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Minority leaders in Bangladesh demand separate ministry and equal rights

How do you know, may be this time IA would save them from being slaughtered like the last time they saved guys like iajduni et al from guys like you.

bla bla bla, troll and Personal attack without any provocation ! typical Labong .......................
Once paranoia of subcontinental Hindus led to creation of two nation theory and now the Hindus in BD demand seprate ministry on the basis of religion.
Once paranoia of subcontinental Hindus led to creation of two nation theory and now the Hindus in BD demand seprate ministry on the basis of religion.

There is a Ministry of Minority Affairs in India...and in Pakistan as well....whats wrong with something similar in Bangladesh...
There is a Ministry of Minority Affairs in India...and in Pakistan as well....whats wrong with something similar in Bangladesh...

The concept of minority in Bangladesh does not exists. These attention seeker just want some personal favor by saying something in media. They are no minority leader neither anybody ever heard of them.
Once paranoia of subcontinental Hindus led to creation of two nation theory and now the Hindus in BD demand seprate ministry on the basis of religion.

Theory was given by founding fathers of Pakistan, why disowning it.
Theory was given by founding fathers of Pakistan, why disowning it.

Coined by hardliner Hindus of subcontinent adopted by our founding fathers.

There is a Ministry of Minority Affairs in India...and in Pakistan as well....whats wrong with something similar in Bangladesh...

Nothing wrong as long BD finds it in good positive spirit whats wrong is the timing and thinking behind the idea specially of players from India
This coming from people where during Qurbani Eid in your country you deploy para-military, in our country during some durga pooja or anything, we don't mind.

Look towards mumbai riots to know why para military is deployed.......that too ONLY IN SENSITIVE AREAS ......

Coined by hardliner Hindus of subcontinent adopted by our founding fathers.

Nothing wrong as long BD finds it in good positive spirit whats wrong is the timing and thinking behind the idea specially of players from India

coined by hardliner hindus ...but not followed by the hindu massess

What arong with the timing ?? and thinking ??/ elections are coming...the hindu community is seeing which party is ready to give them a btter deal........its all politics........happens in India and in pakistan....Why cry over it ??
When Muslims in India ask for land on the basis of religion, its Two Nation Theory.

When Hindus ask for some seats, its craziness?

Nothing is craziness the Hindus can demand if they have the same courage and spirit.

Be thankful that unlike you ungrateful b@stards, at least they are not uncivilized enough to break the country they live in.

Bunch of low-life hypocritic chuuts you guys are...

By reading your mental level in the above post we are sure we have left behind the ungratful scum in India
This coming from people where during Qurbani Eid in your country you deploy para-military, in our country during some durga pooja or anything, we don't mind.

Lol whom are you fooling? Need I remind you of the events during Durga Puja in 2001?
1) I have lotta muslim friends, and there is not a locality called muslim locality in my city...

2) I must say, that hindu muslim fricttion is more in N India than in south cos of the absence of persecution by muslim kings on hindus in southern India.... but in north it was totally opposite... Maybe thats the reason the friction still exists....

1) It is good to know that your part of India is quite religion-blind.

2) But, why do you think the Muslim sovereigns persecuted the Hindus in historical times? Rather, it was Muslims who were always persecuting and killing their opponent group of Muslims in the northern, western and eastern of India that includes today's Bangladesh. Please give me one historical reference to prove your point.

Someone is trying to prove that Hindus live in fearof Muslims in India, Muslims do not pay taxes and muslims do not pay gas bills. I understand that Muslims are the descendents of all those Muslims whose muscles won the Muslims a position of strength in India. The culture may still be continuing. But, the causes of their unruly behavior today may be from lack of getting equal treatment from the majority Hindus of India.
This coming from people where during Qurbani Eid in your country you deploy para-military, in our country during some durga pooja or anything, we don't mind.

really? i think i went to muslim friend house to eat biryani that time and there was not even police there....
Try to prove.. dont troll
Bangladesh. According to most Hindu lawmakers and businessmen, such racism hardly affected their life. Some of the most powerful, notable, and successful people are hindus. Even after 1971,some people of the Hindu religion who lost all their properties and lost family members, worked hard and became multi millionaire.
Bangladesh is different than India, in a sense that, if you work hard or creative, you will be successful. We focus on individuals rather than collective group rights. MAtter of fact, most of this anti-hindu rhetoric, are promoted mostly by Indians here on PDF who cant accept the fact that Hindus in Bangladesh are better off than Muslims in India on any given day.
2) But, why do you think the Muslim sovereigns persecuted the Hindus in historical times? Rather, it was Muslims who were always persecuting and killing their opponent group of Muslims in the northern, western and eastern of India that includes today's Bangladesh. Please give me one historical reference to prove your point.

Mysorean invasion of Kerala - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sultan Sikandar Butshikan ''destroyer of idols ''

Feroz shah Tughlaq

Mahmid of ghazni

Read about all of them and their love for Hindus......if you want more let me

Someone is trying to prove that Hindus live in fearof Muslims in India, Muslims do not pay taxes and muslims do not pay gas bills. I understand that Muslims are the descendents of all those Muslims whose muscles won the Muslims a position of strength in India. The culture may still be continuing. But, the causes of their unruly behavior today may be from lack of getting equal treatment from the majority Hindus of India.

The cause of their unruly behaviour ??............Who says all muslims are like that ............Many muslims have joined the mainstream india........But majority of them are becoming unruly......the cause is not hindus or the govt...you can see that by the political influence they wield.........

The cause for their state of living is themselves.....Arrey who tells them make children like cats..........Instead just two kids...get them educated and marry the girl after 20 or so after giving her good education...so double income for family and so and so..........Rest of india is slowly evolving focusing around education ..........

Take bangladesh for example ..........All well to do middle class family are doing well due ot their education and family planning !!! Go to slums or poor areas....tell me is it any different than India !!

Pasris have the highest per capita income
then Xians then Jains and then only hindus...................

And Yes its not only muslims .....but many indians do not pay taxes.........infact only 4 % filed tax return in 2005/6

Bangladesh. According to most Hindu lawmakers and businessmen, such racism hardly affected their life. Some of the most powerful, notable, and successful people are hindus. Even after 1971,some people of the Hindu religion who lost all their properties and lost family members, worked hard and became multi millionaire.
Bangladesh is different than India, in a sense that, if you work hard or creative, you will be successful. We focus on individuals rather than collective group rights. MAtter of fact, most of this anti-hindu rhetoric, are promoted mostly by Indians here on PDF who cant accept the fact that Hindus in Bangladesh are better off than Muslims in India on any given day.

Well since the hindu community are able to voice their demands.. ...i believe what you are saying is right....home BD becomes the first truly secular Muslim nation ........Maybe thats why Bd is growing at a faster pace than Pakistan
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