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Massive violence erupts in Egypt

I am against bringing religion into affairs of state. Secondly i am no supporter of some hardline mullah yahoos. Pakistan is lucky in that way as no Islamist party ever got a hold in parliament.
So, why the f*** do you support them in Egypt ?!!!!!
So, why the f*** do you support them in Egypt ?!!!!!

They were elected representatives and they had majority. I support democratically elected government rather than bunch of mad dictators it is that simple. Even if was someone other than MB i would still support them as they got power through legitimate means. Next time if you want a debate then avoid using words like fu*k otherwise go f**k yourself.
They were elected representatives and they had majority. I support democratically elected government rather than bunch of mad dictators it is that simple. Even if was someone other than MB i would still support them as they got power through legitimate means. Next time if you want a debate then avoid using words like fu*k otherwise go f**k yourself.
Democracy is not just a ballot box, sir!! If you don't respect the law, you lose your legitimacy, its that smile!!

Check this article please,

I received this from an Egyptian friend and I would like to share it with as many Americans as possible to help them unravel the events in Egypt.

I changed very little, only a few things to make it an easier read. So here’s exactly what happened in Egypt over the past 12 months, but expressed in “American” terms (such as substituting U.S. President Barack Obama’s name for that of deposed Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi).

There are no exaggerations or lies. All these events actually took place in Egypt.

Try to imagine if …

On June 30, 2012, democratically elected Barack Obama wins the election by a razor thin margin of 50.7% of the vote, takes the oath, and is sworn in as president of the United States.

The first five months of his term go relatively smoothly, where he makes almost no decisions (except for some dubious presidential pardons to a dozen convicted terrorists, including some convicted for their part in the assassination of a former president, and issues pardons to a number of convicted criminals and drug dealers ).

Suddenly, on Nov. 21, 2012, and despite his razor thin victory margin, President Obama issues a presidential decree giving himself sweeping powers, to the extent that his future decrees become un-contestable in any court, beyond all judicial review and in effect his decisions henceforth are akin to the word of God. His laws are a new Bible.

Nationwide protests erupt as a result of this decree and 1.5 million Americans organize a sit-in at the White House to peacefully request he rescind his presidential decrees.

Some of Obama’s hard line Democratic Party supporters attack the peaceful sit-in outside the White House with guns and shoot five peaceful protesters dead.

A few weeks later demonstrators of the hard core Democratic Party surround the U.S. Supreme Court, preventing the justices from convening so as to prevent any judicial review of the president’s decisions. Instead of protecting the judiciary, Obama dissolves the U.S. Supreme Court and labels its members all “traitors to America.”

One short week later, he fires the U.S. Attorney General and personally appoints a Democratic partisan to replace him without going through the Constitutional due process.

A month later, he annuls the U.S, Constitution and forms a “constitutional committee” to draft a new constitution in four days, (the committee includes no Republicans or Independents, no Muslims or Jews, and only a handful of women … and is composed primarily of Democrats & religious hardline preachers).

In a referendum not supervised by any judicial branch ( as judges all over the U.S. boycotted the process ), this constitution narrowly wins, and President Obama ratifies it the very next morning (despite it having only receiving the approval of 18% of all Americans).

Within a month, he invites top global terrorists, known jihadists and al-Qaeda members, from all over the world, to a rally in Yankee Stadium, where he cuts ties with and declares war on Canada.

Throughout this whole time, the U.S. economy is sinking, the stock market collapsing, foreign investment has all but stopped, tourism has died, and electricity, fuel, and water shortages are a daily occurrence.

Unemployment has almost doubled, and the U.S. dollar has lost 20 percent of its value globally.

Oh, and President Obama also outlines his new plans to lease the entire Silicon Valley area to China for 50 years (with full administrative control)…

With only .07% majority, democratically elected President Barack Obama has done all the above in his FIRST YEAR IN OFFICE!!!

Ultimately, on June 30, 2013, 110 million Americans take to the streets in 50 states to peacefully and politely demand — for four straight days — that democratically elected President Obama leave office immediately, and that he not serve his remaining three years.

Instead of listening to the people, President Obama goes on TV during prime time hours and threatens the nation with veiled and not-so-veiled threats.

To protect the 110 million Americans, the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the U.S. military ask Obama to step down, and because Congress was dissolved earlier this year due to the unconstitutionality of its election, the country is turned over to the chief justice of the Supreme Court.

That’s it in a nutshell.

Who would you say had “legitimacy” in this case if it had been America?

“Democratically” elected President Barrack Obama, or the 110 million Americans who, in effect, fired him?

Putting Egypt in Context – What If President Obama Did What Morsi Did? | TheBlaze.com
Turkey steps up criticism of West over Egypt massacre



Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan directed harsh criticism at the Western countries on Thursday for remaining silent after hundreds of supporters of deposed Egyptian leader Mohammed Morsi were killed in a crackdown on Wednesday and called for the UN Security Council to convene quickly.

"Those who remain silent in the face of this massacre are as guilty as those who carried it out. The UN Security Council must convene quickly," Erdoğan told a news conference before his departure from Ankara Esenboğa Airport for Turkmenistan on Thursday morning.

Erdoğan, who has frequently accused the West of tacitly supporting the July 3 military intervention that toppled Morsi, said the Western leaders refrain from calling the intervention a coup publicly even though this is not what they say during private conversations. “During our telephone conversations, they don't deny that a coup has been staged in Egypt, but when talking to the public they speak differently,” he said.

Continuing his strong rhetoric against the West's stance on Egypt, Erdoğan stated that in order to pass what he called the “democracy test,” the West should understand that Egyptians are asking for their democratic rights.

“If Western countries fail in taking sincere steps, the world will start to question democracy. Staging a coup to save democracy is nothing but [using democracy as] an excuse. [According to the West] the army staged a coup to save democracy in Egypt. This shows the hypocrisy of the West,” the prime minister said.

Turkey has emerged as one of the strongest international critics of the coup that toppled Morsi, and Turkish leaders lashed out at the Egyptian administration and the West following Wednesday's brutal crackdown that left hundreds of Morsi supporters dead. The death toll stood at 525, according to the Health Ministry data, while Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood put the death toll at a staggering 2,600.

The United States condemned Wednesday's bloody crackdown and urged Egypt's authorities to respect basic human rights, while European leaders called for restraint and a return to dialogue.

On Wednesday, a statement from Erdoğan's office said that the international community's failure to criticize the coup encouraged the Egyptian authorities to carry out Wednesday's violent crackdown, adding that Egypt's administration is responsible for the violent deaths that have occurred in the country since June 30.

There was no mention of Arab countries, which have largely remained silent following Wednesday's crackdown, in Wednesday's statement or Thursday's remarks by the prime minister.

Turkey's strong criticism of the July 3 coup and this week's brutal crackdown on Morsi supporters have strained ties with the new Egyptian administration as well. A statement from the Egyptian Foreign Ministry condemned the Turkish statements, saying they crossed the line and accusing Turkey of interference.

Embargo on Egypt

Erdoğan also claimed that there was an embargo against Egypt during Mohammed Morsi's one-year presidential period by Western countries and also by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). “They have done the same in Palestine, too. We do not forget what has happened in Palestine. There are traps staged in the Muslim world and they're a threat to Turkey, too. A strong Turkey is not wanted,” he added.

After calling on the UN Security Council to convene on Egypt, the Turkish prime minister said: “I am telling the Western countries: You've kept quiet on Palestine, on Gaza, and are keeping quiet on Egypt. After this moment, how are you going to be able to talk about democracy or human rights? How are you going to talk about humanistic values while people are killed in front of your eyes?”

Erdoğan later slammed the Western media for calling Wednesday's massacre, “an operation” by the interim government of Egypt. “Considering their live coverage of the [Gezi Park] incidents in Turkey, how many more people have to get killed [in Egypt] for international media to see the truth?” he asked.

Erdoğan also said Egypt's leaders should stand a "fair and transparent" trial for what he called a "massacre" that unfolded live on televisions as police smashed two protest camps of supporters of Morsi.

He again called for the release from custody of Morsi and other members of his government and said Egypt's current leaders should follow the example of Nobel Peace Prize-winner Mohamed ElBaradei, who resigned as Egypt's interim vice president in protest of the violence.

“We harshly condemn the Egyptian government for using violence against peaceful demonstrations. Opening fire on civilians who are not engaged in any violent action and targeting them with snipers constitute serious crimes,” said Erdoğan.

Speaking later in the day, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu said Turkey was concerned over the impact of the developments in Egypt on the entire region, calling Egypt the “backbone of the Middle East.”

Turkish President Abdullah Gül also called the armed intervention "completely unacceptable," warning that the crisis in Egypt would have an impact on the entire Muslim world.

"Armed intervention against civilians, against people demonstrating, is completely unacceptable. I fear Egypt will be dragged into chaos. This is a dead-end," Gül told reporters in the Turkish capital, Ankara.

Gül warned that Egypt's fate could be the same as Syria's, recalling that the Syrian crisis also began when security forces fired on peaceful civilian protesters. “Army intervention against civilians brings events to this point,” he said.

Telephone diplomacy

Along with the harsh rhetoric, Turkey has also been conducting diplomacy with Arab and Western countries on the situation in Egypt. Since Wednesday, Davutoğlu has spoken on the phone with US Secretary of State John Kerry, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle, as well as with the foreign ministers of France, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.

Turkey steps up criticism of West over Egypt massacre - Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news
I never said anything about Christian you retard. I merely said Coptic Pope supported the coup. He is a religious man and he shouldn't be involved in politics as it can put all the christians in the harms way. Next time at least read the comment properly before making retarded assumptions.

lol, rite....Copts=christians
All sane Egyptians are running away from Egypt. Sane with the means to leave, that is.

Egyptians are quite decent people around here. But what happened here was a display of animals.
Are you suggesting that we should juts let these terrorist attack us, and terrorize us just because you are suspicious about the army real intentions ?!!

Shame on you for being this retarded....

So now, your fellow Egyptians who have different political view have become "terrorists"? Sky News correspondent already reported that protestors did not have weapons...YET they were shot in the head and neck by pathetic military of yours...

Now you have audacity to say "Oh we are just clearing terrorists"? Pathetic liberal scums....

Muslims have seen the real face your extremist-western buttlicking liberal minority's real face....Secular Liberal extremists will NEVER come to power in Islamic World after this, Inshallah..

I feel sad for very few genuine liberals of Muslim World...fake extremist intolerant b@stard 'liberals' have ruined it for them too...
Shame on you for being this retarded....

So now, your fellow Egyptians who have different political view have become "terrorists"? Sky News correspondent already reported that protestors did not have weapons...YET they were shot in the head and neck by pathetic military of yours...

Now you have audacity to say "Oh we are just clearing terrorists"? Pathetic liberal scums....

Muslims have seen the real face your extremist-western buttlicking liberal minority's real face....Secular Liberal extremists will NEVER come to power in Islamic World after this, Inshallah..

I feel sad for very few genuine liberals of Muslim World...fake extremist intolerant b@stard 'liberals' have ruined it for them too...
I stopped reading at this!!
Anti-Coup...Alliance not allowed to enter Tahrir just because Tamarood "millions of people" count will be bursted..
NATO no fly zone n GCC weapons transfers for MB? after all was not shooting protestors the excuse for Libya n Syria?
you mean the side your country choose is right?
I haven't been comfortable with the positions taken either by Obama or by the second GWB Administrations and I pointed out at the time of Morsi's ouster the danger of letting the military have free reign and total public support. News reports here make Egypt of today sound very much like Nasser's post-1967 Egypt. Especially the bit about jailed protesters being forced to sign documents relieving the police of any responsibility for their injuries in order to be let go; it reminded me of how Egypt's Jews were compelled to sign documents that they "voluntarily" abandoned their homes and properties.

Checks and balances. Democratic values. Promote these themes and democrats may be able to check the military politically by garnering the support of Western nations. At least, I hope so; our media is so deferential to Obama it's disgusting. Republican presidents could not have gotten away with a fraction of Obama's foreign policy incompetence without being reminded of it every day in the newspapers and on television.

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