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MIM to bail out BJP in Maharashtra Assembly today

No offence, but this is what I am staunchly against. Let the garbage show. The rot that is there, the foul air that stinks, let it out. Only then can it be cleaned. We are just postponing the inevitable. I can assure you, some people won't accept a multicultural, multireligious united India. The fear of 'thing getting worse' should not paralyse us.

Well the issue is our media, and most of these guys have vested interests, and those who does not have such interests, they care only one thing.... Ie Trp/circulation...... Now here comes the other player, that is our politicians, for them the only thing matter is the vote bank, nothing else.......

Your suggestion would have been perfect, if both the sections mentioned above is matured and mean only national interest..... till then................
One reason why Media should be barred from reporting riots while it is going on .. Gujarat was the biggest example of how media actually fueled the riots

I have less information on the reporting during the riots..... But i am aware how media used gujarat riots after it actually happened....
I don't understand why that anti national person is not reported to police.He is a threat in my opinion
Paa ji he is a threat to this country and i think it's only a matter of time before he joins some anti-national radical organization based on his perception towards this country.I think it'll be best for us to report his activities to the nearest police station and let them take care of him.So if there is any Mumbaikar in this thread please report Mujaidind to your nearest P.S. as he is from Mumbai.
Friends now let that traitor com online be ready to screw him royally...let him know if you want to stay in this country you have to follow the rule of the land and respect your motherland
Friends now let that traitor com online be ready to screw him royally...let him know if you want to stay in this country you have to follow the rule of the land and respect your motherland

Do you believe that your online actions will have ANY effect on his real life perceptions? or the perceptions that would be propogated on those views that a "hindu" majority wants a quiet "muslim" otherwise they will do.. well.. anything in his imagination to us. What if more elements form up on both sides due to this "screw him royally" attitude?

Cells of extremists pop up pledging alliance to IS and other's join up Bajrang Dal?

What if this "screw" them royally attitude gets one to blow themselves up in the middle of a Market in Bangalore? Reprisals happen on illegal Bengalis.. and butchering begins? All seems far fetched but some of the most violent civil conflicts were thought to be far fetched based on almost unrelated events.
Oscar bhai it is not about hindu muslim...its about the country ..you should respect it ..that's my point
Do you believe that your online actions will have ANY effect on his real life perceptions? or the perceptions that would be propogated on those views that a "hindu" majority wants a quiet "muslim" otherwise they will do.. well.. anything in his imagination to us. What if more elements form up on both sides due to this "screw him royally" attitude?

He should be screwed royally by the Authorities , if more people like him come up then we clean up the rot in the society

Cells of extremists pop up pledging alliance to IS and other's join up Bajrang Dal?

Comparing IS to Bajrang Dal ? :lol: they are closer to thugs and Hooligans than terrorists .. Why are you people so desperate to demonize Hindus ?

What if this "screw" them royally attitude gets one to blow themselves up in the middle of a Market in Bangalore? Reprisals happen on illegal Bengalis.. and butchering begins? All seems far fetched but some of the most violent civil conflicts were thought to be far fetched based on almost unrelated events.

Such people are bound to do that sooner or later , better to catch them before they do it than not do anything at all simply fearing a repraisal...
He should be screwed royally by the Authorities , if more people like him come up then we clean up the rot in the society

Comparing IS to Bajrang Dal ? :lol: they are closer to thugs and Hooligans than terrorists ..

Such people are bound to do that sooner or later , better to catch them before they do it than not do anything at all simply fearing a repraisal...

I do not disagree at all. ANY support to IS is VERY dangerous and should be monitored closely.

Comparing one extreme to the other.. it does not take long for thugs to pick up machete's.. as happened in Gujrat.
I mean seriously are you a mod, what if it was a group of pakistani pdfers fighting, wouldn't you have deleted their post, WITH GREATER POWER COMES GREATER RESPONSIBILITY, so be honest to ur job.
Jaane de bhai, it seem he haven't watched Spiderman movie.... Pirated bollywood movies dekhne se time mile tab to dekhe....
By the way, @mujhaidind is a great entertainer... After reading his comments (specially that 'Bho*adiwaale' comment) I was laughing like hell in front of approx. 500 people in my cyber library....
Do you believe that your online actions will have ANY effect on his real life perceptions? or the perceptions that would be propogated on those views that a "hindu" majority wants a quiet "muslim" otherwise they will do.. well.. anything in his imagination to us. What if more elements form up on both sides due to this "screw him royally" attitude?

Cells of extremists pop up pledging alliance to IS and other's join up Bajrang Dal?

What if this "screw" them royally attitude gets one to blow themselves up in the middle of a Market in Bangalore? Reprisals happen on illegal Bengalis.. and butchering begins? All seems far fetched but some of the most violent civil conflicts were thought to be far fetched based on almost unrelated events.
Sir first of all thanks for not banning me from this forum.I am really sorry for yesterday but that person always spew venom against my religion and my country.I usually don't reply to him but somehow i got carried away last night.But the fact is that he is openly taking a stand against his own country that too in an international forum makes him a potential enemy of India.Now if a Hindu member had done this i would have taken the same stand that i did yesterday although i shouldn't have abused him.Personally i think that a person irrespective of his caste,creed or religion should be loyal to the country that feeds and shelter him and his family.So it hurts me when i see a fellow Indian citizen trying to defame my own country in an international forum.I have got a lot of Muslim friends and we never fight each other because of our religious differences because we all know that at the end of the day we are all citizens of India and our loyalty lies to this country,so it has nothing to do about the fact that this fellow is a Muslim.You can be a staunch Muslim and at the same time a die hard nationalist.
I do not disagree at all. ANY support to IS is VERY dangerous and should be monitored closely.
Comparing one extreme to the other.. it does not take long for thugs to pick up machete's.. as happened in Gujrat.

Both extremes are beyond comparison . Bajrang dal may have very rigid views but these people will never go nearly as far as IS is willing to go to achieve their goals . Riots happened in Ferguson Missouri too , that doesn't necessarily make it comparable in any way ...
Normally, I would delete offending posts but this display of communal hatred within India is just too entertaining and more importantly.. a great proof of the underlying mentalities .. for me to delete.
OO shaab ji, I am more than happy to create a thread much more entertaining and interesting which will consist of proofs of underlying mentalities in Pakistan (including the incidents like "Cyllindar bilast")... bas aapke ijhaar ka intejaar hai, Senior Moderator sir...
Sir first of all thanks for not banning me from this forum.I am really sorry for yesterday but that person always spew venom against my religion and my country.I usually don't reply to him but somehow i got carried away last night.But the fact is that he is openly taking a stand against his own country that too in an international forum makes him a potential enemy of India.Now if a Hindu member had done this i would have taken the same stand that i did yesterday although i shouldn't have abused him.Personally i think that a person irrespective of his caste,creed or religion should be loyal to the country that feeds and shelter him and his family.So it hurts me when i see a fellow Indian citizen trying to defame my own country in an international forum.I have got a lot of Muslim friends and we never fight each other because of our religious differences because we all know that at the end of the day we are all citizens of India and our loyalty lies to this country,so it has nothing to do about the fact that this fellow is a Muslim.You can be a staunch Muslim and at the same time a die hard nationalist.

There is no disagreement there. But the question that has made me leave those posts there is constant accusation that Pakistanis live in denial of issue while clearly these posts left an impression that Indians are in some denial as well.
These elements are IN your society... and to say that they do not exist.. or to shut them out would be folly. Today if you try to forget the reasons for the alleged disloyalty by the member, tomorrow there may be two.. then three then four people alongside him who share his views.. and so on.

There should be a focus on what are the root causes for such attitudes of isolation.. take a look here for e.g...all the accusations of outside interference came to naught.. but there is a clear hint of what might be a root cause for such anti-national feelings to ferment.
Most Madrasas don’t preach Jihadi Ideas - Indian Intelligence Agencies tell Government
OO shaab ji, I am more than happy to create a thread much more entertaining and interesting thread which will consist of proofs of underlying mentalities in Pakistan... bas aapke ijhaar ka intejaar hai, Senior Moderator sir...

There already are. But unlike you, I am not denying it or washing my hands clean. A thread started by you for trolling purposes has only one outcome for you.

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