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Mecca under threat: Outrage over plan to destroy the 'birthplace' of Prophet Mohamed

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Point of the matter is that there is more Islamic heritage in Hijaz itself than all other places to this day. Nothing of religious significance has even been destroyed. Of course you have some people who consider 200-300 year old mausoleums and elaborate shrines built for important Islamic figures as "sacred" despite them attracting people who were doing obvious non-Islamic rituals. Or that sand castle built 200 years ago which hindered any expansion work which is absolutely crucial.

Damn, if only certain people had thought like this when the Babri Masjid was destroyed. A shrine built as a tribute to an invader over one of the holiest spots in hinduism.
Yes, please do tell us what is happening in Tamil Nadu, to begin with. Let's hear it.
you are living in mars perhaps! ;) one of the pilot of first and the last ship send towords mars orbit lol
You failed to understand another parallel with Babri. That mosque was built after destroying a temple that stood on the spot where hindus believe Rama was born. Imagine what faithful hindus must have felt like when that happened. The same thing you are feeling when the spot where Muhammad is supposed to have been born is being turned into a palace for a king.

And by the way, aren't double standards such a wonderful invention? When hindus in India demolished the Babri Masjid to reclaim the spot where Rama was born, muslims rioted not only in India, but also in B'desh and Pakistan. Pakistanis still cry about that, although innumerable places of worship have been razed to the ground in Pak. Now when the Saudi Arabs are going to destroy a mosque that has a lot more religious significance, I can bet that there will scarcely be a murmer of protest. And that is why you are reputed to be arab worshippers.

Note : I do not condone the destruction of any building, Barbi Masjid or this one, or the thousands of temples destroyed in the subcontinent. None of it should have happened.

Houses in Islam have no religious significance. Besides it is not known with certainty that this was the house of Prophet Muhammad (saws). Moreover KSA has not destroyed any mosques here. In fact KSA is doing the utmost service to the Muslims of the world by enlarging the Masjid al-Haram for the sake of Muslims across the world. So more Muslims can conduct their religious rituals. Same with the remaining infrastructure that is being built. It is of utmost importance and absolutely essential as the number of pilgrims will increase rapidly in the upcoming years as the Muslim populations continue to increase for each year.

Due to the expansion work you have Muslims across the world complaining why so few visas are being given. Now when the government is actively helping that problem people complain again. You can't make all people happy.

This is not just 150 years ago were a few thousand pilgrims arrived on a horse, camel, donkey or by sea. Where most of those pilgrims were hosted by local Makkawi residents for weeks at a time sometimes. A few hundred pilgrims today are still hosted by Makkawi pilgrims but obviously it's much harder having a personal relation with pilgrims nowadays when there are 3 million of them and most if not all stay in modern hotels or in tents at Mount Arafat. I mean where should they otherwise stay?

The fact is that Makkah is a ancient city that is several millenniums old and it has always been changing and will always be a dynamic city.

Let's not forget that Makkah is actually a city were regular people live. In fact 3 million of them. It's not some isolated sacred site on top of a mountain or somewhere in a deep valley a long way from any population.
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you are living in mars perhaps! ;) one of the pilot of first and the last ship send towords mars orbit lol
I have no idea what you mean. My question remains unanswered. What exactly is happening in TN? You are aware that the Tamil separatist insurgency was in another country called Sri Lanka, and not in the Indian state of TN, right?
Damn, if only certain people had thought like this when the Babri Masjid was destroyed. A shrine built as a tribute to an invader over one of the holiest spots in hinduism.
not same for Pakistanis:nono:
one done by kafir hindooo goons,,,,,death for thm:mad:
while other is being done by grt arabs with the blessings of Saudi king himself,,,,,,,no biggie:angel:
apples oranges:pleasantry:
I have no idea what you mean. My question remains unanswered. What exactly is happening in TN? You are aware that the Tamil separatist insurgency was in another country called Sri Lanka, and not in India, right?
as an indian you shoud be aware where tamil nadu is actually located in india or in srilanka ;) or you want to play hide and see lol
as an indian you shoud be aware where tamil nadu is actually located in india or in srilanka ;) or you want to play hide and see lol
OK, I shall assume that you have no idea how stupid you are looking right now. Sorry boy, the tamil insurgency was in SL, not in India. When you come and do tough talk on a defence forum, you are expected to know at least this much.

Since it was your first or second post, I shall assume you are a naive noob, and graciously refrain from humiliating you about this goof up.
maybe ISIS and Sauds have the same ideology.. they destroyed many holy places because of "shirk"..

holy places should stay on international muslim property.. not saud property.. it should seperated by sauds as an own country..

with own airbase, international troops , own currency.. that would be the best..

Please tell me, which tenant of Islam is dependent on prophet's birth home ?
OK, I shall assume that you have no idea how stupid you are looking right now. Sorry boy, the tamil insurgency was in SL, not in India. When you come and do tough talk on a defence forum, you are expected to know at least this much.

Since it was your first or second post, I shall assume you are a naive noob, and graciously refrain from humiliating you about this goof up.
you are pretending to be an idiot but let me assure that you are actually :) go to google search tamil nadu freedon movement and take a cup of pepsi with snacks then enjoy ;)

you are pretending to be an idiot but let me assure that you are actually :) go to google search tamil nadu freedon movement and take a cup of pepsi with snacks then enjoy ;)

Have you tried doing that? I just did, simply for the lulz, and here is the result:


All about the independence movements against the British rule, to form an independent country of India; nothing about seperation from India. Also pictured are the freedom fighters from TN who were instrumental in forging the Union of India.

Have you had enough self goals for a day, or would you like to continue? I assure you, I have some time on my hands at the moment.
Death to these wahabis. Destroying the place of birth of prophet for the fat king good for nothing.
Please tell me, which tenant of Islam is dependent on prophet's birth home ?
By that yardstick, which tenet of islam is dependent on any mosque in India?

Note, once again: I am not condoning destruction, simply pointing out the obvious double standard.
Death to these wahabis. Destroying the place of birth of prophet for the fat king good for nothing.

Why don't you bother reading this thread instead of writing nonsense? This article is pure nonsense, was already denied by KSA 3 months ago and several main Muslim organizations from across the world. There is nothing called "Wahhabis" either. It's your imagination speaking to you.

Yes that "fat king" (he is not really fat for a 90 year old) has been donating to your poor country many times and during earthquakes and floods. That "fat king" also hosts about 2 million of your people in KSA that are sending billions in remittances back to Pakistan. Wonder where they would go if there was no GCC? India? Europe and the West is closed for that kind of migration.

Try to be a little bit more grateful about a much more important person than you and a person that has done more for humanity than any here will probably do including for Pakistan.

By that yardstick, which tenet of islam is dependent on any mosque in India?

Note, once again: I am not condoning destruction, simply pointing out the obvious double standard.

This thread has nothing to do with something that happened in India nor are any mosques getting destroyed in KSA. Kindly open another thread for your discussion.

@Oscar why is this nonsense article (thus thread too) that was already discussed 2-3 month back and proven to be nonsense still open? Part of the anti-KSA agenda here? I thought so….
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