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Mass Palestinian grave found in Tel Aviv

My source is the book Deception: Pakistan.

That's because he was bargaining for more money and greater discretion to direct funds as he wished: to anti-democratic religious militants like himself, rather than Western-oriented forces. Pakistan lives with Islamic militancy today as a result of these decisions by Pakistan's leaders.
I actually was referring to the nuclear program of Pakistan. As for the US aid it's a different story being disputed over the years. Anyhow, Pakistan has gone nuclear and that what matters.
Then its pointless to talk a person like you. Killing is killing, number doesn't matter. Learn it first.
Thank you.
In war people are killed. Whats new about that?

In 1948 war Israel lost 6300 people Palestinians lost some 3000. How that grave of 60 people killed over a period of 3-4 month of war change anything?
It was freedom, claiming there land, Arabs had illegaly occupied Jews land which they got aftr many centuries..

Jews need there home land , how long they will remain refugee ?

i see where your coming from. but my friend what is taken forcefully wrong and no body can change that
EoZ's take on it is here: link

However, far more Palestinian Arabs were killed by the British during the 1936 riots than were killed by the Jews...


so killing Palestinians and forcing them out of their lands to create an illegal state is fine then?

As for British, they were fighting a war for the Zionists. They were disarming rag tag Palestinian bands and giving military training to Zionist militant groups. This was the basis of a Zionist army which then terrorized in full the people of Palestine between 47 and 48.

Get your facts right about the illegal state you defend.
so killing Palestinians and forcing them out of their lands to create an illegal state is fine then?
These are good grounds for denying the Arabs a 23rd Arab state, as many Arabs were compelled to leave by their leaders or those of surrounding states and have remained in disgusting conditions under threat of force.

As for British, they were fighting a war for the Zionists. They were disarming rag tag Palestinian bands and giving military training to Zionist militant groups.
How conveniently anti-Zionists like yourself forget that the Brits were colonialists centuries before they officially adopted their passing fad with Zionism! While the Jews had the Balfour Declaration, the Treaty of Sevres, and the Mandate, to the Brits the Jews "balanced" the Arabs so the Brits could control the area and keep oil flowing from Iraq to Haifa and maintain control of Suez. The Brits showed their proverbial perfidy in '48, when they yielded their fortresses and generals to the Arab Legion and sent their aircraft to bomb the Jews.

This was the basis of a Zionist army which then terrorized in full the people of Palestine between 47 and 48.
Yeah, the Arab rejection of the U.N. partition plan and the collective vow of the Arabs to finish the job Hitler started somehow translates into Jews terrorizing Arabs in your mind? You must tell me how you can respect the opinion you espouse; if not, then there isn't any reason why all Pakistan shouldn't switch corners and side with the Jews, is there?
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