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Massive Blow To Seculars/Leftists - Digvijay, Azad Praise Modi's Response to J&K Floods

Maybe, but that doesn't mean we can simply ignore such statements or other things concerning the government now, only by saying that will change sooner or later.

Your concerns are legitimate but it would be wrong to say such kind of provocation is done by one party only. I didn't see much brouhaha from the media when Abu Azami said those Muslims who don't vote for Muslims should be made to undergo a DNA test. Or when Azam Khan said those who captured the Tiger hill were Muslim soldiers. Or when bigwigs of Congress said that Sonia Gandhi cried for the Batala house encounter. Or be it politicians in Kerala who are overlooking the radicalization in their state under the garb of political correctness or for vote bank.

Modi wants to build and improve his international image, so he will reign in such wayward members if they don't stop their vitriolic. The political opponents of BJP have not much to speak against them except communalism and newstrader are just peddling their agenda.
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Thats a misconception which ppl like @arp2041 propagate for their own selfish interests. :P

India needs to quickly get rid of SICKULARS like you..............

"India's greatest enemy is not Terrorism nor Maoism............It's the IDEOLOGY called SICKULUISM!!!" - arp2041

Because the secularism in India is fake. It has become to tool to push Hindus and nationalist. Which so called secular has ever raised a voice against the religious clenching of Hindus in Kashmir? If a terrorist is caught who was a master mind in many bomb blast, secular terms him a son of Bihar. They visit their Home. Some one gives statement that he was caught only because he was muslims. An encounter takes place in Delhi. A police officer dies in encounter and secular reaches the home of terrorist and says that encounter was fake. This is true color of seculars of India. All so called secular are fifth columnist.
No major disagreement with what you said in general. What I am concerned is to point out the absurdity in the notion of despising the idea of secularism as a whole. There is no denying the fact that there are self proclaimed secularists who are using Muslim appeasement just to garner minority votes but it is equally true to blame secularism for this malpractice. Before condemning the idea of secularism, we have to remember that self proclaimed secularists are equally violating the spirit of constitution as the self proclaimed nationalists like Swamy or Adityanath are doing.

Secularism is a concept of separating state and religion, giving equal honor and opportunity to all religion. It might have been abused from Nehru's era till today but that does not allow us to reciprocate this misconduct with ultra nationalist chauvinism inspired by religious bigotry; It is very important to note that what Mr.Modi has been ardently preaching about secularism through out his election campaign is commendable and every body should and must adhere to the kind of principle he addressed.
India needs to quickly get rid of SICKULARS like you..............

"India's greatest enemy is not Terrorism nor Maoism............It's the IDEOLOGY called SICKULUISM!!!" - arp2041

OK... quote sent to goodreads.com/quotes :D
India needs to quickly get rid of SICKULARS like you..............

"India's greatest enemy is not Terrorism nor Maoism............It's the IDEOLOGY called SICKULUISM!!!" - arp2041


The word is "secular" ...

And I dont like getting pestered constantly.
The political opponents of BJP have not much to speak against them except communalism and newstrader are just peddling their agenda.

That's why it was a BJP supporter who brought up this issue with the opening post right? ;)
@sancho @scorpionx @levina @nair our mate @arp2041 is trolling you guys.. There was a thread started by one guy about Ram Sethu where he was bashing seculars in this forum.. @arp2041 is taking a dig at that guy by mentioning seculars in every thread.. He is a closet secular ;)

I know..... he was taking a dig at lord manavan and his comrades..... But then i wanted to respond to them (not to arpyyy)

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