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MIM to bail out BJP in Maharashtra Assembly today

Both extremes are beyond comparison . Bajrang dal may have very rigid views but these people will never go nearly as far as IS is willing to go to achieve their goals . Riots happened in Ferguson Missouri too , that doesn't necessarily make it comparable in any way ...

Again, that assumption rests on the idea that somehow acts by a possible Indian IS will not spark a change in the limits of the actions of what you classify as thugs.
I haven't come across any "Secular Hindu" who felt, all the problem is because of Hindu's.....There are bad apples in every society, Be it Hindu, Muslim, Christian or any other religion........ But the problem starts when a section looks at only the problem of others but ignore the their own mistakes........

Living in denial is a habit for you. Just look at the number of Indians here who refuse to believe mujahidind is an Indian and you would know what their mind has been conditioned to believe. Why would they believe that RW Hindus are masquerading as Mujahidind if they did not have a habit of pinning all blame on Hindus.

Also RW Hindus are the last people you can blame for lack of introspection. It was not all that long ago people like you were calling Modi evil.
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There already are. But unlike you, I am not denying it or washing my hands clean. A thread started by you for trolling purposes has only one outcome for you.
Sir aapki har baat me philosophy hai.... which shows that you are not an empty vessel (at least),,, but sir kabhi to apni pholosophical baate khud pe apply kiya karo.
There is no disagreement there. But the question that has made me leave those posts there is constant accusation that Pakistanis live in denial of issue while clearly these posts left an impression that Indians are in some denial as well.
These elements are IN your society... and to say that they do not exist.. or to shut them out would be folly. Today if you try to forget the reasons for the alleged disloyalty by the member, tomorrow there may be two.. then three then four people alongside him who share his views.. and so on.

There should be a focus on what are the root causes for such attitudes of isolation.. take a look here for e.g...all the accusations of outside interference came to naught.. but there is a clear hint of what might be a root cause for such anti-national feelings to ferment.
Most Madrasas don’t preach Jihadi Ideas - Indian Intelligence Agencies tell Government

If you think we live in denial then you have clearly not been paying enough attention on the posts we have been making . Nobody is in denial . Everybody knows where the problems are . Spend some time in the Central Asia forum and you see plenty of people discussing problems from Bengal to Kerala to Kashmir .

The reason Pakistanis are blamed is because your refusal to simply accept you have been fomenting terror to Afghanistan and India . They used be be freedom fighters before 9/11 . There is very clearly outside interference from Pakistan , Jamatis from Bangladesh and Saudi ideology in Kerala influencing the local population . GO read up the post i replied to Sarthak Ganguly on the nonsense some people believe ..

Right wing Hinduism is something which arisen from rabid pseudo secularist policies of the previous govt. pandering the certain castes and certain communities . What you see right now is a backlash of what has been going on for decades ..
And yet, these trivial fringe issues as this thread demonstrates have the potential to be used by potential IS recruits.. or the "India for Hindus" element to find excuses to carry out acts that explode.. the trivial fringes into chasms. It is a dual edged sword of ignoring them, a benefit is that if you give them little attention they might just die out.. a problem is that they might continue to fester more and more inside and like this thread demonstrates.. spill out with a bang.

Nah, as I said we allow controlled implosions all the time so the pressure never builds to a degree that it can spill out with a bang. Also more than enough attention is already paid and no one gets ignored. A few IS recruits here or there do not mean much.
Detoxification of radicalism is inevitable in this society.

A lot has changed in the mindset of the present teens who are overly and dangerously nationalistic and intolerant towards other faiths.

A decade before, nobody emphasized or discussed anything about other believes or their believers and let others live their life. The medias and the people who live by selling fear about others (organisations) has created a sense of insecurity inside people's minds which they are expressing over internet and on streets. This is not a good sign for a progressive society.
If you think we live in denial then you have clearly not been paying enough attention on the posts we have been making . Nobody is in denial . Everybody knows where the problems are . Spend some time in the Central Asia forum and you see plenty of people discussing problems from Bengal to Kerala to Kashmir .

The reason Pakistanis are blamed is because your refusal to simply accept you have been fomenting terror to Afghanistan and India . They used be be freedom fighters before 9/11 . There is very clearly outside interference from Pakistan , Jamatis from Bangladesh and Saudi ideology in Kerala influencing the local population . GO read up the post i replied to Sarthak Ganguly on the nonsense some people believe ..

Right wing Hinduism is something which arisen from rabid pseudo secularist policies of the previous govt. pandering the certain castes and certain communities . What you see right now is a backlash of what has been going on for decades ..

And in all those discussions.. there is 80% denial.. shifting of blame and so on. I spend much more time on this forum than anyone else. Discussion is not opening a topic, its the replies that follow.
Surprising...BJP once a untouchable party has become darling of everyone. Even Kashmiri ex-separatist Sajjad Lone wants a post poll alliance with BJP
Detoxification of radicalism is inevitable in this society.

A lot has changed in the mindset of the present teens who are overly and dangerously nationalistic and intolerant towards other faiths.

A decade before, nobody emphasized or discussed anything about other believes or their believers and let others live their life. The medias and the people who live by selling fear about others (organisations) has created a sense of insecurity inside people's minds which they are expressing over internet and on streets. This is not a good sign for a progressive society.

The bolded part says it all.. I was in discussion with a guy about church giving their land for ISRO mission.. He was arguing that the church which functioned as the ISRO head quarters was an abandoned one.. In another thread someone was saying that church was actively against ISRO in Trivandrum.. There is a systamatic effort in alternating history to show every other religion in India in a bad light.. Sooner or later, it is going to bite back on us..
The bolded part says it all.. I was in discussion with a guy about church giving their land for ISRO mission.. He was arguing that the church which functioned as the ISRO head quarters was an abandoned one.. In another thread someone was saying that church was actively against ISRO in Trivandrum.. There is a systamatic effort in alternating history to show every other religion in India in a bad light.. Sooner or later, it is going to bite back on us..

LOL. Actually, it is the minority religion's attempts to prove Hinduism in poor light for the last couple of decades which has come to bite them in their back. Now that you guys are being exposed for the fraud you are, you are crying persecution. Well, pity no one feels in the least bit sympathetic towards your cause.

Enjoy the biting.
And in all those discussions.. there is 80% denial.. shifting of blame and so on. I spend much more time on this forum than anyone else. Discussion is not opening a topic, its the replies that follow.

One see's what one wants to see and not necessarily what is actually there . Am least concerned about what you believe or what you choose to believe anymore, the fact is we are facing our problems head on and National security under Doval will be very very successful as already you can see the results from West Bengal . Modi would not have had such a mandate if people were in Denial . But am sure your hate for Modi is blinding you from that as well . Its only a matter of time before someone equates Modi with the ISIS head .
LOL. Actually, it is the minority religion's attempts to prove Hinduism in poor light for the last couple of decades which has come to bite them in their back. Now that you guys are being exposed for the fraud you are, you are crying persecution. Well, pity no one feels in the least bit sympathetic towards your cause.

Enjoy the biting.

You are being charitable when you say "last couple of decades".

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