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MIM to bail out BJP in Maharashtra Assembly today

And you think it was proper of you to keep posts were someone's sister was abused in the most pathetic way and yet you feel bad about me bringing out Pakistan ? Of course, who cares , its somebody else's sister and mother not a sister and mother of a Pakistani member , right ? Using such Vitriolic hate and Abuse to simply "prove your point" shows your insecurity , not mine.

@SarthakGanguly I only brought in Pakistan because he thought such abusive language against mothers and sisters could be used to "prove his point" .

Like I said, you can sit on that high horse.. Wont change my actions.
Just that some Indians have been brainwashed by commie media to believe everything wrong happens only due to RW Hindus. They are a minority bookish kind of people though not connected to the ground realities.

But they will end up influencing the ground realities. Why hide or deny them? If these people are wrong and in a minority.. then it is a phenomenon that should have diminished now. Especially in urban populations where in my view the integration and inter-faith harmony should be generally better..
Wont change my actions.

Neither Did i expect it would . I was hoping i could get you into admitting you were clearly wrong.

But they will end up influencing the ground realities. Why hide or deny them? If these people are wrong and in a minority.. then it is a phenomenon that should have diminished now. Especially in urban populations where in my view the integration and inter-faith harmony should be generally better.

If they could influence ground reality , BJP would not have such massive support . Nobody is Denying them , their influence and power is diminishing rapidly . What you see is nothing but last ditched effort to bring back "their version of secularism" and the power they once had.

And you think it was proper of you to keep posts were someone's sister was abused in the most pathetic way and yet you feel bad about me bringing out Pakistan ? Of course, who cares , its somebody else's sister and mother not a sister and mother of a Pakistani member , right ? Using such Vitriolic hate and Abuse to simply "prove your point" shows your insecurity , not mine.

@SarthakGanguly I only brought in Pakistan because he thought such abusive language against mothers and sisters could be used to "prove his point" .
Relax, take a breath and withdraw. Drawing guns in a forum serves no purpose. :)

Thing is Pakistan is not a major threat to India. In this nuclear age, nations should try and focus within to gather strength and root out weakness. Drawing Pakistan here is a kneejerk reaction. I am not blaming you, just pointing out how our reflexes work.

We point too many fingers at Pakistan for our issues, because it helps us hide our holes. Take for example the Mumbai attacks. Sure, 10 guys came on a boat. But the support infrastructure they had in place in Mumbai itself (including folks like mujhaidind) includes at least 10 times more Indians. We act as if by focusing the attention entirely outside we can stay away from the harsh reality that even educated and privileged fellow citizens can be capable of waging war against the State.

Take Lashkar, IM, SIMI etc - ok ISI coordinated some actions, may be some funds, but the people who bombed places, tore Indian flags, butchered Indian people for not being Muslims , blew up trains were Indian. Such people exist. May be as a Kashmiri I find it easy to accept and the mainlanders fed on State propaganda of Unity in Diversity without exception find it too harsh to accept. But the truth remains.

EDIT: Don't get me wrong. Unity in Diversity does exist, even overwhelmingly so. But just not always. NOT always.
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But they will end up influencing the ground realities. Why hide or deny them? If these people are wrong and in a minority.. then it is a phenomenon that should have diminished now. Especially in urban populations where in my view the integration and inter-faith harmony should be generally better..

Nah, they do not influence anything. I am talking of secular Hindus who think all wrongs happen because of Hindus.

No one hides or denies anything. If that was so, RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal wont be a reality in India. Also cmon now, we are still a poor country with many many conflicting segments. So these riots are bound to happen and they are allowed to happen in a controlled manner. The larger truth though is these riots are a trivial fringe issues and inter-faith harmony is de facto setting in India.
That is ever worse, since it is exactly these sentiments that IS projects.. and as I mentioned on another IS thread.. these people have no boundaries and are a threat beyond alliances and borders.

It is not about communalism 1.0.. but rather the underlying religious hatred that is easily revived. It does reflect starkly on the general populace and ever present claims of "All is well". There is still a lot of baggage being carried around.. and to try and hide it and shift the focus or blame on Pakistan is only inviting future trouble.
Yes, that is very true. That the problem more often than not lies within is too difficult for an ordinary Indian to believe.
No one hides or denies anything. If that was so, RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal wont be a reality in India. Also cmon now, we are still a poor country with many many conflicting segments. So these riots are bound to happen and they are allowed to happen in a controlled manner. The larger truth though is these riots are a trivial fringe issues and inter-faith harmony is de facto setting in India.
I sometimes wonder how come you, with such good command over language and current events, have not managed to get a single positive rating so far. You deserve better honestly. In spite of the fact that I don't agree with all the view you espouse, just many of them. :P
Nah, they do not influence anything. I am talking of secular Hindus who think all wrongs happen because of Hindus.

I haven't come across any "Secular Hindu" who felt, all the problem is because of Hindu's.....There are bad apples in every society, Be it Hindu, Muslim, Christian or any other religion........ But the problem starts when a section looks at only the problem of others but ignore the their own mistakes........
Relax, take a breath and withdraw. Drawing guns in a forum serves no purpose. :)

Emm...am really not that upset , just surprised by his ignorance

We point too many fingers at Pakistan for our issues, because it helps us hide our holes. Take for example the Mumbai attacks. Sure, 10 guys came on a boat. But the support infrastructure they had in place in Mumbai itself (including folks like mujhaidind) includes at least 10 times more Indians. We act as if by focusing the attention entirely outside we can stay away from the harsh reality that even educated and privileged fellow citizens can be capable to waging war against the State.

If you notice my posting habits i stick to Indian Defense and political forums . It is incorrect to assume i am one of those persons who blame everything on Pakistan or troll them for that matter . But at the same time they have a lot to take the blame on .

@Oscar talks as if i constantly troll on Pakistani social issues which i am least interested in and my post count over there remains in double digits .

Take Lashkar, IM, SIMI etc - ok ISI coordinated some actions, may be some funds, but the people who bombed places, tore Indian flags, butchered Indian people for not being Muslims , blew up trains were Indian. Such people exist. May be as a Kashmiri I find it easy to accept and the mainlanders fed on State propaganda of Unity in Diversity without exception find it too harsh to accept. But the truth remains.

IS that a surprise ? People can be talked into anything . IN my class a girl was saying how 9/11 was an inside job and how Madani was framed and was actually innocent and not to mention said Osama was put in the sea because they did not want anyone to take information from his brain which would expose American "duplicity". Trust me , a lot of people can be talked into anything the bookish knowledge and ratafication they do in today's education is Embarrassing and damaging . People are least concerned about situational awareness of the world around them .
But they will end up influencing the ground realities. Why hide or deny them? If these people are wrong and in a minority.. then it is a phenomenon that should have diminished now. Especially in urban populations where in my view the integration and inter-faith harmony should be generally better..

Normally these issues are pushed under carpet, not because it is ugly and no one want to show this out, These issues are pushed under carpet, because if discussed in public, it will create further tension and make things worse.........I know it has its own advantages and disadvantages....... At times these communal issues are fueled using rumors.....
Normally these issues are pushed under carpet, not because it is ugly and no one want to show this out, These issues are pushed under carpet, because if discussed in public, it will create further tension and make things worse.........I know it has its own advantages and disadvantages....... At times these communal issues are fueled using rumors.....

One reason why Media should be barred from reporting riots while it is going on .. Gujarat was the biggest example of how media actually fueled the riots
These issues are pushed under carpet, because if discussed in public, it will create further tension and make things worse
No offence, but this is what I am staunchly against. Let the garbage show. The rot that is there, the foul air that stinks, let it out. Only then can it be cleaned. We are just postponing the inevitable. I can assure you, some people won't accept a multicultural, multireligious united India. The fear of 'thing getting worse' should not paralyse us.
I sometimes wonder how come you, with such good command over language and current events, have not managed to get a single positive rating so far. You deserve better honestly. In spite of the fact that I don't agree with all the view you espouse, just many of them.

Ratings leke achar dalani hai?
Nah, they do not influence anything. I am talking of secular Hindus who think all wrongs happen because of Hindus.

No one hides or denies anything. If that was so, RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal wont be a reality in India. Also cmon now, we are still a poor country with many many conflicting segments. So these riots are bound to happen and they are allowed to happen in a controlled manner. The larger truth though is these riots are a trivial fringe issues and inter-faith harmony is de facto setting in India.

And yet, these trivial fringe issues as this thread demonstrates have the potential to be used by potential IS recruits.. or the "India for Hindus" element to find excuses to carry out acts that explode.. the trivial fringes into chasms. It is a dual edged sword of ignoring them, a benefit is that if you give them little attention they might just die out.. a problem is that they might continue to fester more and more inside and like this thread demonstrates.. spill out with a bang.
No offence, but this is what I am staunchly against. Let the garbage show. The rot that is there, the foul air that stinks, let it out. Only then can it be cleaned. We are just postponing the inevitable. I can assure you, some people won't accept a multicultural, multireligious united India. The fear of 'thing getting worse' should not paralyse us.

Actually in Pdf its the negetive ratings which matters :lol:
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