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Indian Paramilitary-Children of lesser god!!!!

That should only keep you out of the think-tankers' club, right? Is docility and sycophancy a prerequisite for professionals as well?
Well, that's the million dollar question! :D
If you have served in the armed forces, ask the PDF admins to give you the "professional" tag.

@vk17 : You too, if being in COBRA counts for dat

Dats really not needed brother. As I dnt come online too often as dere is no internet in jungles. Even for calling home we had to climb up dunes or use sat phn:cray:

I m messing around here dese days bcz I m on leave:sleep:

By d way we are bugging BSNL people everyday to put in a makeshift mobile tower in our dett. camp den we can hv internet:yay:
Dats really not needed brother. As I dnt come online too often as dere is no internet in jungles. Even for calling home we had to climb up dunes or use sat phn:cray:

I m messing around here dese days bcz I m on leave:sleep:

By d way we are bugging BSNL people everyday to put in a makeshift mobile tower in our dett. camp den we can hv internet:yay:
Good, then you can update us in real time about the operations. Send us updates before and after each mission, if not during one.:bounce:

But seriously though, wouldn't that be a security risk?
Dats really not needed brother. As I dnt come online too often as dere is no internet in jungles. Even for calling home we had to climb up dunes or use sat phn:cray:

I m messing around here dese days bcz I m on leave:sleep:

By d way we are bugging BSNL people everyday to put in a makeshift mobile tower in our dett. camp den we can hv internet:yay:

In which state are you posted??By the way,you take care of yourself buddy,don't wanna loose you to those bastards,never move out without your body armor assuming you own one.:-)
In which state are you posted??By the way,you take care of yourself buddy,dn't wanna loose you to those bastards,never move out without your body armor assuming you own one.:-)

Thanks for the concern bro!
Naxalites shit in their pants wen dey see COBRA coming. only problem is IED.

N we dnt use armour. Its nt possible to walk wid such a heavy armour n walk up on hilly terrains of forest. Also we have to stay in jungles for weeks so we had to carry weapon n ration also which is alrdy quite heavy.

Good, then you can update us in real time about the operations. Send us updates before and after each mission, if not during one.:bounce:

But seriously though, wouldn't that be a security risk?

Will surely update u guys wid interesting developments!!
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Thanks for the concern bro!
Naxalites shit in their pants wen dey see COBRA coming. only problem is IED.

N we dnt use armour. Its nt possible to walk wid such a heavy armour n walk up on hilly terrains of forest. Also we have to stay in jungles for weeks so we had to carry weapon n ration also which is alrdy quite heavy.

Will surely update u guys wid interesting developments!!

Man,I simply don't trust those sneaky fucking bastards after what they did in Dantewada.How could have they amassed in a particular place in such a large number without tipping of the intelligence agencies??Is there no way to find out atleast a large naxalite concentration in a particular place if not their day to day operations??

Had the army been deployed there,the soldiers would have wiped out the villages clean.And judging by the nature of the hideous and savage nature of these bastards,it seems like killing the entire population of the Red corridor would be the most suitable way to destroy these insurgency once and for all.
No arrest no court;faisla on the spot.Just shoot anyone in the jungles in his head and ask questions later.Sala na rahegi bans or na bajeigi bansuri.

By the way,aap update karo ya na karo aapki marji,but take of yourself....seriously.
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Man,I simply don't trust those sneaky fucking bastards after what they did in Dantewada.How could have they amassed in a particular place in such a large number without tipping of the intelligence agencies??Is there no way to find out atleast a large naxalite concentration in a particular place if not their day to day operations??

Had the army been deployed there,the soldiers would have wiped out the villages clean.And judging by the nature of the hideous and savage nature of these bastards,it seems like killing the entire population of the Red corridor would be the most suitable way to destroy these insurgency once and for all.
No arrest no court;faisla on the spot.Just shoot anyone in the jungles in his head and ask questions later.Sala na rahegi bans or na bajeigi bansuri.

By the way,aap update karo ya na karo aaki marji,but take of yourself....seriously.
Those bastards understand only one language and that is the language of the gun.These scums carry out attacks on our security forces and then melt with the local tribal population.The only way to tackle these bastards is to encourage movements like Salwa Judum which helped a lot in securing much territory in the Bastar region.Plus we have some maoist sympathizers like Ms.Arundhati Roy and her crony Mr.Varavara Rao among the urban population who cry foul everytime one of these scums is killed by our Jawaans but when those bastards kill some security personnel then these same people offer their support to the maoists.So the first and the foremost thing is to wipe out their urban overground network by arresting these so called "human rights activists"....
Those bastards understand only one language and that is the language of the gun.These scums carry out attacks on our security forces and then melt with the local tribal population.The only way to tackle these bastards is to encourage movements like Salwa Judum which helped a lot in securing much territory in the Bastar region.Plus we have some maoist sympathizers like Ms.Arundhati Roy and her crony Mr.Varavara Rao among the urban population who cry foul everytime one of these scums is killed by our Jawaans but when those bastards kill some security personnel then these same people offer their support to the maoists.So the first and the foremost thing is to wipe out their urban overground network by arresting these so called "human rights activists"....

I was having this same discussions with Irfan bhai in a different thread today.People like these Arundhati Roy kuttych*di and Varvara Rao are just barking dogs and however annoying they tend to be,they are quite harmless and don't pose any significant danger to our security forces or our for the national security.
The real dangers are the JNU jhola walas.Just execute each and everyone of them,burn them alive infront of their family.I say,just demolish that damn terrorist producing facility disguised as a university.
By the way,is the Salwa Judum still remain functional or they have bren made defunct.
I was having this same discussions with Irfan bhai in a different thread today.People like these Arundhati Roy kuttych*di and Varvara Rao are just barking dogs and however annoying they tend to be,they are quite harmless and don't pose any significant danger to our security forces or our for the national security.
The real dangers are the JNU jhola walas.Just execute each and everyone of them,burn them alive infront of their family.I say,just demolish that damn terrorist producing facility disguised as a university.
By the way,is the Salwa Judum still remain functional or they have bren made defunct.
Salwa Judum was revoked by the orders of the Supreme Court on the ground that it was arming the civilians which is unconstitutional in nature.Actually this happened ddue to a conspiracy hatched by the JNU Jholawala association which filed a PIL in the S.C. on the legality of this movement.Actually the maoists were at the receiving end that time as the Salwa Judum members had literally pushed these scums out of a significant area in Bastar.And now with the death of Mahendra Karma(the founder of this movement) the maoists are again building their bases in those areas from which they had been evicted by Salwa Judum activists:tsk:
Salwa Judum was revoked by the orders of the Supreme Court on the ground that it was arming the civilians which is unconstitutional in nature.Actually this happened ddue to a conspiracy hatched by the JNU Jholawala association which filed a PIL in the S.C. on the legality of this movement.Actually the maoists were at the receiving end that time as the Salwa Judum members had literally pushed these scums out of a significant area in Bastar.And now with the death of Mahendra Karma(the founder of this movement) the maoists are again building their bases in those areas from which they had been evicted by Salwa Judum activists:tsk:

Just what I feared.It's good thing that the naxalite bastards are confined to the most scarcely populated and desolate areas of our country and their area of influence is slowly shrinking.
I really don't understand why the govt doesn't use army against maoist naxalite terrorists. Yes they are terrorists. This is the path they have chosen and they must be treated like any other terrorist. They have proven from time to time that they don't want peace. They claim to be fighting for the rights of tribals but there armed conflict has become the biggest factor that is keeping the tribals from developing. And they themselves kill tribals and forcibly take money from them.
you moron ! if you can't take others abusive language then don't use it for other also. and take your post reporting from your behind.
Why the heck are you bent on pissing off members out here? Your brain farts are getting to be disgusting.

With hobos like you in the CRPF (which you claim to have served in) no wonder its getting to be full of sh!t.

The CRPF indulges in the worst kind of human rights violations in the Valley, and the Army gets a bad name for your deplorable conduct. How do I know? Because I've served there for years and seen how the CRPF operates from close quarters. Some of you guys even accept money for releasing ordinary Kashmiris who aren't even militants!!

So don't play the sympathy card out here. And grow up.
come out of your virtual world buddy, and feel the real world.

those articles are written by men who has better knowledge than you about the terrorism in Kashmir.... you have to came out of your dream world and feel the real world......

I really don't understand why the govt doesn't use army against maoist naxalite terrorists. Yes they are terrorists. This is the path they have chosen and they must be treated like any other terrorist. They have proven from time to time that they don't want peace. They claim to be fighting for the rights of tribals but there armed conflict has become the biggest factor that is keeping the tribals from developing. And they themselves kill tribals and forcibly take money from them.
our army is overstretched, army cannot cal in for ever law and order problems.... Maoists can be handled by CRPF and other police forces in the country....our army has other serious jobs to do
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