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Indian Paramilitary-Children of lesser god!!!!

Bro "C.A.P.F." is a term invented by the M.H.A. to distinguish between the forces which comes under the operational command of the Armed Forces and other Central Forces.Hence only A.R. and the Coast Guard fit the bill.But basically all the C.A.P.F. organisations are practically paramilitary in nature as they are much better trained and equipped than the regular police forces in the country...:coffee:

yes but not well trained as a paramilitary forces( except for cobra commandos)
bro they were a part of paramilitary but it has changed in 2011...army recommend the government for this change...
now indian paramilitary forces are Assam Rifles, Special Frontier Force and Indian Coast Guard...

AR reports to MHA. SFF reports to R&AW, ICG reports to DM.....
yes but not well trained as a paramilitary forces( except for cobra commandos)
bro they were a part of paramilitary but it has changed in 2011...army recommend the government for this change...
now indian paramilitary forces are Assam Rifles, Special Frontier Force and Indian Coast Guard...

AR reports to MHA. SFF reports to R&AW, ICG reports to DM.....

Brother its tough to explain ny fanboyz that CAPF personnels especially CRPF and BSF are equally well trained. I dnt knw wat according to u gd training is but if u r talking abt extra fatigue army soilders do, dats nt training. Training is overall development of body, mind and endurance. Tactically a CAPF soilders is as gd as n sm times better den army soilders. Unnecessary fatigue doesnot make armymen tactically strong.

As I said earlier army has its own way of wrkng dats aggressive way lyk destroy the house instead of flushing out terrorist.

And I agree dat morale of army men is high unlike CAPF n reason behind it is support frm higher ranks. Not like CAPF where dey just search reasons to dismiss their own men.
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Please don't give me that bullshit. Do you even know what an RR battalion is composed off? Not police. Not CRPF. It is purely an Army unit with army officers on deputation. It is a branch of the Army under the authority of the MoD.

These units were raised specifically for CI ops. One half of the RR comes from the Army's infantry battalions, while the other half from the rest of the Indian Army. It is considered to be the world's largest dedicated counter-insurgency force deployed in Kashmir.

Don't misidentify and misrepresent it as part of the police/paramilitary forces. The RR has nothing to do with them. It is purely an Army organization.
First of all behave yourself, I dont like the kind of language you used. secondly, there are 72 bns of CRPF deployed in j&k as on date. tell me how many RR bns are deployed ?? maine bahut dino tak ration kahaya hai RR ka. I am not belittling their achievements, but apprising the ground reality.
bat karta hai... -----------------------
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sadly its true. Nobody sheds tears for CRPF. Its not even big news.
Well post them on our border because those forces who fight with China and Pakistan only makes the news in India so post them here for an year
CRPF is a very lage force(around 3.5 lakhs) so there is a need to divide them in many sections(Coin, Elections duties, riot control etc) and train them accordingly. This is the only solution.
do u know why army was brought into the kashmir conflict?? the reason is CRPF and the BSF was no mach for the better trained and equipped terrorists from pakistan.... the insurgency be it in NE, Khalistan movement, kashmir insurgency is fought and won by army...yes CRPF and BSf are deployed in there.... do u know why insurgency in kashmir saw a sudden increase in the 1999-2000?? because of kargil war...during Kargil war the army's CI ops was badly affected, they had to concentrate on the kargil sector and that affect army's role in CI.....
It seems it is YOU, who needs to correct his facts, it was army not CPMFs, initially which were majorly deployed in kashmir, then BSF replaced army in late 90s and lastly CRPF took over completely. last 6 bns of BSF were replaced in 2007. insurgency was in peak from 1990 to 1999, after 99 it started to decrease actually. It was CRPF which was operating with panjab police in panjab durring khalistan movement,and panjab police should be given credit of eradicating insurgency there, those who are in internal security business know this fact very well.
Well post them on our border because those forces who fight with China and Pakistan only makes the news in India so post them here for an year
BSF is more than enough for Border so no need.
Well post them on our border because those forces who fight with China and Pakistan only makes the news in India so post them here for an year

In the war time CRPF do complement army on border areas. Have done this in both India-Pakistan 1965 and 1961 India-China War . Please read about Sardar Post Conflict 1965. A brave battle fought btwn handful of CRPF jawans and a pak army brigade
Plz read more on his link-
1965 Sardar Post Conflict Must Be Declared As 'war - Pakistani Military & Strategic Discussion Forum - Pakistani Defence Forum

And in 1961 India-China, plz read about Hot Springs conflict of CRPF against Chinese Army, this day is celebrated as Police Commemoration Day by all states and armed police in India. All the gallantry medals and awards are generally awarded on dis day. Plz read this link

Tributes paid to the martyrs of CAPF on Police Commemoration Day

"And in future also CRPF personnels will keep laying their life for protecting the honour of their country and ungrateful countrymen !!!"
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The CRPF, state polices, Army and the other defense services must be set up independently. No politician must have access to them and no one but the top most commander and his committee must have the authority to axe their jobs for doing what is right.

There must be some mechanism to remove the control of forces from the hands of these bastard politicians and civilian clowns.
It seems it is YOU, who needs to correct his facts, it was army not CPMFs, initially which were majorly deployed in kashmir, then BSF replaced army in late 90s and lastly CRPF took over completely. last 6 bns of BSF were replaced in 2007. insurgency was in peak from 1990 to 1999, after 99 it started to decrease actually. It was CRPF which was operating with panjab police in panjab durring khalistan movement,and panjab police should be given credit of eradicating insurgency there, those who are in internal security business know this fact very well.

read this.. it is a good article on CI operation in J&K

a good article about RR

I am son of a soldier ( i dono if i can call that) from CRPF....who served his country in 90s when the militancy was at the peak... i still remember the scar on his back due to a road side bomb....

I remember seeing a cover page of a book which had a cover story on militancy in Kashmir.... was thrilled to see my dad on that cover page (pic taken randomly on the security on lal chouk)....
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@OrionHunter If you have served in the armed forces, ask the PDF admins to give you the "professional" tag.

@WebMaster @Oscar
Not a chance, seeing that I have been pissing off a lot of Pakistani friends out here!! :sick:

For proof, check out the medals in the form of negative ratings I have already received!! :lol:
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Not a chance, seeing that I have been pissing off a lot of Pakistanis out here!! :sick:

For proof, check out the medals in the form of negative ratings I have already received!! :lol:
That should only keep you out of the think-tankers' club, right? Is docility and sycophancy a prerequisite for professionals as well?
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