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MIM to bail out BJP in Maharashtra Assembly today

One see's what one wants to see and not necessarily what is actually there . Am least concerned about what you believe or what you choose to believe anymore, the fact is we are facing our problems head on and National security under Doval will be very very successful as already you can see the results from West Bengal . Modi would not have had such a mandate if people were in Denial . But am sure your hate for Modi is blinding you from that as well . Its only a matter of time before someone equates Modi with the ISIS head .

As I stated before, insecurity. I have little hate for Modi(search my post history for any example of blind hatred for him.. I dare you).. I actually admire him for his business mindset. I do have apprehensions that his political obligations may lead him to undertake certain communally biased decisions but your exaggerations have nothing to equate with that.

Nor do I give a hoot about your concern or your spirited defence via a sweeping tangential statement.
LOL. Actually, it is the minority religion's attempts to prove Hinduism in poor light for the last couple of decades which has come to bite them in their back. Now that you guys are being exposed for the fraud you are, you are crying persecution. Well, pity no one feels in the least bit sympathetic towards your cause.

Enjoy the biting.

Yea yea, minorities were killing Hindus all around and now the Hindus rise again.. I heard it many times.. You enjoy your bite.. Hope its worth..
Yea yea, minorities were killing Hindus all around and now the Hindus rise again.. I heard it many times.. You enjoy your bite.. Hope its worth..

More than 100 million killed in the last hundreds of years. So that is a fact. Also is a fact that missionaries have been abusing Hindus for a long time and spreading disinformation to make people hate Hinduism. Something you guys were very happy and comfortable with all along. Never a protest from you "Idea of India" guys about these.

Yup, am enjoying the bite. Bon apetite.
As I stated before, insecurity. I have little hate for Modi(search my post history for any example of blind hatred for him.. I dare you).. I actually admire him for his business mindset. I do have apprehensions that his political obligations may lead him to undertake certain communally biased decisions but your exaggerations have nothing to equate with that.

Nor do I give a hoot about your concern or your spirited defence via a sweeping tangential statement.

lol :lol: I threaten you, I dare you, I kick you out ... Whats wrong with you today ? I presumed you would Hate Modi since every TT and Admin and every other Pakistani hates Modi left ,right and center . I Had no reason to think otherwise .

Assuming BJP/RSS is communal which they are clearly not . Political opponents would love to term them as communal just to get votes from one section of the community . But that does not mean you end up believing everything you see and hear . There is no logical reason for Ruling party or RSS to go against any other community since Muslims especially Shia's have started voting for Modi. Going against another community will force them to vote for the Pseudo Secular parties .. So no Modi does not have any political obligations to go against any community, especially when the Muslim votes or going to him ..

These aren't Exaggerations , you can choose to believe what ever you want . Doval is already known as Ajit Devil from the western Neighbour :lol:

Do you know of VIF and their influence on Modi and his Cabinet ??
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