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Marathas in Bengal 1731-1760

Halaku Khan

Nov 14, 2008
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Marathas in Bengal 1731-1760: The Timeline

The gist of Issue is as follows..

1731 - Kanhoji Bhosle gets Sanad to subjugate Bengal

1727 - Murshid Qulikhan died

1740 - Alivadri khan kills Sarfaraz Khan, son on law of Navab of bengal
- Mir Habib rises to Prominance as Deputy Navab

1741 - Mir Habib comes to nagpur and urges Bhaskar Pandit to invade Bengl. raghuji Bhosle is on Karnataka expedition and hence the invasion is postponed.

Dussehra, 1741 - Bhaskar Ram Pandit marches to invade bengal, on invitation of Mir Habib

15 th April 1742 - Bhaskar Pandit defeats forces of Alivardi Khan. Khan escapes as Pandit demands 10 lakh rupees as tribute.

May 1742 - Pandit returns to nagpur as is the tradition.
- Mir Habib with his Maratha light cavalry under his command captures Murshidabad.

Monsoon 1742 - Marathas and Mir Habib establish their sway as far as Calcutta. British dig a ditch around their factory known as Maratha Ditch

18th sept 1742 - Alivardi Khan attacks Maratha camp who are busy celebrating Durga pooja, and defeats them. Bhaskar Pandit asks for re inforcements from nagpur. But they do not arrive in time. Alivardi returns to moorshidabad.

1742 - Meanwhile, Alivardi asks for help from nanasaheb peshva who agrees to help Alivardi. Peshwa - Alivardi meet takes place on 17th March 1743 near Plassey. Alivardi accepts the supremacy of Marathas and agrees to pay annual Chauth to Peshwa along with 22 lakh rupees as expedition expenses.

April 1743 - Peshwa army defeats Bhaskar Pandit's army.

31st August 1743 - Peace pact signed between Raghuji Bhosle and Peshwa by the mediation of Chhatrapati Shahu, King of Marathas. By this, all the territory from Berar to the east reaching Katak, Bengal and Lucknow was assigned to Raghuji, and that to the west of this line including Ajmer, Agra, Prayag and Malva to Balaji Pesva. None was to interfere with other's sphere.

1744 - Bhaskar pandit re-invades Bengal. Meanwhile bengal continues to pay Chauthai to marathas.

31 March 1744 - Bhaskar Ram Pandit killed by nawab during a parley.

Late 1744 - Raghuji Himselves invades bengal to avenge Bhaskar pandit's assassination. Conqueres region upto Hugli in 1745.

21 November 1746 - Alivardi defeated in a battle which resulted in stalemate. raghuji came back to nagpur, Alivardi retreats to moorshidabad.

1746 - maratha Army defeated by Alivardi Khan.

1747-1748 - Alivardi slowly recaptures territory. captures balasore and returns.

1749 - Marathas under Janakoji Bhosle and Mir habib reappear. Invade Bengal and recapture most of their preoccupied territory till midnapur.

1750 - Alivardi Harrassed and routed time and again. From October 1749 to March 1751, the Marathas did not allow Alivardi to rest. They harassed him by avoiding an open war when he came out with a large army form mursidabad. In 1750 when Alivardi was at midnapur the Marathas quickly marched towards Mursidabad plundering all the way. Durlabhram and Mir Jafar the officers who were stantioned at midnapur were nervous and unable to check the Maratha inroads. This lingering war was a great drain on Alivardi's resources and men. The territory under him was a house divided against itself. In 1750 Alivardi was a man of 75, physically ailing. As the situation was intolerable, his shrewd wife advised him to negotiate with the Marathas.

1751 - Treaty signed in which Alivardi again accepted the maratha supremacy and agree to pay Chauthai to Marathas.
1. Mir Habib was to be confirmed in the government of Orissa as the deputy Subhedar of Mursidabad.
2. The Navab was to pay annually 12 lacs of rupees to the Bhosles of Nagpur for the Cauthai of Bengal and Bihar.
3. When these amounts were regularly paid, the Bhosles were not to harass the two provinces.
4. The District of Katak, i. E., the territory up to the river Suvanrnarekha was to be considered as the possession of the Bhosles.

In turn, Marathas relinquished the claim on the region beyond Katak to Bengal.

And then there was peace between Marathas and Bengal. Alivardi Khan died soon. Siraj was defeated at plassey by british. Meanwhile Marathas had conquered Punjab and region all the way upto Attock and Peshawar. Thus, by the end of 1760, Maratha empire was at its zenith.

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Marathans were the traitors of the sub continent. They were patronized by brits and eventually became brits salve army.
Marathans were the traitors of the sub continent. They were patronized by brits and eventually became brits salve army.

Now that's a sweeping statement.

Calling a community a traitor is way beyond anyone's writ. Can you pls explain how / where the Maratthas were patronised by the brits & how they came brit slaves ?

While replying , pls note that almost anything you write may apply to all communities in the sub continent in some measure.
Just read the whole british era of marathan army including 1757 mutiny. You will know.
Marathas in Bengal 1731-1760: The Timeline

The gist of Issue is as follows..

1731 - Kanhoji Bhosle gets Sanad to subjugate Bengal

1727 - Murshid Qulikhan died

1740 - Alivadri khan kills Sarfaraz Khan, son on law of Navab of bengal
- Mir Habib rises to Prominance as Deputy Navab

1741 - Mir Habib comes to nagpur and urges Bhaskar Pandit to invade Bengl. raghuji Bhosle is on Karnataka expedition and hence the invasion is postponed.

Dussehra, 1741 - Bhaskar Ram Pandit marches to invade bengal, on invitation of Mir Habib

15 th April 1742 - Bhaskar Pandit defeats forces of Alivardi Khan. Khan escapes as Pandit demands 10 lakh rupees as tribute.

May 1742 - Pandit returns to nagpur as is the tradition.
- Mir Habib with his Maratha light cavalry under his command captures Murshidabad.

Monsoon 1742 - Marathas and Mir Habib establish their sway as far as Calcutta. British dig a ditch around their factory known as Maratha Ditch

18th sept 1742 - Alivardi Khan attacks Maratha camp who are busy celebrating Durga pooja, and defeats them. Bhaskar Pandit asks for re inforcements from nagpur. But they do not arrive in time. Alivardi returns to moorshidabad.

1742 - Meanwhile, Alivardi asks for help from nanasaheb peshva who agrees to help Alivardi. Peshwa - Alivardi meet takes place on 17th March 1743 near Plassey. Alivardi accepts the supremacy of Marathas and agrees to pay annual Chauth to Peshwa along with 22 lakh rupees as expedition expenses.

April 1743 - Peshwa army defeats Bhaskar Pandit's army.

31st August 1743 - Peace pact signed between Raghuji Bhosle and Peshwa by the mediation of Chhatrapati Shahu, King of Marathas. By this, all the territory from Berar to the east reaching Katak, Bengal and Lucknow was assigned to Raghuji, and that to the west of this line including Ajmer, Agra, Prayag and Malva to Balaji Pesva. None was to interfere with other's sphere.

1744 - Bhaskar pandit re-invades Bengal. Meanwhile bengal continues to pay Chauthai to marathas.

31 March 1744 - Bhaskar Ram Pandit killed by nawab during a parley.

Late 1744 - Raghuji Himselves invades bengal to avenge Bhaskar pandit's assassination. Conqueres region upto Hugli in 1745.

21 November 1746 - Alivardi defeated in a battle which resulted in stalemate. raghuji came back to nagpur, Alivardi retreats to moorshidabad.

1746 - maratha Army defeated by Alivardi Khan.

1747-1748 - Alivardi slowly recaptures territory. captures balasore and returns.

1749 - Marathas under Janakoji Bhosle and Mir habib reappear. Invade Bengal and recapture most of their preoccupied territory till midnapur.

1750 - Alivardi Harrassed and routed time and again. From October 1749 to March 1751, the Marathas did not allow Alivardi to rest. They harassed him by avoiding an open war when he came out with a large army form mursidabad. In 1750 when Alivardi was at midnapur the Marathas quickly marched towards Mursidabad plundering all the way. Durlabhram and Mir Jafar the officers who were stantioned at midnapur were nervous and unable to check the Maratha inroads. This lingering war was a great drain on Alivardi's resources and men. The territory under him was a house divided against itself. In 1750 Alivardi was a man of 75, physically ailing. As the situation was intolerable, his shrewd wife advised him to negotiate with the Marathas.

1751 - Treaty signed in which Alivardi again accepted the maratha supremacy and agree to pay Chauthai to Marathas.
1. Mir Habib was to be confirmed in the government of Orissa as the deputy Subhedar of Mursidabad.
2. The Navab was to pay annually 12 lacs of rupees to the Bhosles of Nagpur for the Cauthai of Bengal and Bihar.
3. When these amounts were regularly paid, the Bhosles were not to harass the two provinces.
4. The District of Katak, i. E., the territory up to the river Suvanrnarekha was to be considered as the possession of the Bhosles.

In turn, Marathas relinquished the claim on the region beyond Katak to Bengal.

And then there was peace between Marathas and Bengal. Alivardi Khan died soon. Siraj was defeated at plassey by british. Meanwhile Marathas had conquered Punjab and region all the way upto Attock and Peshawar. Thus, by the end of 1760, Maratha empire was at its zenith.

There are some distortions of the events in your post. Better you update all the chronological events of war between Bengal and Marathas as per history. I suggest you read the translation of 'Sier-i-Mutakkherin', a history book written in Persian by Ghulam Hussain Salim (probably). This book and Riaz-us-Salatin are the two contemporary authentic history books on the subject.
Just read the whole british era of marathan army including 1757 mutiny. You will know.

written by zaid hamid?:angry:
are you trolling because Maratha's bashed mughals.... ohh I understand your pain...
written by zaid hamid?:angry:
are you trolling because Maratha's bashed mughals.... ohh I understand your pain...

Bengal bashed mugals too.. that does not make marttas any more patriot. They had been always the traitors and their role with brits are well known to everybody.
Just read the whole british era of marathan army including 1757 mutiny. You will know.

No offence meant, I am abreast with Marattha history of the period referred to. Which part of it do you see them as Brit slaves and where do you see them as traitors to the sub continent ?

The mutiny was in 1857.
That time Bengal was busy defending India against Firingis. Marathans were just poking our A$$ here and there. What else to say?
That time Bengal was busy defending India against Firingis. Marathans were just poking our A$$ here and there. What else to say?

Is that all we have to brand Maratthas as traitors and slaves ?
That time Bengal was busy defending India against Firingis. Marathans were just poking our A$$ here and there. What else to say?

Lets not try to distort history now shall we....

Care to explain why Bengal became the first colony of the British....hell not even the British....the "East India Company"....only a commercial organization......NOT the Maratha strongholds of Pune and Mumbai....

As far as the revolt of 1857 goes....ever heard of its leaders, Nana Sahib, Tantya Tope and Rani Laxmi Bai......Guess what.....All Marathas....all fighting under one wing to reinstate a Mughal King Bahadur Shah Zafar......

And you want to question the Maratha loyalty, ever heard of the Anglo-Maratha wars???.....

Please read up and then come throw your one liners......

Least you can do is to back up your claims!!!
Just read the whole british era of marathan army including 1757 mutiny. You will know.

FIRST....get the date right its the revolt of 1857 not 1757....then read up some history........
Marathans were the traitors of the sub continent. They were patronized by brits and eventually became brits salve army.

Being a good practising Muslim, I can say that it is the Muslim who was the traitor. During The war of Palassey, Hindu Mohonlal and french general Sinfrey fought to there death. Muslim Mir Jafar, Mir Modon and all of the relative of the Nabab betrayed him.

Mir Habib suggest a muslim name.
Being a good practising Muslim, I can say that it is the Muslim who was the traitor. During The war of Palassey, Hindu Mohonlal and french general Sinfrey fought to there death. Muslim Mir Jafar, Mir Modon and all of the relative of the Nabab betrayed him.

Mir Habib suggest a muslim name.

We know those names and equally hated. Nobody in Bengal glorifying them unlike Marattans.

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