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Massive Blow To Seculars/Leftists - Digvijay, Azad Praise Modi's Response to J&K Floods

Whats big deal in this...................Isn't that duty of Indian PM....................Or Mr Modi has done something abnormal in this case.............Then about Diggy Raja..........No Comments
Whats big deal in this...................Isn't that duty of Indian PM....................Or Mr Modi has done something abnormal in this case.............Then about Diggy Raja..........No Comments

The BIG DEAL is that for the first time in independent India's history a PM is doing his job as he is meant to. This guy with honesty and integrity and dedication was reviled and held out as mass murderer and every attempt was done by the seculars of this country to stop him from becoming a PM and continue with their old corrupt parties and good for nothing PMs. That they are being made to eat their hats is what is the BIG DEAL.
Actually at 27:34 Dr. Swamy clearly states the country's national policy will not be hostage to "any community" within India. So there was no desperation or retreat on his part anywhere unlike what you are desperately trying to prove.

Check the senctence before that at 27:24 where he clearly states:

That just because we have a muslim population in our country, therefor we have to have a foreign policy decided on that basis

That's the part that the other panelist AND the moderator pointed to in the discussion afterwards, where Dr Swamy then tried to correct himself. He simply showed his real mind there (I think it slipped out of his mouth) and made it worse later by the remarks who he represents or in his poor attacks on other panelist.

Negative rating for personal attack on another member!

You don't have to agree with him, but can keep it civil in a discussion!

There is no way all Indians will respect anything Modi does. Majority Muslims will always support Muslim interests

But the majority of Muslims will support national interests in first place and that is the point, because a different religion doesn't make them less Indian!
And only if you voted against Modi / BJP in the elections, doesn't mean that one would automatically would not respect him as the PM of the country, since it is in the national interest to respect the authority he represents for all Indians, while it is a personal matter if you support his party and the policies they represent!
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Check the senctence before that at 27:24 where he clearly states:
That just because we have a muslim population in our country, therefor we have to have a foreign policy decided on that basis
That's the part that the other panelist AND the moderator pointed to in the discussion afterwards, where Dr Swamy then tried to correct himself. He simply showed his real mind there (I think it slipped out of his mouth) and made it worse later by the remarks who he represents or in his poor attacks on other panelist.

Sorry, you need to get your hearing checked. He starts out at 26:53 by stating the facts that the govt voted against Israel and US which has not been appreciated at all. Then, At 27:14 he says "in fact this is a problem we find that there is a tendency of some people to think that we will be automatically against anywhere where Muslims are there." Then he goes on to say we need to have an attitude of balance and that we cannot go on deciding issues of the world just because there are Muslims in our country. That just because Muslims are therefore we have to decide on foreign policy whether be it Palestine or Gaza kind of thinking has changed.

Then again at 27:34 Dr. Swamy clearly states the country's national policy will not be hostage to "any community" within India. So there was no desperation or retreat on his part anywhere unlike what you are desperately trying to prove.

He did accuse others of pandering and endangering the country's interest for pure vote bank politics.

So both the other panelists were in the wrong as well as you. So brush up your English skills to avoid embarrassment in the future.

But the majority of Muslims will support national interests in first place and that is the point, because a different religion doesn't make them less Indian!
And only if you voted against Modi / BJP in the elections, doesn't mean that one would automatically would not respect him as the PM of the country, since it is in the national interest to respect the authority he represents for all Indians, while it is a personal matter if you support his party and the policies they represent!

Well we have not seen any evidence of that national support from the Muslims as seen from the behavior of Kashmiris or Bhaktal. That of course does not mean that all Muslims are like that. So no, he cannot please everyone which is what you claimed he must do to be the PM of this country. He cannot please traitors of this country and he should not, and I am not hinting at Muslims here.

That's the part that the other panelist AND the moderator pointed to in the discussion afterwards, where Dr Swamy then tried to correct himself. He simply showed his real mind there (I think it slipped out of his mouth) and made it worse later by the remarks who he represents or in his poor attacks on other panelist.

Dr. Swamy was consistent throughout about no pandering to any community, whether regional or religious. The only person who shows his real mind is you who is searching for flaws where there are none. When the other panelists accuse him of being a communalist, he throws the charges back at them claiming they are communalists too. Only that they represent just 15% of the population where as he represents 80% of the population. Now according to you anyone representing the Majority is a communalist and the minority appeasers are paragons of virtue, then that policy has been rejected by Indians. No more having your cake and eating it too. No more thinking Hindus are second class citizens and only Minority rights are sacred.
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