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Shaheed Diwas: Have we done justice to Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev? -

Long live the memories of these 3 Martyrs :)

In a word, NO we have not. Who a nation celebrates is an indication of the psyche of the people.

We remember Gandhi and Nehru and Ambedkar and find these names on roads and stadiums and colleges everywhere. We rarely remember fighters like Bose and Bhagat Singh, Sukhdv, and Rajguru.

The reason is they don't get mentioned much in Media
are u serous

well sir with deu respect i had seen ramayan and mahabarat and the language used in them was a mix of hindi , urdu and sanskrit even the the TV version of BR Chopras Mahabharat was written by a muslim some ali raza something lolzzz

well there are no shudras in India now owr contitution doesnt even permits us to call a person like that (Bhangi ,mochee , chamar or shudr) if any body does so and its reported he has to go to jail and there is no bail for it too , even we have more than 50% posts in educational & govt jobs reserved for shedul castes and shedul tribes or SC/ST/OBC's as we call them get a life now that you dont have anything concreat to talk you are talking about caste system earier it was meaning of a arbi word the souls and its colour lolzzzz no wonder pakistanies keep killing each other for the silliest of reasons what a pity full sate of affairs in land of the pure lolzzz

thats your indian CONSTITUTION AT WORK this documentry was filmed in 2012

AND regardless to the point who ever Wrote those TV SHOWS they were in REAL HINDI not urdu and we are discussing the word SHaheed and not pakistans internal matters,

"thank you come Again":cheers:
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Dahnya hai wo maa bap jinhone Bhagat sing ko janaam diya

Inki smriti ko pranam
Urdu was developed in Uttar Pradesh, so what wrong do you see if Indians speak it, we are the native speakers of Khariboli. :cheers:

Okay BRO YOU AND YOUR HISTORIANS ARE RIGHT just like How nirbhay was successfull its the same with your historians and their indian history

'thank you come again":cheers:
Okay BRO YOU AND YOUR HISTORIANS ARE RIGHT just like How nirbhay was successfull its the same with your historians and their indian history

'thank you come again":cheers:

I can't understand your words. :omghaha:
What a non-sense fabrication you are doing here.. so you mean concept of Shaheed existed before Islam and Islam picked it up to mean something? You mean concepts of Jihad, Salat, Zokat, Touheed, Nimaz, Qayama ( and the list goes on.. ) had existed before Islam in the culture and Islam somehow came and picked them up to constitute itself? Completely out of this world!

Shaheed also means "witness" but it is the first word of Kalma which you say to become Muslim and here it is.



No culture in the world calls its martyred as "Shaheed" because they don't interpret this word the way Islam does. Shaheed is the highest designation which a Muslim may earn in life other than divine designation of Nabuat (which Allah decides and blesses) and this is not "give-away" that anybody may and could earn. Come on go on an read some to know what it means before writing such a poor and totally imaginative false fabrication.

BUT before I end, I also want to "learn" from you what else in Islam has been adopted in Sunsikrat which means huge in Islam and which also means the same in Sunsikrat or Persian of era before Islam??

I don't see any cleric anywhere in the world having problem with the use of the word "Shaheed" by others.

What's sunsikrat.
Wait a min, I wouldn't let you spin it.

A bit from WIKIPEDIA (even though I do not rely on it for my learnings but it has something with reference here)

The word "shahid" originates from the Qur'anic Arabic word meaning "witness", which is used in the context of "those who bear witness." Its application to Muslim martyrs originates from the context of the martyr having died in the way of Islam and, therefore, having become a "witness" to the "Shahada", i.e. "I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah."

The word 'shahid' in the Qur'an is used to denote "witness", not martyr. An example is verse 16:89 of the Qur'an:
وَيَوْمَ نَبْعَثُ فِي كُلِّ أُمَّةٍ شَهِيدًا عَلَيْهِم مِّنْ أَنفُسِهِمْ ۖ وَجِئْنَا بِكَ شَهِيدًا عَلَىٰ هَٰؤُلَاءِ ۚ وَنَزَّلْنَا عَلَيْكَ الْكِتَابَ تِبْيَانًا لِّكُلِّ شَيْءٍ وَهُدًى وَرَحْمَةً وَبُشْرَىٰ لِلْمُسْلِمِينَ
Translation: "And on the day when We will raise up in every nation a witness against them from among themselves, and We will bring you (Muhammad) as a witness against these (your people or the other witnesses); for We have revealed (sent down) to you a Book (Scripture) expounding all things clearly, and a guidance, and a mercy, and glad tidings for those who have Surrendered unto Allah (Muslims)." (Al-Qur'an 16:89)

In the Qur'an (verse 3:98), God calls Himself a 'Shahid':
قُلْ يَا أَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ لِمَ تَكْفُرُونَ بِآيَاتِ اللَّهِ وَاللَّهُ شَهِيدٌ عَلَىٰ مَا تَعْمَلُونَ
Translation: "Say: "O People of the Book, why do you reject the word of God when God is a witness to all that you do?" " (Al-Qur'an 3:98)[1]

The etymology of the word "shahid" suggests that it primarily means "witness" and the same word began to be used by Muslims as an honorific title for Muslim martyrs who died fighting in the way of Islam. Subsequently, and over a period of time, the same word was adopted by non-Muslims in the Middle East and South Asia such as Arab Christians and South Asian Hindus and Sikhs to denote their martyrs.

then the died one "WITNESSED" by ACT as well as WORDS. That is why Shaheed has to be only in the path of ISLAM and Allah to be the one who "WITNESSED" by act.

Now coming back to my point, Shahadat or Shaheed is a Muslim Title. When they use it, they try to become something which is FOREIGN their faith and many ways anti-to-their-faith. Its paradoxical to imagine somebody non-Muslims acknowledging himself as Shaheed.. its wrong and expression of misery that OKAY I DIDN'T HAD anything in my faith but allow me to BECOME SHAHEED even though I am Christian or Hindu or Sikh. Shaheed is not patient and you don't get sued for using it but understand the miserable condition in which this is being "adopted". Give non-Muslim Martyred ones a good name, respect them and present them as heros but they are NOT SHAHEED. P E R I O D.

To explain this aspect further, this would be similar to a situation in which a Muslim named Khalid fought against Hindus (for example) and died fighting but was given name Khalid Ram Bhagt after his death to glorify his death. SOO WRONG!

Lets look through your own point for a moment here, if Shaheed is given to "Muslims and Sikhs" then Muslims have this name by birth but its interesting that Sikhs can become Shaheed after they die but never in their life time? Illogical to the limits possible!

we dont believe in kuran.. or show me proof of coloured souls and flying horses transparent hooris etc etc,..we dont believe in what shaheed means in koran...we are sikh and in punjabi it means martyr and that what we care. we dont care about arabic. does this help.
I don't see any cleric anywhere in the world having problem with the use of the word "Shaheed" by others.
What's sunsikrat.

I have given you rational and etymology of word Shaheed in Islam. What else are you missing in its understanding for which you need "some cleric"? Put your questions and I will be happy to respond you. But if you want to refer to some of your Cleric and ask a question, ask him who is Shaheed in Islam AND can an Murta'd (the one who left Islam) be a Shaheed? If he tells you NOT then you know the answer for everybody else as well.

What you call sanskrit. In Urdu we call it Sunsikrat.
Religion obsessed Pakistanis at it again:rolleyes:
You should have learnt from the conditions in your country.

Shahid or Shaheed (Arabic: شهيد,‎ šahīd, plural: شُهَدَاء šuhadāʾ*) originates from the Qur'anic Arabic word meaning "witness" and is also used to denote a "martyr." It is used as an honorific for Muslims who have laid down their life fulfilling a religious commandment, or have died fighting defending their faith, country or family.
Shaheed is religious designation given to the ones who sacrificed their lives fighting in the path of Allah as mentioned in Quran. Why would any non-Muslim use Shaheed to mean martyred of their faith or martyred of state or martyred of a nation? Its purely Islamic word and is not used outside the list of deaths which are identified as SHAHEED by Prophet Muhammad PBUH. NOT every Muslim death is Shaheed NEITHER every martyred of Muslim Army qualifies to be one.

I am recalling an incident in which a Sahabi (companion of prophet PBUH) was fighting ruthlessly in the battlefield and other fellows who witnessed him praised him for his bravery. One of the Sahabi asked Prophet PBUH that how rewarded this person would be and holy Prophet PBUH replied no he is not among Shuhada. Sohaba were surprised but during the war they witnessed that he got injured brutally and received hurting wounds. To avoid the long painful death, the Suhabi put dagger on his chest and lied down facing downwards and pushing dagger on his heart. And suhaba really witnessed that he died of his own wound and his death was suicide. Thus his death in the battle field didn't gave him Shahadat.

Is India short of names or they never had an idea similar to that so they adopted the idea along with its name? Without understanding the faith, the purpose and spirit of becoming shaheed, its use is as helpful as someone wearing sticker of Prime Minister without becoming one.

It is just a word with a meaning,languages existed before the prophet,so dont act like the big bang happened 1400 years ago.
try to create your own culture and stop hindufying every thing you see Kafirs cannot be shaheed because they dont believein one god i.e there are many devils but only one god so you can pray to all the devils and call them gods but only one god can have complete domination on everthing even nothingness, and my other friend proved it from the islamic text explaining the word so for you to take that word and use it for your self knowing that your a kafir, its like eating Veg Kebabs when you know kebabs are muslim dish made only with meat

"thank you come again":cheers:
LOL.. look who is talking.. your culture is not an arabic culture.. islam is from arabia

I have given you rational and etymology of word Shaheed in Islam. What else are you missing in its understanding for which you need "some cleric"? Put your questions and I will be happy to respond you. But if you want to refer to some of your Cleric and ask a question, ask him who is Shaheed in Islam AND can an Murta'd (the one who left Islam) be a Shaheed? If he tells you NOT then you know the answer for everybody else as well.

What you call sanskrit. In Urdu we call it Sunsikrat.

what do you think of Shahid Kapoor?
so pakistanies ko bhagat singh ko shaheed bulane se gurez is liye hai kyponki arbi me shaheed ka matlab hai gawah jo ki ek martyr ke liye bhee use hota hai per inko bhagat singh aur uske dosto aur un jaise lakho krantikarion se koi lagav nahi kyonki unhone hinduatan ko azadee dilayee thee

waise sahee bhee hai sahee maine ye sahi bhee hai pakistani to aaj bhee goron ka ghulam hi hai
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