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Mi35M of Pakistan Army!

I am a little confused now with your description. Here is the standard Mi-35M cockpit. There is barely some room to fit in another smaller MFD to the left ... if PA one has three, they are just going to be all parallel, not one on left and two on right. Unless they are much smaller in size?

EDIT: Just occurred to me that maybe they are placed vertically =P


Anyways, I can understand if you can not share them yet, if your source asked you not to. But I feel like most of the times we are somehow over zealous if guarding things that are open knowledge for most. Like blacking out serial numbers of F-16C/Ds initially in pics, even though the entire world knew how many we bought and where they were based. Of course they also flew in from Europe for anyone to see. For these helos as well, the Russians know what the cockpit looks like. Are we afraid somehow Indians will find out? I dont get it =P
One large MFD on left and two smaller one on right.
Im guessing there is a single MFD for the gunner's front cockpit akin to other upgraded Mi-35s
Very much hopeful for official display on 23rd March for MI-35 helicopters.

Is there any chance of such display of AH1Z1 American Zulu which supposed to deliverat least 3 choppers at the end of 2017 ???
Good move by PA to go for Mi35. Lots of room for upgrades and 3rd party component integration.

The South African SuperHind upgrades look impressive, particularly MK3 onwards. MK5 upgrade looks like a cobra cockpit mated to a Mi24 too. South Africa may be a great help in making this platform even more potent than it already is.

Pictures from link quoted by @GriffinsRule above.
SuperHind Mk3

SuperHind MK5
ATE 'SuperHind' Mk.5 - Copy (1).jpg
The South African ATE almost went bankrupt and have since been bought and merged with a Russian company. Those upgrades are no longer available. But for Pakistan, better to deal with the manufacturer directly, esp if we are trying to get some political mileage out of it too

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