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Martyrs Day

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I Wish i could visit Pakistan to the place where they hung these three.......
Am a great fan of these three. Selfless life they led for us to breath easy and free.
Daily Worker (USA)
March 25, 1931

Labor Gov’t Executes 3 India Rebels
Frame-up Revolutionists For British Imperialism

(Cable By Inprecorr)

London, March 24. – The three Lahore prisoners; Bhagat Singh, Raj Guru and Sukh Dev, fighters for the independence of India, have been executed by the British labor government in the interest of British imperialism. This is one of the bloodiest deeds ever undertaken by the British labor government, under the leadership of MacDonald.

The Indian National Congress opens at Karachi on Thursday. Indignation against the executions is causing mass opposition to the Gandhi-Irwin agreement. The Punjab members of the legislature propose and adjournment and censure of the government for the execution. The London press declares the Karachi congress is the supreme test of Gandhi’s authority and doubts Gandhi’s success.

The execution of the three Indian revolutionists, on a deliberate political frame-up, at the orders of the labor government, shows the lengths to which the MacDonald regime will go to save British imperialism in India. The MacDonald government, which weeps bitter tears over the trial of the counter-revolutionary Mensheviks in the Soviet Union who received splendid treatment although they plotted for war against the workers and peasants of the Soviet Union, deliberately fosters the most brutal tortures against Indian revolutionaries.

The three executed Indian revolutionists were arrested on the charge of setting off a bomb last April, as well as for the murder of Lieutenant Saunders, a police official, who had beaten thousands and killed many Indian workers.

Against the suspects arrested, the labor government vented its wrath and hate. All of the prisoners were beaten and tortured though special methods invented by the British imperialists and the "labor" administrators. Jatin Das, one of the accused, who died before he could be executed, was tortured for 63 days. He was paralyzed and blinded by the torture. His blood circulation had stopped except around his heart. His body was reduced to 19 pounds at his death. His funeral was attended by 50,000 bearing slogans and banners, saying: "Long Live the Revolution," and "Down With Imperialism."

The other prisoners were all tortured and beaten repeatedly. They were handcuffed and flogged by the "civilizers" of the British labor government. One Indian paper describes the tortures as follows:

"Each prisoner was assaulted by at least 20 to 25 policemen, the methods of assault being the most inhuman." (The actual details are unprintable.) "One method employed was the penetration of the fingers into the rectum and kicking the private parts. The assault continued for more than one hour, after which five prisoners got fever; all others had acute pains in different parts of the body. Mahabi Singh and Raj Guru fell down senseless on the spot. Canes were frequently used, and marks can be actually seen on these prisoners."

Now they are executed. The "socialist" leaders of the British imperialist government go to all lengths to stop the rising tide of revolution. Neither they nor their bourgeois tool, Gandhi, nor all their tortures and killings will be able to stop the growing struggles of the great masses of Indian workers and peasants.
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Bhagat Singh should be on Indian currency..............

Hi Everyone today 23/03(Shahidi Divas) we celebrate our Martyrs day, remembering the great brave hearts of our nation like Saheed Rajguru, Shukdev , Baghat Singh.
Long Live the Legends.
Jai Hind

"Shaheedon ki chitaon par lagenge har varsh mele,
Watan pe mitne walon ka yahi baki nishaan hoga."

“Ab bhi jiska khoon nahi khola khon nahi woh paani hai-
jo desh ke kaam na aaye woh bekar jawani hai”

Jai Hind
Sacrifices made by these men is the actual foundation stone of our great country,hero's are remembered beacuse of thier deeds,they fought opression n tyranny so that we can see a better and free future....they are still in our hearts and thier fighting spirits will always stay imbued in us..JAI HIND
It is strange that not a single pakistani has commented here.

As It's about freedom movements before India-Pakistan partition.

And also the place of birth of Bhagat Singh is Lahore.

Don't they thinks above as Shaheed or people who have fought for our independence???????????
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