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Marathas in Bengal 1731-1760

Lets not try to distort history now shall we....

Care to explain why Bengal became the first colony of the British....hell not even the British....the "East India Company"....only a commercial organization......NOT the Maratha strongholds of Pune and Mumbai....

As far as the revolt of 1857 goes....ever heard of its leaders, Nana Sahib, Tantya Tope and Rani Laxmi Bai......Guess what.....All Marathas....all fighting under one wing to reinstate a Mughal King Bahadur Shah Zafar......

And you want to question the Maratha loyalty, ever heard of the Anglo-Maratha wars???.....

Please read up and then come throw your one liners......

Least you can do is to back up your claims!!!

Who are those army who came in sake of brits and given delhi back to brits? Nana sahib or kana sahib.. one or two great name make no difference but the chronological slavery and loyalty shown to brits by marattans are well known to everybody.

The Unseen World, and other essays, by John Fiske (chapter9)

this is the paper of 1869 and read how 1/3rd of Bengalis died silently in 1770 out of honor.

“From the first appearance of Lower Bengal in history, its inhabitants have been reticent, self-contained, distrustful of foreign observation, in a degree without parallel among other equally civilized nations. The cause of this taciturnity will afterwards be clearly explained; but no one who is acquainted either with the past experiences or the present condition of the people can be ignorant of its results. Local officials may write alarming reports, but their apprehensions seem to be contradicted by the apparent quiet that prevails. Outward, palpable proofs of suffering are often wholly wanting; and even when, as in 1770, such proofs abound, there is generally no lack of evidence on the other side. The Bengali bears existence with a composure that neither accident nor chance can ruffle. He becomes silently rich or uncomplainingly poor. The emotional part of his nature is in strict subjection, his resentment enduring but unspoken, his gratitude of the sort that silently descends from generation to generation. The. passion for privacy reaches its climax in the domestic relations. An outer apartment, in even the humblest households, is set apart for strangers and the transaction of business, but everything behind it is a mystery. The most intimate friend does not venture to make those commonplace kindly inquiries about a neighbour’s wife or daughter which European courtesy demands from mere acquaintances. This family privacy is maintained at any price. During the famine of 1866 it was found impossible to render public charity available to the female members of the respectable classes, and many a rural household starved slowly to death without uttering a complaint or making a sign.

“All through the stifling summer of 1770 the people went on dying. The husbandmen sold their cattle; they sold their implements of agriculture; they devoured their seed-grain; they sold their sons and daughters, till at length no buyer of children could be found; they ate the leaves of trees and the grass of the field; and in June, 1770, the Resident at the Durbar affirmed that the living were feeding on the dead. Day and night a torrent of famished and disease-stricken wretches poured into the great cities. At an early period of the year pestilence had broken out. In March we find small-pox at Moorshedabad, where it glided through the vice-regal mutes, and cut off the Prince Syfut in his palace. The streets were blocked up with promiscuous heaps of the dying and dead. Interment could not do its work quick enough; even the dogs and jackals, the public scavengers of the East, became unable to accomplish their revolting work, and the multitude of mangled and festering corpses at length threatened the existence of the citizens..... In 1770, the rainy season brought relief, and before the end of September the province reaped an abundant harvest. But the relief came too late to avert depopulation. Starving and shelterless crowds crawled despairingly from one deserted village to another in a vain search for food, or a resting-place in which to hide themselves from the rain. The epidemics incident to the season were thus spread over the whole country; and, until the close of the year, disease continued so prevalent as to form a subject of communication from the government in Bengal to the Court of Directors. Millions of famished wretches died in the struggle to live through the few intervening weeks that separated them from the harvest, their last gaze being probably fixed on the densely-covered fields that would ripen only a little too late for them..... Three months later, another bountiful harvest, the great rice-crop of the year, was gathered in. Abundance returned to Bengal as suddenly as famine had swooped down upon it, and in reading some of the manuscript records of December it is difficult to realize that the scenes of the preceding ten months have not been hideous phantasmagoria or a long, troubled dream. On Christmas eve, the Council in Calcutta wrote home to the Court of Directors that the scarcity had entirely ceased, and, incredible as it may seem, that unusual plenty had returned..... So generous had been the harvest that the government proposed at once to lay in its military stores for the ensuing year, and expected to obtain them at a very cheap rate.”

That is why Bengal has a independent country, if you did not know why.
Iajdani i find your distortion of nana sahib's name highly offensive.......the way you said 'kana' sahib after naming him is disrespectfull to a great 'INDIAN' hero!.....regards
Who are those army who came in sake of brits and given delhi back to brits? Nana sahib or kana sahib.. one or two great name make no difference but the chronological slavery and loyalty shown to brits by marattans are well known to everybody.

The Unseen World, and other essays, by John Fiske (chapter9)

this is the paper of 1869 and read how 1/3rd of Bengalis died silently in 1770 out of honor.

That is why Bengal has a independent country, if you did not know why.

First off...before ranting...please provide proof that the Marathas....In particular "Nana Sahib" was responsible for the fall of Delhi to the English....and I mean proof....literature....Not some folklore they taught you in Dhaka.....

Secondly, there were factions, not just Marathas but Bengali's, Panjabi's Jatts, South Indians, who were aligned with the Brits....no use of generalizing.....

Thirdly what am I supposed to get from the essay you have posted.....
How is it relevant to the topic and what do you want me to get from it??

Lastly as per Jako's note....be respectful of our Kings.....Its as much our history as yours.....
Enough of this discussion. Who is that open this thread anyways???? Gloryfying Marattahn while poking bengalis A$$.
Yes just read the paper which will give yu guys more insight about Bengal.
Some people I saw want to suck up juice of marattan fighting some muslim somewhere or with Mughal which has nothing to do in Bengal. I understand you guys want your own heroes which are very rare. But keep it up and no need poking...
Who's Marathans anyway and what they got to do with modern Bangladesh? I never read about them in history book. As far as I remember our history consists of Mughal to formation of modern independent Bangladesh. Marathans probably belongs to Bharat thus this thread need to be moved to Bharati section.

Who's Marathans anyway and what they got to do with modern Bangladesh? I never read about them in history book. As far as I remember our history consists of Mughal to formation of modern independent Bangladesh. Marathans probably belongs to Bharat thus this thread need to be moved to Bharati section.


Marattans are modern day Shikh Punjab... some Shibaji who waged war against Mughal and had few succeesses here and there.

Sorry that should be modern day Maharashtra. Marathis did have some influence in punjab though.
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Lets not try to distort history now shall we....

As far as the revolt of 1857 goes....ever heard of its leaders, Nana Sahib, Tantya Tope and Rani Laxmi Bai......Guess what.....All Marathas....all fighting under one wing to reinstate a Mughal King Bahadur Shah Zafar......
Yes, the Marathas fought valiantly in 1857 against the British slavery of Hindustan. All those names you have mentioned are great freedom fighters. May Allah send them to Jannat.
Who's Marathans anyway and what they got to do with modern Bangladesh? I never read about them in history book. As far as I remember our history consists of Mughal to formation of modern independent Bangladesh. Marathans probably belongs to Bharat thus this thread need to be moved to Bharati section.

Can you tell us which history books you have read that do not say about Maratha skirmishes in Bengal? You will read this history in even the Primary School history books.
Can you tell us which history books you have read that do not say about Maratha skirmishes in Bengal? You will read this history in even the Primary School history books.

I assume that I have read the diffrent history book than you. I have no recollection of their existence in the context of Bangldesh and perhaps not interested as well. :smokin:
Marattans are modern day Shikh Punjab... some Shibaji who waged war against Mughal and had few succeesses here and there.

So all this while you have no idea who the Maratha's are!!!!....

Why exactly are you even debating here???....

I sense someone is trying to become a General by posting aimlessly!!
I assume that I have read the diffrent history book than you. I have no recollection of their existence in the context of Bangldesh and perhaps not interested as well. :smokin:

There exactly is your predicament. No thirst for knowledge = limited knowledge; limited knowledge = imbecilic posts!

@Peshwa = Kudikadche tumhi?
There exactly is your predicament. No thirst for knowledge = limited knowledge; limited knowledge = imbecilic posts!

@Peshwa = Kudikadche tumhi?

Me Mumbaicha.....Pan majha gaon Oras aahe....Goachya zawad

Tumhi pan Marathi aahat??
There exactly is your predicament. No thirst for knowledge = limited knowledge; limited knowledge = imbecilic posts!

@Peshwa = Kudikadche tumhi?

Am not interested to learn bharati BS or things that has no impact on our life or civilization. :smokin:

What make you more knowlegable than me????

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