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Minority leaders in Bangladesh demand separate ministry and equal rights

Kuwait, UAE, Lebanon, Qatar, ) Countries in which Hindus migrate in billions.

These nation dont give you citizenship...........they give you money for you work amd fire you at will....and do try finding justice from the poilice there ........Hindus arent allowed to practice their religion in open . You cant call this minority in a muslim country....for they are not citizens...............True minorities in Kuwait is Shias..........do read about whats happening to them and the recent Blasephemy law incidents

Why do BJP/RSS fanboys keep generalizing Muslims? There's something very communal about these two statements:

1) All Indian Muslims are lazy, useless and want to remain uneducated.
2) All Indian Bengali Muslims are illegal BDs.

I don't mind hearing all the whining.. as long as you don't slash them to pieces. :)

All indian musims are not lazy [Azim premji ] nor useless [Abdul kalam sir] now want to remain uneducated.....but majority prefers ...early marriage for girls [ right in high school ]...mulitiple kids [ what about education !!!] and then complain about low per caipta income and poor standard of living

Illega muslim in Assam in increasing ....hence the paranoid will see them everywhere
1) All indian musims are not lazy [Azim premji ] nor useless [Abdul kalam sir] now want to remain uneducated.....but majority prefers ...early marriage for girls [ right in high school ]...mulitiple kids [ what about education !!!] and then complain about low per caipta income and poor standard of living.

2) Illegal muslim in Assam in increasing ....hence the paranoid will see them everywhere

1) Many of our ignorant Mullhs in Bangladesh want our muslims to remain lazy and uneducated, same as Indian Muslims, so that they trust these Jamaati Mullahs' verbal guarantee of an eternal Paradise for them. A living Hell in this world and an eternal afterdeath Paradise- this is how the Jamaatis want to build a Taliban State in Bangladesh that can only be acieved when people remain functionally uneducated and superstitious.

2) It is wrong to assume that Muslims in Assam are illegal. Rather, Assam has been illegally annexed to India. Assam was independent even during Muslim rule at the late 18th Century and these Muslims have been living there since 1203 when an expedition by Malik Bakhtier of Bengal failed.
1) Many of our ignorant Mullhs in Bangladesh want our muslims to remain lazy and uneducated, same as Indian Muslims, so that they trust these Jamaati Mullahs' verbal guarantee of an eternal Paradise for them. A living Hell in this world and an eternal afterdeath Paradise- this is how the Jamaatis want to build a Taliban State in Bangladesh that can only be acieved when people remain functionally uneducated and superstitious.

Very true. I can say that the Indian Muslim leaders are the biggest reason of under development of Muslims.

They donot want to encourage the Muslims to study in schools and colleges. They send their own kids to the best of colleges in India, but tell the regular people to goto madrassah's and become 'good muslims'. Just so that they remain illiterate, poor and easy to incite ...and a votebank.

Then they keep using them as cannon fodder for their political games.
2) It is wrong to assume that Muslims in Assam are illegal. Rather, Assam has been illegally annexed to India. Assam was independent even during Muslim rule at the late 18th Century and these Muslims have been living there since 1203 when an expedition by Malik Bakhtier of Bengal failed.

Assam, the next Kashmir?

BBC News - Why the violence in Assam is not communal

Iam not talking about muslims already there before.....that is bengali speaking and other language speaking muslims.................But BD immigrants ............just read these two links .........
If minorities are such in bad condition in Bangladesh, then how is it that the US along with the Western world say that minority rights in Bangladesh are improving?

BBC NEWS | South Asia | US praises Bangladesh 'freedoms'
Discrimination declines: US

This forum has some very weird and angry folks.

Those guys can certainly get off some steam to gain some self-esteem :rofl:

Conditions of minority has improved under present regime , conditions would be back to square one when BNP comes back to power with her Jihad*i boyfriends.
I don't think Hobos from india have the brains to comment on such issues such as minority rights.
1) Many of our ignorant Mullhs in Bangladesh want our Muslims to remain lazy and uneducated, same as Indian Muslims, so that they trust these Jamaati Mullahs' verbal guarantee of an eternal Paradise for them. A living Hell in this world and an eternal afterdeath Paradise- this is how the Jamaatis want to build a Taliban State in Bangladesh that can only be acieved when people remain functionally uneducated and superstitious

Congratulation. You are now officially an ignorant and uninformed when comes to Bd. Do some research and then talk you Fasiq. Fact of the matter is, Jamatis are educated from top to bottom. Go ahead and do some finding about Jamat and shibir. In Sylhet we call people like you: gardov.

It's BAL that promoting bigotry in Bd.
^^^ @Al zakir bro, what do you expect from them? These awami guys are blind haters and fit the definition extremist terrorist. Intellectually and morally bankrupt, the only thing they can do is find faults in others and find excuses for their terrorism and corruption. True characters of munafiqs.
Out of 47 recently promoted secretaries, 24s are Hindus. Hindus were given license to preside over JI leader's cases, hence detention prolonged without any legal or moral bindings. Hindu minister Suranjit set up his own investigation team that certified him as innocent after his driver getting caught red handed with bribed money. Hindu cadres were frequently giving Lathi-baitha treatment to understanding Muslims but their OCs and SPs weren't even taking cases against them. Now the question would be what else more needed to call Hindus more powerful than 88% Muslims of BD? Infect, they became more powerful than Muslims right after W Pakistani soldiers left our mother land but we hardly addressed that bitter truth. Up until the time Muslims openly admit that they haven’t become more independent than PAK era and set the re-course to militarily unify with 56 other countries of their types, I don’t see much of their changing fortune in near future.

How did they manage more than 50% promotions?? Did they have any reservations or is based on merit???

the number you mention look skewed. Do you have any link to the same??
How did they manage more than 50% promotions?? Did they have any reservations or is based on merit???

the number you mention look skewed. Do you have any link to the same??

That is wrong info...

I do not have the full list of Secretaries but from the list of Joint Secretaries and Additional Secretaries it is apparent that hindus have higher number of representation then their real percentage but it is around 15% where as hindu is around 9% of the total population.

Full list of Additional Secretaries and Joint Secretaries is below:

List of Additional Secretaries

List of Joint Secretaries

But for Secretaries I do not believe the number is so high for the Hindus ... From the list of present and former Cabinet Secretaries, Foreign and communication Secretaries it is apparent that there were no hindus on those position from post independent Bangladesh.

Cabinet Division - Bangladesh - Cabinet Secretary - List of Cabinet Secretaries

List of Former Foreign Secretaries

Ministry of Communication, Bangladesh
There are only 10% minority in Bd yet more than 10% civil servants come from minority back ground(mostly Hindus thanks to Awami Hindu minded league) compare to less than 1% in Indian civil servants with 30% minority population. Now a days majority Bangladeshi Muslims asking whether they have become minority in supposedly Muslim majority Bangladesh. I believe Hindus crossing their limit and some how thinking that they have become ruling class with Awami in power.

thats because hindus are just better mate..
That is wrong info...

I do not have the full list of Secretaries but from the list of Joint Secretaries and Additional Secretaries it is apparent that hindus have higher number of representation then their real percentage but it is around 15% where as hindu is around 9% of the total population.

Full list of Additional Secretaries and Joint Secretaries is below:

List of Additional Secretaries

List of Joint Secretaries

But for Secretaries I do not believe the number is so high for the Hindus ... From the list of present and former Cabinet Secretaries, Foreign and communication Secretaries it is apparent that there were no hindus on those position from post independent Bangladesh.

Cabinet Division - Bangladesh - Cabinet Secretary - List of Cabinet Secretaries

List of Former Foreign Secretaries

Ministry of Communication, Bangladesh

Have you guys been racist...what's wrong if major percent of govt. employees are from minority based on their qualification and merit? Our primary, secondary educations' backbone have been built mainly from Hindu peoples' contribution which is the base of our education. If there is no corruption in employing people, it's not a problem which religion they belong to.

Unfortunately, it's not happening in BD and recently it has exceeded all limit. For example current MD of Sonali Bank Pradip Kumar Dutta who joined there on June this year was directly recommended by Pranab. During his last visit Pranab asked Hasina directly that Pradip is like his younger brother and he should be given the position. There was an expense of tk 50 million too as well. My friend is an official of Rajshahi Krishi Unnayon Bank and Pradip was with that bank before joining Sonali Bank...he was telling me this the day transfer order was made. Now my question is can our Hasina influence posting of even a clerk of any dept. of india?
Have you guys been racist...what's wrong if major percent of govt. employees are from minority based on their qualification and merit? Our primary, secondary educations' backbone have been built mainly from Hindu peoples' contribution which is the base of our education. If there is no corruption in employing people, it's not a problem which religion they belong to.

Unfortunately, it's not happening in BD and recently it has exceeded all limit. For example current MD of Sonali Bank Pradip Kumar Dutta who joined there on June this year was directly recommended by Pranab. During his last visit Pranab asked Hasina directly that Pradip is like his younger brother and he should be given the position. There was an expense of tk 50 million too as well. My friend is an official of Rajshahi Krishi Unnayon Bank and Pradip was with that bank before joining Sonali Bank...he was telling me this the day transfer order was made. Now my question is can our Hasina influence posting of even a clerk of any dept. of india?

Where did you find racist term in my post??? I was just refuting the claim that 24/47 secretaries are Hindu though real number of Secretaries is around 68. Not only Sonali Bank but also each and every top position of every organization is traded. From 50 lakh to as much high as it can go... This is not only the case of this government but past governments as well. Government organizations should be free from political influence. Otherwise nothing better can be expected from that.

This is another example...

Allegation of corruption against Wasa MD

daily sun | Back Page | Allegation of corruption against Wasa MD
→ Staff Correspondent

Allegation of massive corruption has been raised against Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (Wasa) managing director Taksim A Khan.

Major allegation against Taksim is that he has been drawing double salaries and getting other financial benefits for more than two years.

Taksim A Khan is allegedly doing irregularities by using his political influence, sources said.

After assumption of office by the Awami League-led Grand Alliance government, Taksim was appointed to the post by his friend and then Wasa Board chairman Dr Engr Gholam Mostofa.

In 2009, allegations have it, Taksim was appointed Wasa MD on political considerations and nepotism.

Taksim passed a resolution at a board meeting in April 2010 just to double his salary. His salary was hiked from Tk 1.20 lakh to Tk 2 lakh per month.

Similarly, the salary of the deputy managing directors was increased from Tk 85,000 to Tk 1.40 lakh monthly.

Monthly honorarium of the chairman was raised from Tk 15,000 to Tk 25,000 while that of vice-chairman from Tk 7,000 to Tk 12,500.

Sources said he has been residing at a house of Wasa at a rent which is ten times less than the actual amount, causing a loss of Tk 18 lakh every year to the department.

The incumbent Wasa managing director with the connivance of others increased the salaries “illegally” without approval of the ministry concerned.

Section 29/1 of the Wasa rule 1996 says any decision taken at Wasa board meeting will not be implemented without approval by the ministry.

The board members can increase by only 10 percent the salaries of the employees of the organization. But this increase is also subject to the ministry’s approval.

Taksim is living in a house which belongs to Wasa at the monthly rent of Tk 20,000 only. Actual rent of the house located at 55 Road in Gulshan is Tk 2 lakh now. The other tenants who lived in this house five years ago used to pay Tk 50,000 per month.

The incumbent MD has been drawing double salaries and enjoying other facilities in disregard of rules, sources said.

Supreme Court lawyer Dr Tuhin Malik said, “As Wasa rules do not provide for any special facility to the MD and DMDs, drawing high salaries and other benefits by its incumbent high-up is illegal.”

In absence of any provision of giving special facility to MD and DMDs in Wasa gazette, ordinary rules of the organization will be applicable to all officials, including Taksim, the constitutional expert said.

He stressed that the authorities should conduct investigation into this corruption.

That is WASA in DESCO same irregularities is happening... Heard that in interview DESCO's incharge MD have not done well but to keep that position along with his present position Director he have given bribe and now for months is occupying both the position and did not let publish the interview result and appoint some one in the position for months and intending to carry his rest of the time like this.
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