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Massive floods across Pakistan | Thousands Killed

huh i was avoiding replying to indians here because its not the thread to do politics but now i feel i should reply you.

During earthquake the Indian so-called aid offered to the quake victims was used by your Indian media and officials for playing same old Indian propaganda against Pakistan by saying that the "Cash" India offered had not been used by Pakistan. NOW please tell me when the entire world was pouring in cash for quake victims how can the intelligent Indian minds figure out that out of billions of dollars in banks offered by international community, which NOTES were of Indian aid which were NOT used ???????

I guess money was not used in the sense, India's pledged amount was not taken by pakistan.
New Delhi, Aug 13 (IANS) Setting aside bitterness over the failed talks between India and Pakistan last month, External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna Friday spoke to his Pakistani counterpart Shah Mahmood Qureshi and offered $5 million for flood victims in Pakistan.

In a telephone conversation, Krishna conveyed to his Pakistani counterpart India’s solidarity with the people of Pakistan in their hour of need, the external affairs ministry said here.

On behalf of the people and government of India, he also conveyed deepest sympathies and condolences to the people and Government of Pakistan at this natural disaster, the ministry added.

During the conversation, Krishna offered the Indian government’s assistance of $5 million for relief material from India for the victims of the floods.

India’s solidarity with flood victims and offer of aid to Pakistan is seen as an important gesture to create a positive atmosphere despite bitter recriminations that followed the July 15 talks between the foreign ministers of the two countries.
Military help is something that would be unacceptable to Pakistan Army. Think of it, there is lots of distrust among the countries. Also, can India have the capacity to donate Choppers? Sending its present choppers would also ask for sending the personal that operate and that I don't think Pakistan will allow as there might be a chance of spying.

But, India should send relief like medicine, food, and other supplies that are useful to provide accommodation to the displaced people.

Lots of tents for temporary accommodation and lots of supplies to build new houses. I think India should also offer help to build dams so that these kind of floods won't repeat again.

I wish to see good times between neighbors. Though we have issues, we have to work together so mutual benefits. :cheers:

bro we not asking militry aid or choppers for use . its like 5 choppers for search and relif and after 3 weeks return back with thanks.
huh i was avoiding replying to indians here because its not the thread to do politics but now i feel i should reply you.

During earthquake the Indian so-called aid offered to the quake victims was used by your Indian media and officials for playing same old Indian propaganda against Pakistan by saying that the "Cash" India offered had not been used by Pakistan. NOW please tell me when the entire world was pouring in cash for quake victims how can the intelligent Indian minds figure out that out of billions of dollars in banks offered by international community, which NOTES were of Indian aid which were NOT used ???????

Please give me links about the so called propaganda madam..if its in news then you can find it...
I dont think choppers could be sent,we ourself had to withdraw 5 Mi 17 from UN mission to help tackle the menace of nexals in here... But again, if Foreign Ministry had wanted it, We could have looked into it, India could have sent a few Choppers for Assistance...
I dont think choppers could be sent,we ourself had to withdraw 5 Mi 17 from UN mission to help tackle the menace of nexals in here... But again, if Foreign Ministry had wanted it, We could have looked into it, India could have sent a few Choppers for Assistance...

Bro, I can bet, if Pak govt. will ask for helis and allows Indian pilots...then, GOI will surely send MI-17.
Ohh come on Abu ..most of the country's are in need to help in one need or another ..but when in case of a natural disaster they tend to help each other ...I dont see you give this advice to any other country ...China was facing worst floods than you still they were giving you AID..why dont you give the advice to China to keep the AID to help those who are homeless..its not the care but the pure hatred you displayed there in that post..so before calling us numb nuts and destroying the reputation of the post Think tank ..do some "Thinking" before post some nonsense ..Obviously you are well fed and doing good in your home so you can advice about which country should donate and whether the food is halal or not..its only those people who are suffering right ??think tank :rolleyes:

seems you are getting emotional.

I would accept aid regardless of nationality. Unfortunately, I feel that aid from hindustan would be far too publicised and even of greater concern --politicised (you are naiive to think otherwise). In future times, hindustanys would act as if we owe them something. I don't think that's very good.

Yes there should generally be no discrimination when it comes to helping people who are in need. I don't represent or work within the decision making circles. Because I will publicly and without regret, state that I would never accept aid from hindustan given the current status of our relations with them; especially as they aim to tarnish the name of the Armed Forces of Pakistan, the very people who are out their SLAVING and killing themselves in order to desperately help these poor flood affectees.

as for China, I wish we could do more to help them but we are not in that position nor we have capacity at this time; as we are over-burdened heavily.

the only people that can help Pakistanis are Pakistanis themselves. They demonstrated it very well especially during IDP crisis, and past crises; and Inshallah they will demonstrate it again.

And I reiterate my personal hope that hindustan keeps its ''aid'' and uses it for its own internal poverty and problems.

did you understand this time or you still need help?
Bro, I can bet, if Pak govt. will ask for helis and allows Indian pilots...then, GOI will surely send MI-17.

Sure, if IL 76 could carry relief materials , why not Involve Indian Pilots In search and rescue Mission in Pakistan? But it would raise security concerns Over the Place.... Both the countries arent matured Enough for that... But if there ministry is happy, why make 5, we could send 10 of them, what are we going to do anyway with over 100 Mi series transport Helicopters? Let us give it to those in need
For past half a century this "i am better than you" game is going on and the whole world is watching. As both rival enter their 6th decade, it is evident than India and Pakistan are here to stay and we need to end this game. The world is growing tired as well and sooner of later both side will be in losers ditch. Indo-Pak peace is a solid reality and the sooner the merrier. We are sixty plus years old and considered a mature nation now. Insurgencies, terrorism, arms race, infiltration and other antics of destabilization into each other borders will not be taken lightly anymore. Gone are the days of cold war and rivalry.
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Please give me links about the so called propaganda madam..if its in news then you can find it...

And Seiko even this propaganda by India about ripping off Indian labels is ridiculous because we can not remove it from medicines or eatries already packed. Now i do not know if Indian tents come with printing "made in India" :angel:

But afterwards, officials reported that Pakistani authorities had ripped off `made in India' labels from relief material before distributing them, because it was easier to believe that India had not helped out during the earthquake. India had also made a cash contribution to Pakistan's relief efforts, but Pakistan never used it, which led to a feeling of rejection in the Indian side.

Read more: India still debating whether to send aid to Pakistan - India - The Times of India India still debating whether to send aid to Pakistan - India - The Times of India

Now please tell me how can India figure our that their meager cash aid was not used when the entire world had pledged billions and billions of dollars in 2005 earthquake
Of-course ...however let's be fair with New Delhi....There is hell lot of trust deficit b/w us and we are considered adversary to the core....Remember during P-O-K earthquake our help war not taken....

New Delhi coming up with Aid package is a big think....and should be acknowledged accordingly....Compare the scenario during the height of cold-war...US sending Aid Package to USSR(or vice-versa) for some catastrophe.....How difficult would that have been for either side...no???

Decki our help was accepted but the offering of Helis was rejected..because of the sensitivity of the area at that time..dont you think if a positive step at the initial stages will help increasing the trust between our countries a lot and lots of hearts can be won among the common citizens..when we would have helped when they were in desperate need for help..I am not saying they are not now but it would have been better if it was earlier :) ..my 2 cents
Good and positive step by GOI , also we should provide logistical support to them like choppers too.
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