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Massive Blow To Seculars/Leftists - Digvijay, Azad Praise Modi's Response to J&K Floods

Which thread?? I wanna see :partay:

I think mods changed the title of the thread because arp changed it......Those days there was few members who was hell bend on proving the secular mallus wrong..... and there were several threads simultaneously running on religious issues on kerala.....
Thank you for counting me on your secular list, and i will be happy to be one..... But at times it sounds like It is a crime to be a secular......

Well Now you want me to comment on what digvijay said on Modi, especially when he is praised him..... Well I never made my opinion based on any politician but my own analysis, and diggu should be the last to rely on....

Well I have always appreciated when ever something good has been done by Modi, and I always said you cannot make an opinion on modi or its government yet.....there will be always a over lap in the initial year, and it will take time to get the results from the new initiatives.....So How effective he is one will come to know in coming years, and i seriously hope he is effective....

Now response to the flood in Kashmir is commendable and his administration along with armed forces had done a great job in this crisis.....

No that is not what you have always said. You said "age age dekhiye hota hai kya," hinting at destruction of Indian economy and social fabric.

We don't declare who we love and who we hate when we fill in our annual appointment forms. This is India we are talking about, not some third rate dictatorship which communal sickos like you would love to see govern India.

But, but, but you wanted India to emulate Zimbabwian practice of slaughtering cows and hence held Zimbabwe as the pinnacle of human glory that India should try to bring itself up to. Also the "communal sickos" are governing India as of now.
No that is not what you have always said. You said "age age dekhiye hota hai kya," hinting at destruction of Indian economy and social fabric.

Well I dono you have the options to check all my posts, and if you find time do check my posts on Modi, well let me again tell you......

1) I am not a Modi fan,
2) I will criticise him when ever i feel he did something worng
3) I will appreciate him when ever he does something good
4) I will never be a die hard fan of Modi
5) I am a secular..... and i know you and your friend manavan dont like seculars :D
6) The most important for you - I hate Shiv sena and MNS

Do not make an opinion based on a single post on a certain context...

When you want to understand why people have concerns about BJP and possible problems under their government with that regard, you should take a look at this discussion, especially at minute 28 onwards:

Watch: 100 Days of Narendra Modi - Harbinger of Good Times?

where Dr Subramanian Swamy shows a shamefull attitude by saying that Indias foreign policy will not be decided by "muslims" in India and that he represent "80% of India", the hindus.
The ruling party of India should be able to seperate state and religion and represent all Indians, not "only" 80%!

Actually at 27:34 Dr. Swamy clearly states the country's national policy will not be hostage to "any community" within India. So there was no desperation or retreat on his part anywhere unlike what you are desperately trying to prove.
I certainly do not dislike you because you are secular. I dislike you because you are a Fool. I think you should stop pretending to be important.

How did you come to this discussion???? Did i mention you? I dont even know you???? Or is it the latest handle of Manavan????
Well I dono you have the options to check all my posts, and if you find time do check my posts on Modi, well let me again tell you......

1) I am not a Modi fan,
2) I will criticise him when ever i feel he did something worng
3) I will appreciate him when ever he does something good
4) I will never be a die hard fan of Modi
5) I am a secular..... and i know you and your friend manavan dont like seculars :D
6) The most important for you - I hate Shiv sena and MNS

Do not make an opinion based on a single post on a certain context...

You hate Modi too. Just that you are singing a different song now and trying to make yourself sound reasonable from the rabid hater you were just some months ago. You talk as if the rest of us Hindutvavadis are blind supporters of Modi. I am rather more hawkish than Modi and more of a VHP supporter, so Modi is not above criticism as far as I or most Hindutvavadis are concerned.

Glad i could help, must have been pretty cold there :lol:

He is the pseudosecular Hindutvavadis speak about. According to him everything wrong in India is because of the Hindus and everything right in India is because of the Muslims. He has arrived at this conclusion by scientific methodology adopted by Marxist Historians.

See, you said Indians and that is the crucial part! Because he clearly showed that he diveded Indians in different religions and that is the shameful point! We all are Indians, no matter which religion we have, which state we come from and even if you live in India or abroad, so if you look at the national interest, you have to represent all of us!
Anything the NDA or Modi does for the country as a whole, must be respected from any Indians, just as Modi is the PM of all Indian now, no matter if you have voted for or against his party. But if they or he devides things in favour for religions, even NDA / Modi supporters must be aware of it.

The division was done long ago with minority appeasement by the secularists and apparently you were very happy with their rule.

There is no way all Indians will respect anything Modi does. Majority Muslims will always support Muslim interests and chest beat about Palestine over Israel and quite a few Christians will always sell out to Missionaries over Indian interests. If Modi was to try and cater to all these elements interest, he will never be able to make any decision. So it will have to be Majority interests that will be guiding principle.
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You hate Modi too. Just that you are singing a different song now and trying to make yourself sound reasonable from the rabid hater you were just some months ago. You talks as if the rest of us Hindutvavadis are blind supporters of Modi. I am rather more hawkish than Modi and more of a VHP supporter, so Modi is above criticism as far as I am or most Hindutvavadis are concerned.

Find out one post which shows or sounds i hate Modi, I was not very sure or enthusiastic about Modi in the beginning , i had my own reservations on him, (I still have some), but over a period of time as a PM I started appreciating his good things and steps taken by him.... Well i still believe it is early days and cannot judge him based on his actions taken in few months, one need to wait atleast 2 years or give him 2 years to show what he is capable as a PM.....

Well i have no issues of you being a hindutvavadi, but when people start looking at everything thru a religous angle that is where one goes wrong.....
Find out one post which shows or sounds i hate Modi, I was not very sure or enthusiastic about Modi in the beginning , i had my own reservations on him, (I still have some), but over a period of time as a PM I started appreciating his good things and steps taken by him.... Well i still believe it is early days and cannot judge him based on his actions taken in few months, one need to wait atleast 2 years or give him 2 years to show what he is capable as a PM.....

Well i have no issues of you being a hindutvavadi, but when people start looking at everything thru a religous angle that is where one goes wrong.....

The only people who start looking at everything through religious angle are the seculars. They made different personal laws for different religions. They made it almost a crime to be a Hindu in this country. Most Hindutvavadis also are concerned about economy and infrastructure etc., etc., which the seculars ground to dust in their blind pursuit of secularism. I can assure you when this Hindutva govt builds roads and schools, they wont bar minorities from using those roads or schools or wont be building Hindu roads and Muslim roads.
The only people who start looking at everything through religious angle are the seculars. They made different personal laws for different religions. They made it almost a crime to be a Hindu in this country. Most Hindutvavadis also are concerned about economy and infrastructure etc., etc., which the seculars ground to dust in their blind pursuit of secularism. I can assure you when this Hindutva govt builds roads and schools, they wont bar minorities from using those roads or schools or wont be building Hindu roads and Muslim roads.

You know what??? You assume a lot...... There is nothing wrong in being a Hindutvavadi, But when they crosses the limit, then there is no difference between a hindutwavadi and a mulla.....Well I was talking about one aspect of Hindutvavadis, which is wrong, I never said what ever they do is wrong...... I have seen RSS doing some really good job in kerala....So do not try to portray secular (if not all the people who shares my thoughts) in a wrong way that suits your thoughts....
You know what??? You assume a lot...... There is nothing wrong in being a Hindutvavadi, But when they crosses the limit, then there is no difference between a hindutwavadi and a mulla.....Well I was talking about one aspect of Hindutvavadis, which is wrong, I never said what ever they do is wrong...... I have seen RSS doing some really good job in kerala....So do not try to portray secular (if not all the people who shares my thoughts) in a wrong way that suits your thoughts....

LOL. It is not me who assumes a lot, on the other hand it is you who assumes a lot. Hindutvavadi while having the power to change Indian political direction throughout India's independence stayed in the background and submitted to the "sickulars." Even then the sickulars went about drumbeating how Hindutvavadis are the Hindu equivalents of the Muslim terrorists. So the assumption was entirely on your part and the people you support. There is no aspect of Hindutvavadi where they are even remotely like the Mullahs, whereas everything about the seculars in this country was hell bent on turning this country into a bigger Pakistan in service of Islam.
LOL. It is not me who assumes a lot, on the other hand it is you who assumes a lot. Hindutvavadi while having the power to change Indian political direction throughout India's independence stayed in the background and submitted to the "sickulars." Even then the sickulars went about drumbeating how Hindutvavadis are the Hindu equivalents of the Muslim terrorists. So the assumption was entirely on your part and the people you support. There is no aspect of Hindutvavadi where they are even remotely like the Mullahs, whereas everything about the seculars in this country was hell bent on turning this country into a bigger Pakistan in service of Islam.

Well I guess we will always have difference of opinion on this, because the way we look at things are very different, So i guess let us agree to disagree.
@sancho @scorpionx @levina @nair our mate @arp2041 is trolling you guys.. There was a thread started by one guy about Ram Sethu where he was bashing seculars in this forum.. @arp2041 is taking a dig at that guy by mentioning seculars in every thread.. He is a closet secular ;)
I know..... he was taking a dig at lord manavan and his comrades..... But then i wanted to respond to them (not to arpyyy)
okay @arp2041
I am sorry!!:(
I didnt know it was all part of a joke.:tsk:
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