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Military Operation against TTP in N.Waziristan | Updates & Discussions.

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Don't know who you are referring to (I guess to me, but that's fine), but if true (severe allergic reaction to Islam), that is also a failure of the so-called ulema, who couldn't do their job properly. This is not me, these are the words of Dr. Israr Ahmed, one scholar I respect most for his intellect and knowledge. This is the failure of the so-called ulema that people think so lowly of Islam and scared of it.

Please do not equate a wonderful religion Islam with the haram khour political mullah. There is simply no equation between the two. Sherani is sticking to the chairmanship of the Council for Islamic Ideology (CII), and doing what? Fazal ur Rahman is glued to the Kashmir Council chairmanship for 12 years, and what is the output? Both are earning salary and benefits equivalent to that of a minister's, and in return, giving nothing back to the tax payers. Now, everyone else in the government is doing (haram khouri) more or less the same, but then they don't claim themselves to be ulema. Here they claim themselves religious and pious people, and with this title do haram khouri.

First of all I could care less for all the wahabi molvis you mentioned. I am simply talking abot the secular Pakistanis

Even the dumbest fcuk on the planet knows that support and financing for these terrorist comes from GCC . JUI, JI, JUI-S are all followers of wahhabisum and are financed by Dinar be, then write been, e.g.: I have been there before.">Bin Dollar only the staunch supporters of these terrorist continue to blame shia to hide and protect the real Enemy for obvious reasons.

As far as Baluchistan is concerned all of its leadership resides in UAE and other gulf stats, but then again reading and understanding comes from education.

Funny how you are in favor of action against these terrorist but some how you dont think they are the problem.

Perhaps you can put the crack pipe down and use whatever little brain cells you have to their fullest, so you may understand what I said.

In the post you replied I squarely blamed the Wahabis (JI, JUI, JUI-S, etc) which are the main culprit

All this brotherly love BS is just plain nonsense whether it is with KSA or Iran. Pakistani's interest should always supersede Iran or KSA's interest.
I politely disagree with your notion that GoP tried to enforce the border. Yes, successive Afghan governments have never accepted Durand's line but Afghanistan was never strong enough to wage a war on Pakistan had Pakistan had ENFORCED the border on Durand's line. There have been proposals and offers to talk from GoP, agreed, but never an enforcement. Pastoons living in NWFP/FATA have always disproved (based on cross-border rishtey daris) any such suggestions made by the GoP. These areas have always been lawless, and war and drugs is what they make their living on. NWFP government never voted for Pakistan, the two brothers (Dr. Khan Saheb and Bacha Khan) always supported India/Afghanistan and never Pakistan. Bacha, when died, wanted himself to be buried in Afghanistan, such was his hatred towards Pakistan. Somebody asks his supporters, why he did not migrate to Afghanistan, if he loved it so much. Why should he, they live in Pakistan, earn in Pakistan, get everything in Pakistan, and die in and for Afghanistan. Such are the hypocrites these people.

If according to you, Durand's line matter is so straight forward, and there is no need to go to UNSC, than how come Pakistan cant enforce border, and why on earth NATO/ISAF would support Afghan forces to wage war on Pakistan? It is like Mexico wages war on USA for enforcing border.

Durand's line, and no enforcement of border on the Durand's line is the CORE ISSUE and we seem to have ignored it for the most part. There WILL not be peace in Pakistan until Afghans are escorted back to their country and internationally recognized norms are enforced on Pakistan/Afghanistan border on peoples crossing the border.

The problem isn't NATO and ISAF supporting the Afghan stance on the Durand line, far from it; All the Afghans are looking for is to provoke Pakistan into launching an offensive against the Afghans (no matter how minor), which the Afghans want to use as a means to force NATO to "protect it's sovereignty", which is just an excuse for the Afghans to push into Pakistan knowing that NATO would have no choice but to defend them. As long as NATO is there, the risk of them getting pulled into a conflict that even they don't want is high. Why do you think that Obama has insisted that the BSA will not include US troops defending Afghan sovereignty from foreign nations?

The thing is that you seem to be forgetting that it's not easy enforcing a border region that is 2,640 kilometers long. It takes two to enforce such a long border, unless you're the US who use drones, and even then they rely heavily on the Mexican federally and Canadian RCMP to help them enforce the border region.

The legal issue is straight forward, but laws are often hard to enforce. You can't catch every jaywalker that crosses the street illegally, all you can do is send a warning and maybe catch them if you run into said jaywalkers.
First of all I could care less for all the wahabi molvis you mentioned. I am simply talking abot the secular Pakistanis

Perhaps you can put the crack pipe down and use whatever little brain cells you have to their fullest, so you may understand what I said.

In the post you replied I squarely blamed the Wahabis (JI, JUI, JUI-S, etc) which are the main culprit

All this brotherly love BS is just plain nonsense whether it is with KSA or Iran. Pakistani's interest should always supersede Iran or KSA's interest.
Why you are calling deobandis as wahabis when they have the concept of taqleed and tasawuf............................are you a bareilvi by any chance?
@irfan Baloch: A well crafted post, I give you that. However, Karzai aside, don't you agree with me that primarily it is our fault? He can say whatever he wants, but why we did not go ahead with barbing or mining the border? Why are we not taking a firm stand on the Durand's line? What Afghanistan can do if we mine the border? launch an offensive against us? And if so, cant we repel them? This Durand's line is a headache for Pakistan and we have to declare it an international border, irrespective of what Afghanistan says, and what is the opinion of the local pashtoons living on both the sides of the border. If they are living in Pakistan, they have to accept Pakistan's constitution and abide by the laws. They care more about their 'rishtey daar' in Afghanistan, leave Pakistan, and stay with them in Afghanistan. Enough of this bullshit.

No operation or anything will improve the situation until we stop the influx of these creatures from Afghanistan. They have destroyed their country, now they want to do the same in Pakistan (actually almost done in past 30 years). Almost all of the major cities (Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Quetta) are surrounded with Afghan settlements. All sorts of criminals call those settlements home, and they are a constant threat to Pakistan's security. I seldom see our members discussing this very important issue here on the forum.

@irfan Baloch: A well crafted post, I give you that. However, Karzai aside, don't you agree with me that primarily it is our fault? He can say whatever he wants, but why we did not go ahead with barbing or mining the border? Why are we not taking a firm stand on the Durand's line? What Afghanistan can do if we mine the border? launch an offensive against us? And if so, cant we repel them? This Durand's line is a headache for Pakistan and we have to declare it an international border, irrespective of what Afghanistan says, and what is the opinion of the local pashtoons living on both the sides of the border. If they are living in Pakistan, they have to accept Pakistan's constitution and abide by the laws. They care more about their 'rishtey daar' in Afghanistan, leave Pakistan, and stay with them in Afghanistan. Enough of this bullshit.

No operation or anything will improve the situation until we stop the influx of these creatures from Afghanistan. They have destroyed their country, now they want to do the same in Pakistan (actually almost done in past 30 years). Almost all of the major cities (Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Quetta) are surrounded with Afghan settlements. All sorts of criminals call those settlements home, and they are a constant threat to Pakistan's security. I seldom see our members discussing this very important issue here on the forum.

Control your hatred for pashtuns........you should know that in durand line agreement 1893 it was decided between British and kabul that people living within 5 miles range on either side of durand line wont need documents to cross border.......the problem is not with pashtun tribes, the problem lies in British's durand line....an attempt of british raj at that time to weaken the pashtun highlanders, who were troubling them the most, by dividing various tribes into two countries.....read the history, pashtuns rose in huge rebellion against durand line demarcation in 1897 from swat to chaman....
Blame british for this un-natural border, not us as it was imposed on us.
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The legal issue is straight forward, but laws are often hard to enforce.
Please see below. This explains why Pakistan will never see peace in coming days. These people live in Pakistan, eat in Pakistan, get themselves educated in Pakistan, make money in Pakistan, start their families in Pakistan, raise their children in Pakistan but sing Afghanistan. They don't believe in any laws and regulations, and why should they, when hey don't believe in the geography of Pakistan. They think it is all theirs, they can come and go, do whatever, nobody can or should stop them because they don't recognize the Durand's lines.

You my friend say there is no legal issue here? Can you see the problem now? I wrote all that because I knew someone will take the bait, get exposed in retaliation, and the readers will know what is the root cause of restlessness in Pakistan. See how these Afghans are robbing us from our way of life, our prosperity, our peace, and from the future of our children.

The wonderful post below (or confession if you will) gives a lot of food for thought for patriotic Pakistanis.

Control your hatred for pashtuns........you should know that in durand line agreement 1893 it was decided between British and kabul that people living within 5 miles range on either side of durand line wont need documents to cross border.......the problem is not with pashtun tribes, the problem lies in British's durand line....an attempt of british raj at that time to weaken the pashtun highlanders, who were troubling them the most, by dividing various tribes into two countries.....read the history, pashtuns rose in huge rebellion against durand line demarcation in 1897 from swat to chaman....
Blame british for this un-natural border, not us as it was imposed on us.
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The government authorities have decided in principle to launch the offensive against terrorists in North Waziristan, a private news channel reported on Monday.

Army has been asked to be prepared for any action that may be directed.

Sources cited government authorities as saying that every possible step will be taken to ensure peace ranging from launching air offensive to surgical strikes to eliminate terrorists from the region.

They said Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had also directed that no compromise be made on national security.

Pakistan Army likely to launch major offensive in North Waziristan | PAKISTAN DEFENCE NEWS BLOG | Pakarmedforces.com
whats with this sectarian B.S brother? do you want them to respond with the self exploding dumb fcks that we produce from our MADrassahs?

JUI, JI, and JUI-S are the ideological supporters and producers of the front line troops yes. but the financing, the intricate planning and the stamina to wage a war with a state has much more sinister and deeper roots going beyond the boundaries of Pakistan.
Iran? probable but not possible..

its self self defeating and against the principles of self preservation.

well Iran and Pakistan are facing the same enemies (BLA , Jundullah) that are operating both sides who abduct and kill FC personnel and Iranian guards and are actually funded and supported by Arabs Brits and Americans (sometimes they admit proudly with a smug)

I know we Pakistanis dont really care about our country if it stays or not but they do and are very well aware of greater Baluchistan scheme where their country is also singled out by the NeoCons as a target for this new country and just to let you know

NeoCons are not self-mutilating shia.. on the contrary they F you silly till you love them and lose your comprehension like average Pakistani has.

when did I ever deny wahabis are not behind terrorism and TTP ?

and why do you liberals always like to insult everything Islamic like calling madarsah "MADarsahs"?

do all madarsahs export wahabi ttp terrorists? even your shia friends, whom you're so fascinated with have madarsahs.


Why you are calling deobandis as wahabis when they have the concept of taqleed and tasawuf............................are you a bareilvi by any chance?

you are a known TTP symnapthizer on this forum so don't bring off topic discussion on this thread.

you very well know that TTP are supported by deobandi and wahabis who in return are financed by najdi KSA
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Control your hatred for pashtuns........you should know that in durand line agreement 1893 it was decided between British and kabul that people living within 5 miles range on either side of durand line wont need documents to cross border.......the problem is not with pashtun tribes, the problem lies in British's durand line....an attempt of british raj at that time to weaken the pashtun highlanders, who were troubling them the most, by dividing various tribes into two countries.....read the history, pashtuns rose in huge rebellion against durand line demarcation in 1897 from swat to chaman....
Blame british for this un-natural border, not us as it was imposed on us.

Imposed or not imposed, it is what it is now and we are what we are now.

We need to fence and mine the border, only several entry points that are well manned and documents to allow the travel between the border.

I am against the operation but after the beheadings i am all for it now, saddest thing is who ever falls and which ever side of the border is a pukhtoon.

Operations are nothing new they were conducted by every regime Musharraf, Bhutto so it's nothing new but success is very slim unless the ordinary people are involved.
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Control your hatred for pashtuns........you should know that in durand line agreement 1893 it was decided between British and kabul that people living within 5 miles range on either side of durand line wont need documents to cross border.......the problem is not with pashtun tribes, the problem lies in British's durand line....an attempt of british raj at that time to weaken the pashtun highlanders, who were troubling them the most, by dividing various tribes into two countries.....read the history, pashtuns rose in huge rebellion against durand line demarcation in 1897 from swat to chaman....
Blame british for this un-natural border, not us as it was imposed on us.

Why are ghilzais confined in their own country by a treaty is that not unnatural ?. Please spare us the Pukhtoon brotherhood bull.

Let's first get rid of the unnatural name Afghanistan and go to its original form Of khurasan maybe even khiljistan will be even better.

Nothing natural about Afghanistan it's genuine as 1000 dollar note from phony tony.
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Imposed or not imposed, it is what it is now and we are what we are now.

We need to fence and mine the border, only several entry points that are well manned and documents to allow the travel between the border.

I am against the operation but after the beheadings i am all for it now, saddest thing is who ever falls and which ever side of the border is a pukhtoon.

Operations are nothing new they were conducted by every regime Musharraf, Bhutto so it's nothing new but success is very slim unless the ordinary people are involved.
The border is long, terrain is mountaineous with deep valleys, it can not be fenced. Even if you fence some length of border, the fence would end up in Afghan scrap market.
The border is long, terrain is mountaineous with deep valleys, it can not be fenced. Even if you fence some length of border, the fence would end up in Afghan scrap market.

The mines will ensure that some bones endup in the Afghan scrap market.

Enough of these snakes time to take action.
The mines will ensure that some bones endup in the Afghan scrap market.

Enough of these snakes time to take action.
Planting mines along border is against geneva convention...even if it is mined, there are ways to get through it.
Any way good attempt of earning brownie points. I dont take you seriously as you are not a pakistani so refrain from quoting me.
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Control your hatred for pashtuns........you should know that in durand line agreement 1893 it was decided between British and kabul that people living within 5 miles range on either side of durand line wont need documents to cross border.......the problem is not with pashtun tribes, the problem lies in British's durand line....an attempt of british raj at that time to weaken the pashtun highlanders, who were troubling them the most, by dividing various tribes into two countries.....read the history, pashtuns rose in huge rebellion against durand line demarcation in 1897 from swat to chaman....
Blame british for this un-natural border, not us as it was imposed on us.

So, what you will suggest - extend the border westwards and include all Pashtuns?
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