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Mi35M of Pakistan Army!

The South African ATE almost went bankrupt and have since been bought and merged with a Russian company. Those upgrades are no longer available. But for Pakistan, better to deal with the manufacturer directly, esp if we are trying to get some political mileage out of it too


That’s when the troubles began. The Russians fell all over ATE. According to some contemporary Russian commentators, the Super Hind Mk.III was “dangerous to fly.” South African inventions would “place Algerian crews at great risk.”

Ironically, while explaining that the South African modification of the Mi-24 was “little else but taking pieces from Rooivalk and putting them into the Super Hind,” the Russians launched an effort to obtain the best available information about ATE-applied modifications.

A very simplified history.

A timely arrival of Best Helicopter in Pakistan Military's Hands , it took a while to find this GEM but finally the deal concluded and it came at proper time

If our Fleet size can be expanded to 12 Mi-35M would be a modest improvement

The order of 4 is a bit like a Test deal



In term of Multipurpose nature of craft

Mi-35M is above the Z-10 and T129 platforms
But for Only Gunship roles Z-10 / T129 might be great platforms

MI-35M looks like a Tank in air in simplest terms



I am certain the arrival of Z-19 in recent images or promotions must have made Pakistan Military wonder what is the ideal combination

a) MI-35M , Z-10 and/Or T-129
b) MI-35M , Z-19 and/Or T-129
c) MI-35M , Z-10, Z-19 , T-129
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Mi-35 is an IFV rather than a Flying Tank. It can carry troops also.
Some sources say that the Russians agreed to sell the Mi-35s only to be used on the western border. That's why it was not sent to the parade either.
Your source lacks basic understanding of military contracting. Russians don't give two flips about where we use them.

Apparently in this case, they did.
There's no such clause to the best of my knowledge and they weren't flown at the parade but so weren't the AH-1Z. They are undergoing basic induction process. Weapons and systems flown or displayed during the JSP has to come from operational service. MI35s and AH-1Z aren't yet operational.

Apparently in this case, they did.
There's no such clause to the best of my knowledge and they weren't flown at the parade but so weren't the AH-1Z. They are undergoing basic induction process. Weapons and systems flown or displayed during the JSP has to come from operational service. MI35s and AH-1Z aren't yet operational.

I would love to be proven wrong in this case. Hope what i heard was not the case.

On the other hand, the Zulus will form the top tier, followed by lightweight ATAK, Z-10 or even Z-19E perhaps? I also heard they had sent a customized z-19E in place of Z-10.
So far nothing solid has happened on the ATAK case though. Despite popular belief the Cobras aren't going anywhere anytime soon, at least not all of them.

I would love to be proven wrong in this case. Hope what i heard was not the case.

On the other hand, the Zulus will form the top tier, followed by lightweight ATAK, Z-10 or even Z-19E perhaps? I also heard they had sent a customized z-19E in place of Z-10.
I would love to be proven wrong in this case. Hope what i heard was not the case.

On the other hand, the Zulus will form the top tier, followed by lightweight ATAK, Z-10 or even Z-19E perhaps? I also heard they had sent a customized z-19E in place of Z-10.
No no sir, Z10 cannot not be replaced or changed with Z19. They are for different roles and offer different capabilities. What we are looking for is something that can support or even replace some of our Cobras, an all out attack helicopter, the options include Z10 and T129 (as of now).
Z19 can only be used as light attack helicopter and that is something we get out of our Fennec so Z19E is really not the need of the hour, a dedicated attack helicopter as T129 or Z10 or even AH-1Z is!!

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