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MIM to bail out BJP in Maharashtra Assembly today

I thought this thread would get deleted because of its content, But if this has to be remained as an example to show the religious tolerance then be it.... It wont hurt me because i don't live in denial......

Then you are an example onto others, who decided to shove their heads between their legs and drag another nation in an attempt to hide their own denial.
Then you are an example onto others, who decided to shove their heads between their legs and drag another nation in an attempt to hide their own denial.

I would not agree with pulling Pakistan in to this, because it has got nothing to do with this..... Here we have 2 guys divided by religion, abusing each other....Thats it.........
I would not agree with pulling Pakistan in to this, because it has got nothing to do with this..... Here we have 2 guys divided by religion, abusing each other....Thats it.........

When ironically, the opening topic is about a political equivalent of the two considering supporting each other in polls against a force where religion has been secondary.
Then you are an example onto others, who decided to shove their heads between their legs and drag another nation in an attempt to hide their own denial.

Nobody is in denial , we are actually trying to fix our problems in our country . As @nair said there are bound to be problems when there are 1.2 billion people and everyone having the ability to get themselves heard.
Nobody is in denial , we are actually trying to fix our problems in our country . As @nair said there are bound to be problems when there are 1.2 billion people and everyone having the ability to get themselves heard.

Nair in not in denial, but you had to drag in Pakistan in the most pathetic attempt to derail the thread and bury your head away from these issues. Almost a blatant deceleration of how insecure you are... any response other than dragging in Pakistan and I would have remove the remaining posts.. but now I want them there.
Why is the sudden need to identify a false flag? Sudden denial of reality? I see more and more reasons just to leave this abusive tirade out here.
Well most of us always assumed he was a RW Indian troll trying to give a bad name to Indian Muslims. But this thread has been an eye opener, thanks for not deleting the posts
Normally, I would delete offending posts but this display of communal hatred within India is just too entertaining and more importantly.. a great proof of the underlying mentalities .. for me to delete.
Thank you sire :) But this is not exactly Communalism 1.0 on display. This is an ISIS sympathizer hijacking a thread. As we discussed before. :) OTH I 'like' mujhaidind, he is honest, direct, articulate and hates all non Muslims with passion. He is a reality India and most Indians don't want to even accept exists.

But yeah Star Wars - it was useless to drag in Pakistan.

This is a prime example how "Indian Politics Works"....... Normally it is the so called "secular" forces teams up against the so called "Communal"...... But strangely here it is "the Communal" ones are teaming up...... But the funny part is the party outside this is also considered to be a communal one.........
Well, the hope is BJP will give some concessions to MIM in Hyderabad. I can assure you, nothing like that is going to happen.

@ExtraOdinary - He is from Mumbai, may be roots in Adilabad. An MIM fanboy. Not very uncommon if you frequent the hardcore 'Musalman pattis' where many Muslims even dare not venture. :)
Nair in not in denial, but you had to drag in Pakistan in the most pathetic attempt to derail the thread and bury your head away from these issues. Almost a blatant deceleration of how insecure you are... any response other than dragging in Pakistan and I would have remove the remaining posts.. but now I want them there.

And you think it was proper of you to keep posts were someone's sister was abused in the most pathetic way and yet you feel bad about me bringing out Pakistan ? Of course, who cares , its somebody else's sister and mother not a sister and mother of a Pakistani member , right ? Using such Vitriolic hate and Abuse to simply "prove your point" shows your insecurity , not mine.

@SarthakGanguly I only brought in Pakistan because he thought such abusive language against mothers and sisters could be used to "prove his point" .
Why is the sudden need to identify a false flag? Sudden denial of reality? I see more and more reasons just to leave this abusive tirade out here.

Just that some Indians have been brainwashed by commie media to believe everything wrong happens only due to RW Hindus. They are a minority bookish kind of people though not connected to the ground realities.
Thank you sire :) But this is not exactly Communalism 1.0 on display. This is an ISIS sympathizer hijacking a thread. As we discussed before. :) OTH I 'like' mujhaidind, he is honest, direct, articulate and hates all non Muslims with passion. He is a reality India and most Indians don't want to even accept exists.

But yeah Star Wars - it was useless to drag in Pakistan.

Well, the hope is BJP will give some concessions to MIM in Hyderabad. I can assure you, nothing like that is going to happen.

@ExtraOdinary - He is from Mumbai, may roots in Adilabad. An MIM fanboy. Not very uncommon if you frequent the hardcore 'Musalman pattis' where many Muslims even dare not venture. :)

That is ever worse, since it is exactly these sentiments that IS projects.. and as I mentioned on another IS thread.. these people have no boundaries and are a threat beyond alliances and borders.

It is not about communalism 1.0.. but rather the underlying religious hatred that is easily revived. It does reflect starkly on the general populace and ever present claims of "All is well". There is still a lot of baggage being carried around.. and to try and hide it and shift the focus or blame on Pakistan is only inviting future trouble.
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