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Mass Palestinian grave found in Tel Aviv

In the end, peace has to be established, and Israel as well as Palestinians have to compromise.
One can point to many Israeli compromises but no lasting compromise by the Palestinian Arabs on their key point: Israel must be destroyed and all its Jews slain.

So if you are a current supporter of the Palestinian Arabs, you in effect are a supporter of genocide.

And if you don't believe that, look into your heart and think how you would feel if you woke up to the news that Israel had been destroyed. Would there be room in it to condemn your fellow Muslims for supporting such a deed without blaming the victims, the Jews? No? Now you know you have a cold and dastardly heart beating in your chest - and if it remains that way, it's by your own choice.
One can point to many Israeli compromises but no lasting compromise by the Palestinian Arabs on their key point: Israel must be destroyed and all its Jews slain.

There may have been some compromises, but Israel's settlement policy is seriously hindering negotiations.

So if you are a current supporter of the Palestinian Arabs, you in effect are a supporter of genocide.

Logical fallacy, plus typical pro-Jewish logic. Most Palestinian supporters aren't in favor of a genocide. Some would like their land back, by force, while some want their land back by diplomacy.

And if you don't believe that, look into your heart and think how you would feel if you woke up to the news that Israel had been destroyed. Would there be room in it to condemn your fellow Muslims for supporting such a deed without blaming the victims, the Jews? No? Now you know you have a cold and dastardly heart beating in your chest - and if it remains that way, it's by your own choice.

I don't really care about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but you are being way too melodramatic here. How would you feel if I would occupy your garden, put my family in there and eventually start crying about genocide if you as owner of that garden start to resist?
There may have been some compromises, but Israel's settlement policy is seriously hindering negotiations.
That's just what these Arabs' leaders say in English. What they say in Arabic is another story.

Logical fallacy
Please point out the fallacy, because even if "most Palestinian supporters aren't in favor of a genocide" my claim is that in effect they are.

Some would like their land back, by force, while some want their land back by diplomacy.
They're not entitled to getting "their land back" if they sold it in the first place, are they? Or when they forfeited their civil and property rights under Ottoman law by supporting armed revolt against the state?

I don't really care about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but you are being way too melodramatic here.
It's not your life and your fellows threatened with murder and destruction all day, every day, 365 days a year, over the space of several lifetimes.

How would you feel if I would occupy your garden, put my family in there and eventually start crying about genocide if you as owner of that garden start to resist?
Except that didn't happen. As one of America's famous senators used to say, "Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts." The Arabs want to be entitled to their own "facts" instead of real ones. One or two even told me that if they teach their students lies and their kids die in battling the Jews, they will go to heaven anyway because their hearts were pure. Bleah!
These are mantras and the closer you look the emptier they become. If you're not aware of that now, you'll probably find out. If you are aware of that now, you're probably doubling down to cover up your shame and embarrassment.

Why don't you think instead of what you could accomplish for yourselves and your nation if you could only "man up" and admit your faults and see Israel as a role model to be admired, rather than an envied neighbor to be schemed against and destroyed?

That's the silliest bubble speech I've ever heard. A role model? A country built on a lie, standing on the blood of innocents? Let me ask you one question, Since the Germany was responsible for the mass killing of Jews, why the jew country isn't established in a part
of Germany as a punishment and leverage? Why on a country with no military prowess and no history of killing or gassing the jews?
The moment you upheld blind emotion and hatred towards a specific race of people against Conscience and humanity, you become a person who can bubble up like you did in the post quoted.
That's the silliest bubble speech I've ever heard. A role model? A country built on a lie, standing on the blood of innocents?
Given the fact that Bangladeshis grow up in total-immersion-in-Israel-hatred you're not totally to be blamed for this attitude - only for not stretching beyond your teachers to correct it, and through your knowledge, help change your society for the better.

Let me ask you one question, Since the Germany was responsible for the mass killing of Jews, why the jew country isn't established in a part of Germany as a punishment and leverage?
That's the argument propagated by the Saudis. Of course, the Mandate of Palestine encouraging "close settlement" of Palestine by Jews was a product of WWI, not WWII. Tens of thousands of Jews immigrated to Palestine before WWI, and hundreds of thousands in the next two decades. Why should the Jews of Palestine suddenly up and leave for some part of Germany they had no interest in?

Why on a country with no military prowess and no history of killing or gassing the jews?
Arab leaders first proposed using terrorism to drive out the Jews to their Turkish masters in 1899. The Turks said no, but once the Turks were gone these leaders started their campaign - probably with British encouragement: "divide the populace so you can rule them" being the dominant colonial mind-set. Apparently you are unaware of the Arab uprisings of the 1920s and 1930s - falsely portrayed in Arab literature as Arabs being the victims of attacks by Jews, rather than (as newspapers and diplomatic accounts recorded) premeditated violence carried out by Arabs with Jews targeted for murder.

The moment you upheld blind emotion and hatred towards a specific race of people against Conscience and humanity, you become a person who can bubble up like you did in the post quoted.
I don't think that describes me. One has to be able to apply the same critical standards to yourself as you do to others. I can; it's just that the Jews come out way better than others in such exercises.

Arabs resist doing this because they have been brought up in an honor/shame society. (Of course, it can't be an honorable thing for them to fight a phony and immoral cause, but admitting that is itself seen as shameful.) They need all the help to change themselves they can get; coddling murderous intent or murderous dictators doesn't help.
ok, so there was a war, few people died in war, were hurriedly buried in graves by fellow Muslims.
so what is the point of this thread ?
60 bodies for period of 3-4 months (90-120 days) of war. How that proves a crime? :rolleyes:

Then its pointless to talk a person like you. Killing is killing, number doesn't matter. Learn it first.
Thank you.
remember one thing, every israeli is , was , or is going to be a soldier.
but not every palestinian is a militant.

The bold part explains why such a mass grave found.....
While the rule of caliphs, there was no specific army of muslims.... all muslims were bound to fight when needed.
Now muslims are getting killed because they have stopped fighting against evil.
Given the fact that Bangladeshis grow up in total-immersion-in-Israel-hatred you're not totally to be blamed for this attitude - only for not stretching beyond your teachers to correct it, and through your knowledge, help change your society for the better.

That's the argument propagated by the Saudis. Of course, the Mandate of Palestine encouraging "close settlement" of Palestine by Jews was a product of WWI, not WWII. Tens of thousands of Jews immigrated to Palestine before WWI, and hundreds of thousands in the next two decades. Why should the Jews of Palestine suddenly up and leave for some part of Germany they had no interest in?

Arab leaders first proposed using terrorism to drive out the Jews to their Turkish masters in 1899. The Turks said no, but once the Turks were gone these leaders started their campaign - probably with British encouragement: "divide the populace so you can rule them" being the dominant colonial mind-set. Apparently you are unaware of the Arab uprisings of the 1920s and 1930s - falsely portrayed in Arab literature as Arabs being the victims of attacks by Jews, rather than (as newspapers and diplomatic accounts recorded) premeditated violence carried out by Arabs with Jews targeted for murder.

I don't think that describes me. One has to be able to apply the same critical standards to yourself as you do to others. I can; it's just that the Jews come out way better than others in such exercises.

Arabs resist doing this because they have been brought up in an honor/shame society. (Of course, it can't be an honorable thing for them to fight a phony and immoral cause, but admitting that is itself seen as shameful.) They need all the help to change themselves they can get; coddling murderous intent or murderous dictators doesn't help.

No wonder, you will talk like that. For your information just clear your eyes and see where I'm living now. Just talk logical that what matters. It doesn't matter where you from. Silly boy, give up this kind of childish mentality.

So they migrated and GOOD locals helped them and in return jews back stabbed them, isn't that you are saying? That was not their (Jews) country. They were given shelter. What if (in a hypothetical scenario) Indian migrated to america demands a new country inside USA because they become majority and INdia is still failing to provide many basic human needs to those indians. Silly talking to you. I lost my taste to debate any more.
Thank you and be enlightened.
No wonder, you will talk like that. For your information just clear your eyes and see where I'm living now.
I saw it. You have resources available now to construct a different history than the one you've been taught - a history backed up by real facts and consistent logic. Use them. If you're determined not to, you know just what kind of blind person your are.

So they migrated and GOOD locals helped them and in return jews back stabbed them, isn't that you are saying?
Certainly not; Israel remains 20% Arab. So you won't be writing this way once you've done your homework.

I lost my taste to debate any more.
So remember: as long as you're keeping your mind closed, you have no grounds to think that there is true goodness in you. Whether you deal with that by becoming a complete criminal or determining to change is up to you.
In Syria 150 are killed each day.

It doesn't change the fact that people are being killed here and there. Personally, I don't hold the Israeli people accountable for anything ,but it's the actions being executed by their gov't and all.
Thanks for the correction. Since Zia did divert a lot of U.S. aid to fuel Pakistan's nuclear program and extremist madrassas, so I guess your role model was a thief after all. (In addition to being a the only Muslim ever to command both Israeli and Jordanian forces at the same time.)

:lol: that's not true actually. Pakistan never had a financial problem funding her nuclear program at all bro. Ironically, General Zia refused to take the first proposed US aid to Pakistan after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and that's a credit to no one but himself.

Honestly Jew, the relative that you accuse of mine, was once your ally and savior.

I will not fall for the propaganda.

btw, he passed away in the eighties. :disagree:

General Zia was a man of honor, RIP on his soul :cheers:
:lol: that's not true actually. Pakistan never had a financial problem funding her nuclear program at all bro.
My source is the book Deception: Pakistan.

Ironically, General Zia refused to take the first proposed US aid to Pakistan after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and that's a credit to no one but himself.
That's because he was bargaining for more money and greater discretion to direct funds as he wished: to anti-democratic religious militants like himself, rather than Western-oriented forces. Pakistan lives with Islamic militancy today as a result of these decisions by Pakistan's leaders.
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