion say, Lahore to Delhi, swinging in the wind.:agree:

Although, as an asura, can I grow to humongous proportions and use maya?:taz:

Of course. Anybody without morality experiences absolute freedom. Enjoy it while you can.

Self restraint guided by morality is what makes Aryas different from the Asuras.

Why should I worry about you ? If Buddha was alive, he would have worried about you. I don't care if you sink to debauchery or eat like a pig to humongous proportions. You can lie and cheat, do fraud and create all kinds of maya too. You are a self declared Dilingerasura after all.
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It is a personal choice because I choose to be a Hindu.

Non Hindu's are not bound by the value systems of the Hindus or the value systems of other Dharmic faiths.

I find ignorant rants by the Asuras pretty funny and I would rather be a Hindu than a Asura.

You cannot be a good person without Dharma, otherwise you can claim everything is good. Osama bin Laden was good too. LOL.

Hinduism directs its followers to protect Dharma from the Adharmis and that is what we plan to do. Cow slaughter is Adhrama and every Hindu has a dharma of cow protection. You want to enforce Adhrama under the guise of 'personal choice' you cannot do it. Tomorrow under 'personal choice' you will practice incest. That too is still a No No.

It still does not prevent from eating pork, dog or lizards. Only creatures who's milk you consume. Animals who's sacrifice gives you life. That is enforcing a moral code of conduct.

Okay, First of all I was born a Hindu but I do not believe in religion. Secondly what do you mean bypeople cannot be a good person without dharma? Thats just stupid. Good can be done by anybody or anyone just like bad. Claiming everything is good is just stupidity, just cause people eat beef you compare them with murdering lunatics?
So if you do good in the name of religion like killing people of other faits etc is "dharma" haha.

Anyways your just a religious bigot and your definition of good is being good because of the fear of god but our definition of good is to do good for humanity and not cause harm for others and be a sensible human being if that makes me an Asura or Satan or Jin or an Alien I am glad, so be it.

PS - Asura's gonna come at you in the night, lock your doors close your windows and check under your bed :D

Of course. Anybody without morality experiences absolute freedom. Enjoy it while you can.

Self restraint guided by morality is what makes Aryas different from the Asuras.

Why should I worry about you ? If Buddha was alive, he would have worried about you. I don't care if you sink to debauchery or eat like a pig to humongous proportions. You can lie and cheat, do fraud and create all kinds of maya too. You are a self declared Dilingerasura after all.

Lol its been a long time since we saw a religious nutjob from India :D Enjoy your stay here.
Okay, First of all I was born a Hindu but I do not believe in religion. Secondly what do you mean bypeople cannot be a good person without dharma? Thats just stupid. Good can be done by anybody or anyone just like bad. Claiming everything is good is just stupidity, just cause people eat beef you compare them with murdering lunatics?
So if you do good in the name of religion like killing people of other faits etc is "dharma" haha.

Anyways your just a religious bigot and your definition of good is being good because of the fear of god but our definition of good is to do good for humanity and not cause harm for others and be a sensible human being if that makes me an Asura or Satan or Jin or an Alien I am glad, so be it.

PS - Asura's gonna come at you in the night, lock your doors close your windows and check under your bed :D

Lol its been a long time since we saw a religious nutjob from India :D Enjoy your stay here.

Its clear to me that you are a fool so its going to be a long night.

I don't care if you believe in religion or not. Why are you tell me this ? I am not your psychiatrist. Ravana was a Hindu Brahmin too, and he too thought that he was doing good for his people. In fact his Lanka was a golden city. Still he was not Dharmic and hence non of his claim of 'being good' and doing 'good for his people' is accepted and he is still the Asura who is burn every Dussehra.

Its Dharma is what defines what is good or bad. LOL.

Of course good and bad can be done by anybody .... what is the point here ? That hindus cannot commit crime ? :lol: .... or that anybody who commits crime is not a hindu ?

I am not claiming anything, Hinduism is or for that matter any Dharmic relgion is. If you don't like it, don't be a Hindu or be Dharmic. Why blame me for it ?

I did not say eating Beef is bad or wrong. Hinduism did and other Dharmic religion did. Those who take pleasure in killing cows and eating them are defined as ASURA in Hinduism. It is not my definition. LOL.

You have no definition of 'good of humanity' :lol: People like you drop Nuclear bombs for the 'goof of humanity'. You do not get to choose what is 'good of humanity'. Various religions does that. or UN does that.

There is nothing worse that people who claim to have 'Good Intentions' for the 'Good of Humanity' :lol: ........ the path to hell is full of fools who have good intentions.
Couple of things for Hindu baniyas.

Muslims dont care if anyone eat pig, they think its disgusting and not Pig mata like hindus. So there is no comparision, i personally feel Hindu mata should be protected at all costs. Another parition is needed so Hindus can protect their matas, Jinnah was 100% right when he said Muslim-Hindus cant live toghether. One eat Cow Mata and the other protect it.
@WebMaster @Aeronaut Damn it! Ye kya haal bana rakha hai. Half the posts are not even going through. How am I supposed to entertain myself now, that too when such tantalizing opportunities have presented themselves in the guise of this thread and the dodos populating it?
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As mentioned earlier you do not have to share your lust for you mother and other sick fantasies with us. They are your personal choice.

If you cannot respect the faith of others do not expect others to offer that respect to you either.

But propriety and shame are not for the Asuras. Immorality, impropriety and crudeness is their mark.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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