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Mi35M of Pakistan Army!

While unloading or loading who is going to do the cover up? The concept of combining both gunship and transport is not very well received by most of other countries beside Russia. First you make an oversize helo which becomes a big target and lack much agility and limit the area it can goes in since its so big.

It will be better stick to dedicated gunship and transport. It just like trying to make an AWACS double role as a refuel-er which is not an good idea.


Tactically---MI35 is the best utility gunship helicopter against terrorist operations.

The pilot is protecd in a Titanium hull---. The hull can withstand a .50 calibre or a 20mm canon round and a direct hit from a RPG---.

With that kind of protection---you have over 10 + troops and medic in the back---after the strike is made---the troops can drop down and immediately clean up the enemy nest---recognize who is killed and wounded before the enemy takes off with the dead and the wounded---.

It is also the best machine for extraction of troops or wounded during anti terrorist activity---or from the battlefield---.

It is the best machine of its kind with the utility that it offers---.
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Same camo as PA Mi-17s. I can understand how it blends in, from above a a jet will have trouble locating it
thanks for saving me to explain

Then grey would have been a better choice. I've never seen that color on any Pak aircraft before, and the desert camo / blue mix just makes this stand out in the sky.
read comment above why the cmmo
Indeed; Russian electronics are pathetic; just pathetic. While they have done good job in certain aspects eg. AESA radar/EW, but when it comes to dakdaks and others, it is just garbage; hence ATE kits were made back in the 90's and kept up to date; you get full blown helmet sights etc which we excel in plus night vision etc.

You can see the callsign and all the mods.
No helicopter in the world can survive any hit from a RPG, even if the pilot is sitting in a titanium hub. The helicopter will crash and burn and kill the pilots regardless. It might offer protection from small arms fire which is what it is really meant for.

I would be interested in seeing what the cockpit looks like, given that we have seen in insides of AH-1Zs and T-129s, both of which are coming to PAA as well. If it is not a glass cockpit, it would be very disappointing given how much these 4 Hinds ended up costing.
While unloading or loading who is going to do the cover up? The concept of combining both gunship and transport is not very well received by most of other countries beside Russia. First you make an oversize helo which becomes a big target and lack much agility and limit the area it can goes in since its so big.

It will be better stick to dedicated gunship and transport. It just like trying to make an AWACS double role as a refuel-er which is not an good idea.
It can handle fire better but yeah otherwise you are right
I dont like the camo colour of army choosing should have been digtal camoflouge and greenish would have been much better
They can be used to take care the western front more efficiently while vipers will give their full potential to the eastern anti tank warfare.

FC can use these choppers to deploy the reinforcements and firepower near the remote outposts of border.
No helicopter in the world can survive any hit from a RPG, even if the pilot is sitting in a titanium hub. The helicopter will crash and burn and kill the pilots regardless. It might offer protection from small arms fire which is what it is really meant for.

I would be interested in seeing what the cockpit looks like, given that we have seen in insides of AH-1Zs and T-129s, both of which are coming to PAA as well. If it is not a glass cockpit, it would be very disappointing given how much these 4 Hinds ended up costing.
No joke; I have seen 2 cases where aircraft survived rpg! - one was impala which had a hit on the tail and managed to get back to base; the other was a SAAF dac where the rpg went thru the fuselage and out. In Angola, impalas were flying super lows - 10m heights and many attempts were made with rpg-7s.
No helicopter in the world can survive any hit from a RPG, even if the pilot is sitting in a titanium hub. The helicopter will crash and burn and kill the pilots regardless. It might offer protection from small arms fire which is what it is really meant for.

I would be interested in seeing what the cockpit looks like, given that we have seen in insides of AH-1Zs and T-129s, both of which are coming to PAA as well. If it is not a glass cockpit, it would be very disappointing given how much these 4 Hinds ended up costing.
Watch all of this please
No helicopter in the world can survive any hit from a RPG, even if the pilot is sitting in a titanium hub. The helicopter will crash and burn and kill the pilots regardless. It might offer protection from small arms fire which is what it is really meant for.

I would be interested in seeing what the cockpit looks like, given that we have seen in insides of AH-1Zs and T-129s, both of which are coming to PAA as well. If it is not a glass cockpit, it would be very disappointing given how much these 4 Hinds ended up costing.


Don't assume---read up on the history of AFG / Russian war---. The Mi24 took direct rpg hits to the pilots cabin with hardly any effect---.

The MI24 / MI35 hull is built of Titanium for the pilots cabin---just like the A10 Warthog.

The mujahideen never downed any Mi24 with RPG's---even though they had abundance of RPG's---.

The only way to shoot it down was with the SA missiles---and that also happened when the russians were flying the choppers without exhaust shields---.

While unloading or loading who is going to do the cover up? The concept of combining both gunship and transport is not very well received by most of other countries beside Russia. First you make an oversize helo which becomes a big target and lack much agility and limit the area it can goes in since its so big.

It will be better stick to dedicated gunship and transport. It just like trying to make an AWACS double role as a refuel-er which is not an good idea.


You still don't get it---. The MI35 would have destroyed most of the resistance---. The troops are for the cleanup---give the final blow---neuter the injured terrs---.
Watch all of this please

That is quite impressive ... and the helicopter pilots skills are undoubtedly on display but from the looks of the controlled crash landing, its safe to assume that chopper is a write-off and whether the crew escaped or not, we wouldn't know.

I suppose I should not make an absolute statement like "never" but in most cases, any hit to a helicopter with an RPG that explodes will destroy or damage the craft enough that it would be a write-off.
That is quite impressive ... and the helicopter pilots skills are undoubtedly on display but from the looks of the controlled crash landing, its safe to assume that chopper is a write-off and whether the crew escaped or not, we wouldn't know.

I suppose I should not make an absolute statement like "never" but in most cases, any hit to a helicopter with an RPG that explodes will destroy or damage the craft enough that it would be a write-off.
Yes but a controlled landing , would save the crew and for professional armies not tag tag Syrian militias , back can arrive instantly. In other words the MI 35 will be instrumental in saying life's even when other machines couldn't have

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PA is professional by all means, yet we have lost dozens of people in Mi-17 crashes where the helicopter was not hit by a rocket or a missile. I think the odds of surviving any crash, controlled or not, are usually not in favor of the crew and occupants, and especially so in a war zone.

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