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Mecca under threat: Outrage over plan to destroy the 'birthplace' of Prophet Mohamed

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Many hypocritical wahabis who come to Europe to drink alcoholic beverages and do cocaine
edit: cant post link yet
Hypocrites come in all shapes and sizes; the definition of hypocrite is the same as Human
By that yardstick, which tenet of islam is dependent on any mosque in India?

Note, once again: I am not condoning destruction, simply pointing out the obvious double standard.

You are too young and your comment too dumb.

Think , try harder.
@Oscar why is this nonsense article (thus thread too) that was already discussed 2-3 month back and proven to be nonsense still open? Part of the anti-KSA agenda here? I thought so….

Because the news came up again in another news source. ILl merge it with that thread.

Well according to the Iranians it part of the anti-Iran agenda .. or something.. I cant figure.
Because the news came up again in another news source. ILl merge it with that thread.

Well according to the Iranians it part of the anti-Iran agenda .. or something.. I cant figure.

Fact of the matter is that this thread is based on a lie. This nonsense news was already dismissed months ago. Not only by KSA. So the question is why is this still discussed other than helping create more trolling and more dumb comments by each hour?

You tell me.
You are too young and your comment too dumb.

Think , try harder.
Wow, what an eloquent refutation. It's so thought provoking, that I'll spend the rest of the day mulling over it.:rolleyes:
This thread has nothing to do with something that happened in India nor are any mosques getting destroyed in KSA. Kindly open another thread for your discussion.
The thread is not simply for posting news, it is also for discussing certain prevalent attitudes to such events, and similar events elsewhere. The discussion about Babri mosque was already taking place when I weighed in.

In any case, if the thread is based on a lie as you say, wouldn't you rather we discussed Pakistanis' double standards rather than the topic itself?
Please tell me, which tenant of Islam is dependent on prophet's birth home ?

there is no one depending on a birth place it is about respect and love for the prophet and it is about intrest .. but maybe we have to look in history book to see the house.. is that fine?
The thread is not simply for posting news, it is also for discussing certain prevalent attitudes to such events, and similar events elsewhere. The discussion about Babri mosque was already taking place when I weighed in.

In any case, if the thread is based on a lie as you say, wouldn't you rather we discussed Pakistanis' double standards rather than the topic itself?

Fact of the matter is that this thread is a lie and pure nonsense. So what is there to discuss? If you want to discuss Pakistan, India or whatever then make a separate thread for it. This nonsense news was discussed back in September and dismissed.
PDF is basically a Pakistani and Indian forum already. 90% of the users are at least from those two countries.

there is no one depending on a birth place it is about respect and love for the prophet and it is about intrest .. but maybe we have to look in history book to see the house.. is that fine?

There is no proof of this house being the birthplace of Prophet Muhammad (saws) and houses do not play any role in Islam. I can tell you that the building that is now present is not the original house at all. At most a previous house on this place existed but not the current one.

Moreover the expansion work is more important.
you preserve camel and horses and leopards. its is nice.

so do not destroy sacred places that belongs to Ummah.

Imam Mahdi a.s. is arriving soon who is the real heir of Prophet Muhammad pbuh.

One of the Mehdi's primary responsibility will be to create unity among muslims. Seeing how divided we are its going to be an uphill struggle.

But I am sure whatever Mehdi comes will not like what he sees in Hejaz. Power drunk princes, worthless Kings and nobles and tainted Wahabi ideology is all they will find. By the way I am not shia. Lets hope a "Mehdi" can forge unity... and actually give us the ability to listen to critical and objective thought. Of course since Saudi's are living in an autocratic nation they won't even know what that actually means.
I never know that non-muslims has access to Mecca. As i know they cannot enter there , is forbidden so ... ! Close this Thread.
I wonder what he would say if he saw Pakistan since that country is 1000 times worse on those issues that you are speaking about. Or practically every other country than KSA. We are the most Islamic society when you look at laws and one of the most religious countries. What happens in KSA of ill things is a small fraction of what is happening practically everywhere else and that's a fact.

The House of Saud have 15.000 members. There have been very few scandals involving them and most are devout Muslims. Alcohol is not sold in KSA. There are many more alcoholics in Pakistan than in KSA and more consume alcohol there. Own goal.

There are no nobles in KSA. What is "Wahhabi". Can you give a description. Who calls himself that?

Nobody cares about your opinion though. Your country is lightyears behind KSA on most fronts so I suggest that you bother cleaning your own house before crying about KSA. Each day you people kill each other due to sects and you are busy writing nonsense.
wahabi the people who stops muslim to worship graves right?
One of the Mehdi's primary responsibility will be to create unity among muslims. Seeing how divided we are its going to be an uphill struggle.

But I am sure whatever Mehdi comes will not like what he sees in Hejaz. Power drunk princes, worthless Kings and nobles and tainted Wahabi ideology is all they will find. By the way I am not shia. Lets hope a "Mehdi" can forge unity... and actually give us the ability to listen to critical and objective thought. Of course since Saudi's are living in an autocratic nation they won't even know what that actually means.

I wonder what he would say if he saw Pakistan since that country is 1000 times worse on those issues that you are speaking about. Or practically every other country than KSA. We are the most Islamic society when you look at laws and one of the most religious countries. What happens in KSA of ill things is a small fraction of what is happening practically everywhere else and that's a fact.

The House of Saud have 15.000 members. There have been very few scandals involving them and most are devout Muslims. Alcohol is not sold in KSA. There are many more alcoholics in Pakistan than in KSA and more consume alcohol there. Own goal.

There are no nobles in KSA. What is "Wahhabi". Can you give a description. Who calls himself that?

Nobody cares about your opinion though. Your country is lightyears behind KSA on most fronts so I suggest that you bother about cleaning your own house before crying about KSA. Each day your people kill each other due to sects and you are busy writing nonsense.

Instead of cleaning up your MUCH bigger mess you are busy pointing fingers at others who are not busy pointing fingers at others unless forced to like I am here or provoked and who are better on those fronts that you mention.

wahabi the people who stops muslim to worship graves right?

I don't know what that is.

Never met any person that calls himself that. But indeed any sane Muslim would discourage grave worship and worshipping of "saints" etc. Nothing to do with Islam.
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there is no one depending on a birth place it is about respect and love for the prophet and it is about intrest .. but maybe we have to look in history book to see the house.. is that fine?

All land marks which relate to Prophet and his family should be preserved for coming generation . Well, a class of people believe in One god, then why need holy Kaaba, demolish this land mark too. Destroy rest of land marks in middle east too.
All muslim need to preserve the birth place of Islam. Seeing is believing .
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