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Maulana Azad's predictions about the sub-continent

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Because Western areas(bordering Punjab) were majority Muslim areas so when whole Punjab goes to Pakistan the Muhajirs of UP would have easily fought for their land which they totally lost now, but dumbs like Maulana Azad messed up every thing by dividing with Sir Jinnah. BTW my grand parents were from UP too.

Then in same way, Most of the areas of Sindhe was also Hindu majority but still went to Pakistan.
Many districts of Bangladesh was Hindu majoirty but still went to East Pakistan.

Also, Millions of Hindus and Sikhs were living in Punjab (Pakistan Punjab today). For example, Lahore.

You have to give and take.
Sorry, Any guy who is/was against the creation of Pakistan we are against him No matter if it was Moulana Azad. we should worry about ourselves Pakistan is for all Muslim, Hindu Christian Jew as long as they are loyal to their Pakistan.

We just follow the teaching of Muhammad(S.A.W) and fulfill the dream of prosperous Pakistan of Quaid-e-azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
lets forget about 1947 partition. It's history. Although I am happy with that and hope everyone. Most of us, have not even seen united India. So, we actually don't know.

Best we can do is develop good relation. Although impossible to forget 5,000 years of History with 64 years of Partition.
Firstly, all these guys - Azad, Nehru, Patel and Jinnah were politicians who were jostling for political space. The Brits just wanted to leave India because they had to rebuild Britain after WW2. Let's not forget Jinnah accepted a plan which called for a united India with a weak central govt. but Nehru-Patel rejected it - The Cabinet Mission Plan. Jinnah also wanted to retire in Bombay after a few years of the creation of Pakistan. These guys were educated in Britain and were qualified lawyers. If they knew the sheer level of animosity and hatred that would form, they would be against it - against partition. And yes, Muslims became by and large disenfranchised. In a democratic, undivided India they would not necessarily form a singular votebank - a Bengali Muslim might have voted for Mamta Bannerjee while a Punjabi Muslim might have voted for the Muslim League. Anyways, what's done is done.
prophetic words(by a Maulana?)?predictions? Muslims dont believe in such stuff...Only Allah knows whats going to happen tomorrow
Firstly, all these guys - Azad, Nehru, Patel and Jinnah were politicians who were jostling for political space. The Brits just wanted to leave India because they had to rebuild Britain after WW2. Let's not forget Jinnah accepted a plan which called for a united India with a weak central govt. but Nehru-Patel rejected it - The Cabinet Mission Plan. Jinnah also wanted to retire in Bombay after a few years of the creation of Pakistan. These guys were educated in Britain and were qualified lawyers. If they knew the sheer level of animosity and hatred that would form, they would be against it - against partition. And yes, Muslims became by and large disenfranchised. In a democratic, undivided India they would not necessarily form a singular votebank - a Bengali Muslim might have voted for Mamta Bannerjee while a Punjabi Muslim might have voted for the Muslim League. Anyways, what's done is done.

Cabinet mission plan was accepted because AIML knew it would be rejected by Nehru, if you go through the necessary contextual material...

Jinnah also wanted to retire in Bombay after a few years of the creation of Pakistan.

Jinnah NEVER wanted that, its a plain lie. Jinnah even took the risk of his life, when had to visit East Pakistan, but did not stop in india to refuel the aeroplane. moreover, the only reference from HISTORY you can quote is where Jinnah mentioned in some letter that I would like to visit Bombay when things calm down. *(he had a mansion there, which is now occupied by the indians govt illegally). this by no means prove that he wanted to live in bombay. other than this letter you can give anything to prove this LIE.

on the other hand Gandhi wanted a long march, he wanted to live in Lahore, on which Jinnah as Governor General of Pakistan said to Cabinet "even if you accept his request, I shall veto it".
Creation of Pakistan was an excellent decision.who ever will oppose it is lanti.no matter who it is.

to thread starter.
You have some plans and Allah has his plans.why not we conquer india,establish khilafat.
this thing is better or cleaning the dung of cows and giving snakes bath with milk is better.
are you not happy with the destiny which Allah has chosen for this country?

2nd thing.
who are the people who migrated to Pak to question the creation of Pak?

where are son of the soils?does not their opinion matter.
there is hadith/verse (not sure) with rough meaning that when migration happen,and some people chose to stay back then ummat is not responsible for them.

another hadith.
the one who migrate for land his migration is fore land,the one who migrate for women/money his migration will be for women and money.and the one who migrate in the name of Allah then Allah will give reward to him.

so mister first of all decide very carefully why your parents migrated to Pakistan.
and after three generations how the hell are you muhajirs?
Let me from the outset declare that I am a patriotic Pakistani who was born and raised in Pakistan. Both my Parents were born and raised in Delhi and migrated to Pakistan. Being a Pakistani is my ethos and my identity. Having said that I will say to my Pakistani fellow countrymen to not be emotional when looking back at historical events. Some wise man once said those who do not learn from History are condemned to repeat same old mistakes over and over again. Now instead of emotionalism we need to look at the past with realistic and cool analysis to learn from our history. Calling Maulana Azad names without even having a remotest idea what he said to the Muslims of subcontinent is shortchanging history and even shortchanging ourselves.

The argument Maulana Azad was making was simply this. Muslims of Subcontinent are a minority but they happen to be a humongous minority. By creating Pakistan, you will divide Muslims into two and possibly three separate groups ( Yes he had predicted in 1947 that East Pakistan will break away from West Pakistan leaving Muslims of Subcontinent into three groups ) thereby weakening their collective bargaining power.

Even though I realize their is no going back, I just want you to know these facts. Today Indian government claims that Muslims are only 13.64 % of Indian Population. Most of my Indian friends say the govt undercounts Muslims for political reasons and that the correct %age is closer to 20%. Even if we accept this number to be 13.64 % govt. figure, both Congress and and BJP perform somersaults to get this votebank. Imagine the power of 500 million + muslims would have wielded in an undivided India. We are under the delusion that Jinnah got us Pakistan, the reality is Nehru and more appropriately Sardar Patel allowed Jinnah to make Pakistan and solve their Muslim problem. Why ? because a 35 % + Muslim block vote spelled disaster for them. Muslims would still not have been the kings but instead they would have been KINGMAKERS , and my friends a KINGMAKER is more powerful than the King because the Kingmaker can pull the carpet under the feet of the king anytime.

Please listen to the Prophetic words of Maulana Azad with a cool mind and then tell me if he did speak the truth and he was anti muslim. Here is the Speech Maulana Azad made in 1947:

Prophetic sayings of Maulana Azad
I guess we Muslims are gotten divided by the british deception. They divided our power.

---------- Post added at 08:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:33 PM ----------

Creation of Pakistan was an excellent decision.who ever will oppose it is lanti.no matter who it is.

to thread starter.
You have some plans and Allah has his plans.why not we conquer india,establish khilafat.
this thing is better or cleaning the dung of cows and giving snakes bath with milk is better.
are you not happy with the destiny which Allah has chosen for this country?

2nd thing.
who are the people who migrated to Pak to question the creation of Pak?

where are son of the soils?does not their opinion matter.
there is hadith/verse (not sure) with rough meaning that when migration happen,and some people chose to stay back then ummat is not responsible for them.

another hadith.
the one who migrate for land his migration is fore land,the one who migrate for women/money his migration will be for women and money.and the one who migrate in the name of Allah then Allah will give reward to him.

so mister first of all decide very carefully why your parents migrated to Pakistan.
and after three generations how the hell are you muhajirs?
but we shold have gotten all Muslims together under Pakistan which was supposed to be twice or thrice than what we have now. We didn't need more than half of the Muslims in India back. We need all of them here together with us.
I think you are missing the point. In an undivided India two Hindu political parties are facing each other in elections ( like CONGRESS and BJP). Lets say one of these ( either Congress of BJP ) is backed by 35 % block vote of Muslims. Now this party with 35 % Muslim vote would only need 22% percent of vote from the remaining 65% vote to win. I am sure even a Genius like yourself can figure out the implication of this scenario if you choose to do so.

your assumption that anyhow BJP would have been created is wrong.........

BJP was formed because of after the shah bano case the congress started sucking up to the muslims to get their votes..this caused resentment and then only BJP got strength...

if india was not divided, then congress which was called a hindu nationalist party formerly , would have remained a hindu nationalist party without pampering the muslims and BJP itself would not have come.....

so it would have been ML vs COngress andf no guesses who would have got the majority seats.....
Actually Sikhs doesn't care for India or Pakistan, they want united Punjab, maybe there would be some Sikhs who would oppose but i don't see any other reason why they would've not liked it.

lol...you are so so misinformed.......without care for india they would not be consisting of about 15% of the indian armed forces..:disagree:

and do you think they have forgot what punjabi muslims did to them during the partition ?
Who cares about what Maulana Azad said in the past. We even don't care what Maulana Fazl ur Rehman says in the present. :lol:
Maulana Azad was neither all that Azad nor that popular. He had some following towards the North and MQM goons love him. Thats about it. Had he been alive today, he would happily crawl to Pakistan much like his co-idealogies like Jamat e non-Islami and Moulana mardoodi did. Which proves the point, these mullahs are just cheap opportunist acrobats.

The muslims in the Indian government feel this way about us, when they have had Babri Mosque demolished, and citizens killed in communal riots. If they like to be slaves, then let them. Why should we even care anymore about them if they don't; If, they, themselves proclaim that their situation in India is good, then we should send our dua's and well wishes. That is all.
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The muslims in the Indian government feel this way about us, when they have had Babri Mosque demolished, and citizens killed in communal riots. If they like to be slaves, then let them. Why should we even care anymore about them if they don't; If, they, themselves proclaim that their situation in India is good, then we should send our dua's and well wishes. That is all.

what propaganda these minds have underwent.....:disagree:
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