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Mob torches 16 cattle trucks, Delhi-Jaipur highway blocked

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Meanwhile Im eating gau mata burges!!!! :D :tup:
You are funny man. Pig is not revered by them and hence they have never objected Pig slaughtering.

What I meant there was that Hindus object serving of Beef ryt ? similar apprehensions are there in Muslim community regarding serving of Pork in public places. Why not put outright ban on both then.
You don't get that either mate, eating Pork is haram in Islam if I m not wrong. How will a Muslim family feel then while sitting in a Pizza Hut when they'll see people on the next table feasting on 'Pizza Pepperoni'. Hindus got worked up bcz they thought those cattle were being taken to get butchered (which wasn't the case by the way) so if u justify that by any means then we have no right to question Muslims if they do same at a place which is serving Pork right ?

Ummm you are a retarded Baniya...

Muslims have no objection to anyone eating pork. Unless of course you eat it like a a$$hole or deliberately stuff into my mouth.
Nope , it's restricted to some quarter of fourth generation of India.

Could be, there is no hard and fast dietary or cultural rule that enforces beef eating obviously, some people just do. Its not just Kerala or the south, even in the NE there is a goodly populace of beef eaters.
What I meant there was that Hindus object serving of Beef ryt ? similar apprehensions are there in Muslim community regarding serving of Pork in public places. Why not put outright ban on both then.

You are not getting the difference between religious sentiments and hating something .

Could be, there is no hard and fast dietary or cultural rule that enforces beef eating obviously, some people just do. Its not just Kerala or the south, even in the NE there is a goodly populace of beef eaters.

May be but in NE , they eat everything alive they can lay their hands on.

Could be, there is no hard and fast dietary or cultural rule that enforces beef eating obviously, some people just do. Its not just Kerala or the south, even in the NE there is a goodly populace of beef eaters.

May be but in NE , they eat everything alive they can lay their hands on.
Here is a thought, go after the grill houses....OR NOT...they serve the most splendid rib eye.
I like eating my beef burgers along with bacon BBQ's.

So I do mind it if both Hindu and Muslim religious nutjobs get their damn dirty hands of my food.

If you don't like it, don't indulge in it yourself.

Free country my brown ***
You are not getting the difference between religious sentiments and hating something .

May be but in NE , they eat everything alive they can lay their hands on.

May be but in NE , they eat everything alive they can lay their hands on.

Just the way it should be, sustenance is sustenance. Besides in ten-twenty years the world will we CHINA, as in all of it will become China, imagine having to make do with a bird's nest.:taz: In defense of eating beef, it does taste damn good but not as good as lamb.:tup:
Good Job. Kill the bastereds who takes animals for slaughter. Well done Villagers.

If you think a animals life is worth more than a human your sick in the head.
you deserve to get stoned to death.

i dont care if cows is your god. you can drink its **** for all i care. but dont equate a animal above human.
primitive rat.
I like eating my beef burgers along with bacon BBQ's.

So I do mind it if both Hindu and Muslim religious nutjobs get their damn dirty hands of my food.

If you don't like it, don't indulge in it yourself.

Free country my brown ***

No accounting for taste. Don't like mixing the two, indulge in bacon with some hash browns and runny eggs in the morning- don't go making a chimera out of it- same for beef.:angry:
I had a few bad experiences with South Indians as a child.

Sorry about that bro =)

I dodn't mean to label all North Indians as bad.

It's just my experience in Delhi was not positive.
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