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Minority leaders in Bangladesh demand separate ministry and equal rights


May 10, 2010
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Minority leaders in Bangladesh demand separate ministry and equal rights

Minority leaders in Bangladesh demand separate ministry and equal rights :: Weekly Blitz

by News Desk
September 2, 2012
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Advocate Gobinda Chandra Pramanik, secretary general of Bangladesh National Hindu Grand Alliance and Ripon Roy, president of the youth forum of the same organization in a statement asked the Bangladesh government as well as the members of the National Parliament to bring the bills for establishment of a separate ministry for the religious minorities in the country. They also demanded 25 percent reserve seats for the representatives of the religious minorities in the country as well as immediately recovering illegally grabbed properties of Hindu temples as well as Hindu religious institutions in Bangladesh. They said more than three hundred properties of Hindu temples and Hindu religious institutions are illegally grabbed by influential Muslims with political affiliations with the major political parties in the country.

Expressing dissatisfaction over ignoring the rights of the religious minority groups in the country, Advocate Gobinda Chandra Pramanik said repression on the religious minorities have already reached into an alarming level. Even during the rule of Bangladesh Awami League, which proclaims to be secularist, series of incidents on attack on Hindu temples, demolition of deities, attack on Hindu families as well as other forms of brutalities took place, where in many cases, leaders of the ruling party or their youth and student fronts were directly involved.

He said, the current government should take immediate measures in recovering the properties of Hindu temples and Hindu institutions from the illegal grabbers and extend all possible cooperation in construction of temples and other infrastructures on such lands.

Advocate Pramanik demanded introduction of a bill in the next session of parliament to create a separate ministry for the religious minorities in Bangladesh.
Hindus don't even equal rights in B'desh.

Minority leaders in Bangladesh demand separate ministry and equal right
Hundreds of Hindu temples destroyed ,thousands of their women raped, their lands illegally taken away. With BNP coming to power is only fear worst of Hindus in B'Desh.
And what I find most amusing is the fact that Muslim say Islam is a religion of Peace.
There are no minorities in BD. We're all one big family. :D

But we do worry about some minorities, those on the other side of the border who (including pregnant women) die slow painful deaths by certain sharp objects carried by:





... terrorist breeding camps:


... state-sponsored terrorism by the orders of the messiah from the blood-stained land of a certain province:


Now awaiting some verbal diarrhea from online compatriots of the real-life hindtuvamullas. :woot::P
Since Awami league came to power hindus enjoys more privilage and imposed minority rule over
majority under disguise of secularism. All ministries, banks and institutions are overly appointed and
promoted from hindu community. This Rana Das Gupta is shouting on indian dime to mask what india
doing against Muslims in Assam and elsewhere in indian.

But knowing that full well why captain of Awami fanboy populating this pure propaganda?
Is Awami fanboy captain is from hindu community or acting on indian dime?
They also demanded 25 percent reserve seats for the representatives of the religious minorities

25%?:woot: were they smoking weed while watching ballywood junks. :lol: They have less than 15% population here of which majority having properties and bank balance across the border, but now have the audacity to spout such non sense. These morons demanding such absurdity should go to their dada's country where they will get bambooed via their ***. Shuke thkate bhute kilai ader-re. Bangladesh National Hindu Grand Alliance is a RAW hub and obviously these lunatics will spout myths of oppression while they live here like kings and conspire against the state.
There are no minorities in BD. We're all one big family. :D

But we do worry about some minorities, those on the other side of the border who (including pregnant women) die slow painful deaths by certain sharp objects carried by:






With the assurance of security forces who guard and make sure repression on minority people go smooth by majority b$st$rds.....completing your missing lines :P .

BTW, there's already one such ministry responsible for minority and religious issues, can't recall the name though.
minority leaders in bangladesh must demand separate country on TNT basis..............:tongue:

what you are proposing is an invitation to slaughter 9% remaining Hindus!!

minority leaders in bangladesh must demand separate country on TNT basis..............:tongue:

what you are proposing is an invitation to slaughter 9% remaining Hindus!!
what you are proposing is an invitation to slaughter 9% remaining Hindus!!

Thank you. Its always a pleasure when people talk straight. All the typical BS lip service about 'one big family', 'there are no minority issues in BD', 'the falling % of minorities actually means they are doing great' etc etc are conversation no starters.

And the gentleman who posted pictures from India, your response was too predictable. Kindly use more imagination next time.
There are only 10% minority in Bd yet more than 10% civil servants come from minority back ground(mostly Hindus thanks to Awami Hindu minded league) compare to less than 1% in Indian civil servants with 30% minority population. Now a days majority Bangladeshi Muslims asking whether they have become minority in supposedly Muslim majority Bangladesh. I believe Hindus crossing their limit and some how thinking that they have become ruling class with Awami in power.
There are only 10% minority in Bd yet more than 10% civil servants come from minority back ground(mostly Hindus thanks to Awami Hindu minded league) compare to less than 1% in Indian civil servants with 30% minority population. Now a days majority Bangladeshi Muslims asking whether they have become minority in supposedly Muslim majority Bangladesh. I believe Hindus crossing their limit and some how thinking that they have become ruling class with Awami in power.
Out of 47 recently promoted secretaries, 24s are Hindus. Hindus were given license to preside over JI leader's cases, hence detention prolonged without any legal or moral bindings. Hindu minister Suranjit set up his own investigation team that certified him as innocent after his driver getting caught red handed with bribed money. Hindu cadres were frequently giving Lathi-baitha treatment to understanding Muslims but their OCs and SPs weren't even taking cases against them. Now the question would be what else more needed to call Hindus more powerful than 88% Muslims of BD? Infect, they became more powerful than Muslims right after W Pakistani soldiers left our mother land but we hardly addressed that bitter truth. Up until the time Muslims openly admit that they haven’t become more independent than PAK era and set the re-course to militarily unify with 56 other countries of their types, I don’t see much of their changing fortune in near future.
Since Awami league came to power hindus enjoys more privilage and imposed minority rule over
majority under disguise of secularism. All ministries, banks and institutions are overly appointed and
promoted from hindu community. This Rana Das Gupta is shouting on indian dime to mask what india
doing against Muslims in Assam and elsewhere in indian.

But knowing that full well why captain of Awami fanboy populating this pure propaganda?
Is Awami fanboy captain is from hindu community or acting on indian dime?

But knowing that full well why captain of Awami fanboy populating this pure propaganda?
Is Awami fanboy captain is from hindu community or acting on indian dime?
Idune Bhai, Captain Planet is probably not working on Bharati's dime as he is extremely vocal against their Hanomanic Chauvinism and he is also enriched in rebutting Bharati's circular logic but sometime acts like juvenile and innocent moron that demonstrate his segregation with BD's grass-rotes. I think he is a rich daddy’s go-boy type son, has led elitist life at BD and very well aware of treacherousness of Hindus because of having GOTI's connection. As he doesn't have grass-root dealing, he questions like ingenuity of JI leaders rape cases. I also find the logic behind his AWAMY leaning ness as having BD a state has uplifted GHOTIS from Bharati Carany giri and Pakistani power sharer to all powerful BD's elitists, for which they feel eternally indebted to RAWAMY dalals. I hope U would get my drift, thanks.

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