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Marathas in Bengal 1731-1760

Marattans are modern day Shikh Punjab... some Shibaji who waged war against Mughal and had few succeesses here and there.


Sorry that should be modern day Maharashtra. Marathis did have some influence in punjab though
I assume that I have read the diffrent history book than you. I have no recollection of their existence in the context of Bangldesh and perhaps not interested as well. :smokin:

Perhaps you know the word BENGAL. It seems everybody else knows it except you.
Sorry that should be modern day Maharashtra. Marathis did have some influence in punjab though

Yes, they had influence upto Peshwar, but not upon Bengal, although they tried for long ten years from 1742 to 1751 to hold upon us. Marathas were basically a bunch of low grade EXTORTIONISTS, just like you find RANGBAJ/MASTAN in today's Dhaka.

They would bring with them all the THUGS and looteras to do lootpat and violating the women. To them there was no difference between Hindus and Muslims. They would come, burn the villages, do all the heinuous crimes only to weaken the position of the Nawab and to extort Chautha from him. But, then would run away at the sight of the Bengal Army led by Nawab Alivardy Khan.

It was an enemy who always avoided direct fighting. These cowards would flee from the advancing Bengal army, and vacate all their occupied land at the advance of Bengal troops. They never thought it wise to come into a direct fight against Bengal. When the Bengal army turned to go back to the Capital after giving the cowards a good chase and out of Subeh Bengal, they would surround those who remained behind and steal their possessions.

Nawab Alivardy Khan became so angry with these extortionists because they were not giving him a fight like a man that he finally decided to kill their leaders. VASKAR PUNDIT and 17 of his top generals were killed in that way, after which they vacated Bengal, but they came back with Mir Habib always there to instigate them.

I do not have the history books right in front of me, I will write about the next part in a different post if people are interested to read. But here, I would say that with the kind of cowardice they have shown in Bengal in the east for long 10 years from 1742 to 1751, it is no wonder that they were completely annihilated when they fought against Ahmed Shah Abdali from the west in the 3rd Battle of Panipath (Hariana) in 1761.

I just do not enjoy saying about the killings, but in that great war Ahmed Shah's troops killed at least 300,000 of the Maratha troops. These EXTORTIONIST Marathas could never again rise above their heads. However, there were many brave Marathis who fought for the independence of Hindustan in 1857.

Shibaji was a Hindu and Marathas were Hindu. But, the Indians should not glorify the misdeeds by these ill-disciplined Marathas in any part of Hindustan. I find some Indians doing the same here in this forum. I personally do not regret the quick fall of the Marathas, not because they were Hindus (there were many Muslim Marathas who fought against Ahmed Shah Abdali), but because they did not show any good qualities as rulers in some part of India. Compare them with the ruling style of Ranjit Singh of Punjab. He was quite different.
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These marathis did weaken some of the good armies who could face British and eventually the whole India fell prey of brits.
The Indians made Shivaji as their hero now. They are building statue and all, across whole India glorifying Hindu King against Muslims. That is so funny. But he was no more than a brutal extortionist and bandit.
Just read the whole british era of marathan army including 1757 mutiny. You will know.

Oh you mean "1857" Mutiny? Then you will know what Maratha's did then... under Peshwa Bajirao and Tatia Tope.. they declared Mughal King Bhadhur shah jafar II as their King and fought the British.

IT was "MIR JAFFER" who betrayed!! it is all over in history..and i am not pointing any community here
Yes, they had influence upto Peshwar, but not upon Bengal, although they tried for long ten years from 1742 to 1751 to hold upon us. Marathas were basically a bunch of low grade EXTORTIONISTS, just like you find RANGBAJ/MASTAN in today's Dhaka.
They would bring with them all the THUGS and looteras to do lootpat and violating the women. To them there was no difference between Hindus and Muslims. They would come, burn the villages, do all the heinuous crimes only to weaken the position of the Nawab and to extort Chautha from him. But, then would run away at the sight of the Bengal Army led by Nawab Alivardy Khan.

It was an enemy who always avoided direct fighting. These cowards would flee from the advancing Bengal army, and vacate all their occupied land at the advance of Bengal troops. They never thought it wise to come into a direct fight against Bengal. When the Bengal army turned to go back to the Capital after giving the cowards a good chase and out of Subeh Bengal, they would surround those who remained behind and steal their possessions.

Nawab Alivardy Khan became so angry with these extortionists because they were not giving him a fight like a man that he finally decided to kill their leaders. VASKAR PUNDIT and 17 of his top generals were killed in that way, after which they vacated Bengal, but they came back with Mir Habib always there to instigate them.

I do not have the history books right in front of me, I will write about the next part in a different post if people are interested to read. But here, I would say that with the kind of cowardice they have shown in Bengal in the east for long 10 years from 1742 to 1751, it is no wonder that they were completely annihilated when they fought against Ahmed Shah Abdali from the west in the 3rd Battle of Panipath (Hariana) in 1761.

I just do not enjoy saying about the killings, but in that great war Ahmed Shah's troops killed at least 300,000 of the Maratha troops. These EXTORTIONIST Marathas could never again rise above their heads. However, there were many brave Marathis who fought for the independence of Hindustan in 1857.

Shibaji was a Hindu and Marathas were Hindu. But, the Indians should not glorify the misdeeds by these ill-disciplined Marathas in any part of Hindustan. I find some Indians doing the same here in this forum. I personally do not regret the quick fall of the Marathas, not because they were Hindus (there were many Muslim Marathas who fought against Ahmed Shah Abdali), but because they did not show any good qualities as rulers in some part of India. Compare them with the ruling style of Ranjit Singh of Punjab. He was quite different.

It looks like ur history being more seen through the prisim of religion and , rules and rulers are judegd based on that sole criteria.

Well if muslim majority Bangladesh though Marathas were basically a bunch of low grade EXTORTIONISTS villians who brought " all the THUGS and looteras to do lootpat and violating the women "
....Here the a sort of a summary of a book about the history of neighbouring state orissa and what exactly people in orissa think about maratha regime in their region about the same 1750s period of history.
History of Orissa

To know about History of Orissa is a fascinating journey. As per the early evidences, Orissa was originally occupied by the aboriginal tribes, the Buiyas and Gonds. They restricted themselves to the forest and hills when Shanti Stupa and the Dravidian race began their settlements and slowly started occupying the region. Orissa was known as Kalinga in the early period. Kalinga is associated with the greatest Mauryan Emperor Ashoka, who, on seeing the horrors of war in his battle at the Kalinga battlefield abandoned warfare and, embraced Buddhism.

In the second century AD Kharavela commanded a strong foothold over Orissa and its neighboring area. The Hatigumpha inscription in Udayagiri near Bhubaneswar purveys with accounts about the life and flourish of Kharavela kingdom. Tour to Orissa will educate you about the interesting aspects of Orissa history. Going by the absorbing history of Orissa, the Satavahana king Goutamiputra Satakarni ruled Kalinga early in the second century. About the middle of the sixth century A.D. a chief named Ranadurjaya ruled over South Kalinga with Pishtapura as his capital.

The Guptas conquered over this region in about the 4th century AD. Till the 10th century Orissa was under the rule of the Bhaumakara dynasty which later was taken over by the Soma dynasty during 11th to 12th century. The Muslims Sultanate established their influence on Orissa during the 13th and 14th centuries. This continued till 1568. This was followed by the rule of the Mughals which lasted till the death of Aurangzeb. Orissa constituted into a separate province in 1607and Cuttack was declared its capital during the rule of Akbar's son Jahangir and his successors. Orissa enjoyed this status till the end of the reign of the Great Mughals.

History of Orissa is very ancient and dynamic which fascinates every tourist. Many rulers and dynasties have established their great influences upon the state. History of Orissa, India is still alive with many reminiscences of the past. When the Mughal Empire began to perish, the Nazim of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa, Aliverdi Khan, became autonomous. The Marathas played a major role in curbing the rule of the Mughal Empire. The Maratha administration of Orissa functionally began from the year 1751 which initiated lot developments into the region. But this wonderful phase of Maratha rule could only last for about half a century. Thereafter rose the British power in the region. The treaty of Deogarh, signed on 17 December 1803, ended the Maratha rule and Orissa was under the command of British Rule.
With India gaining independence in August 1947, Orissa was declared free and added a huge territory to its land. Today Orissa has far reached its goals, adding up to immense resources of unlimited minerals, dense forests, fertile lands and numerous rivers. Orissa general info will give you an idea about the history of Orissa

History of Orissa,Orissa history, Orissa in India
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Oh you mean "1857" Mutiny? Then you will know what Maratha's did then... under Peshwa Bajirao and Tatia Tope.. they declared Mughal King Bhadhur shah jafar II as their King and fought the British.

IT was "MIR JAFFER" who betrayed!! it is all over in history..and i am not pointing any community here

Dont get caught in a troller's trap...
It looks like ur history being more seen through the prisim of religion and , rules and rulers are judegd based on that sole criteria.

Well if muslim majority Bangladesh though Marathas were basically a bunch of low grade EXTORTIONISTS villians who brought " all the THUGS and looteras to do lootpat and violating the women "
....Here the a sort of a summary of a book about the history of neighbouring state orissa and what exactly people in orissa think about maratha regime in their region about the same 1750s period of history.
History of Orissa

To know about History of Orissa is a fascinating journey. As per the early evidences, Orissa was originally occupied by the aboriginal tribes, the Buiyas and Gonds. They restricted themselves to the forest and hills when Shanti Stupa and the Dravidian race began their settlements and slowly started occupying the region. Orissa was known as Kalinga in the early period. Kalinga is associated with the greatest Mauryan Emperor Ashoka, who, on seeing the horrors of war in his battle at the Kalinga battlefield abandoned warfare and, embraced Buddhism.

In the second century AD Kharavela commanded a strong foothold over Orissa and its neighboring area. The Hatigumpha inscription in Udayagiri near Bhubaneswar purveys with accounts about the life and flourish of Kharavela kingdom. Tour to Orissa will educate you about the interesting aspects of Orissa history. Going by the absorbing history of Orissa, the Satavahana king Goutamiputra Satakarni ruled Kalinga early in the second century. About the middle of the sixth century A.D. a chief named Ranadurjaya ruled over South Kalinga with Pishtapura as his capital.

The Guptas conquered over this region in about the 4th century AD. Till the 10th century Orissa was under the rule of the Bhaumakara dynasty which later was taken over by the Soma dynasty during 11th to 12th century. The Muslims Sultanate established their influence on Orissa during the 13th and 14th centuries. This continued till 1568. This was followed by the rule of the Mughals which lasted till the death of Aurangzeb. Orissa constituted into a separate province in 1607and Cuttack was declared its capital during the rule of Akbar's son Jahangir and his successors. Orissa enjoyed this status till the end of the reign of the Great Mughals.

History of Orissa is very ancient and dynamic which fascinates every tourist. Many rulers and dynasties have established their great influences upon the state. History of Orissa, India is still alive with many reminiscences of the past. When the Mughal Empire began to perish, the Nazim of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa, Aliverdi Khan, became autonomous. The Marathas played a major role in curbing the rule of the Mughal Empire. The Maratha administration of Orissa functionally began from the year 1751 which initiated lot developments into the region. But this wonderful phase of Maratha rule could only last for about half a century. Thereafter rose the British power in the region. The treaty of Deogarh, signed on 17 December 1803, ended the Maratha rule and Orissa was under the command of British Rule.
With India gaining independence in August 1947, Orissa was declared free and added a huge territory to its land. Today Orissa has far reached its goals, adding up to immense resources of unlimited minerals, dense forests, fertile lands and numerous rivers. Orissa general info will give you an idea about the history of Orissa

History of Orissa,Orissa history, Orissa in India

Ohh yea some tourist site and children book history will give you better understanding of Marathis.. LOL

1783-84 Up to 11 million died in the Chalisa famine in the regions of present-day Uttar Pradesh, Delhi region, Rajputana, eastern Punjab region and Kashmir.
1788-92: Another 11 million may have died in the Doji bara famine or Skull famine in Hyderabad State, Southern Maratha country, Gujarat and Marwar.
1800-1825: 1 million Indians died of famine
1850-1875: 2.5 millions died in Orissa famine of 1866, Rajputana famine of 1869; due to a generous relief effort, however, there was no mortality in the Bihar famine of 1873–74.

The above all were fully or partially occupied by Marathis.. So much development huh... :cheers:

PS: the last word... And today orissa has far reached its goal and became one of the poorest region in the face of the earth.
It looks like ur history being more seen through the prisim of religion and , rules and rulers are judegd based on that sole criteria.

Well if muslim majority Bangladesh though Marathas were basically a bunch of low grade EXTORTIONISTS villians who brought " all the THUGS and looteras to do lootpat and violating the women "
I am a reader of history and I do not see a histotrical topic in any prism, religious or what. What the Marathas did to Bengal has been written in many history books and also in many folklores. What I said about the Marathas is correct to the point. It is the Hindus of present day India who see Marathas in colour glass. This worshipping started sometime during British rule and is still continuing. This is happening only because they are Hindus.

By the way, the Maratha cruelty was again indirectly responsible for the creation of a Muslim country after two hundred years. Only because of their unruly treatment, many Muslims living in Orissa, present day Jharkhand, Medinipur, Bankura, Puruliya, Burdhaman and Birbhum migrated towards east of the River Bhagirothi. Even many from Murshidabad went to the eastern part, such as Rajshahi, Bogra, Ghoraghat (Rangpur) etc. to avoid being killed or insulted by the Marathas.

This continuous exodus for 10 years made the western part of Bengal almost void of Muslims and on the contrary, the eastern part became overwhelming a Muslim majority area. These eastern Muslims raised first the flag of Muslim League in 1910 and then the flag of Pakistan. India reaped in 1947, what the Marathas sowed in Bengal from 1742 to 1751.
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Ohh yea some tourist site and children book history will give you better understanding of Marathis.. LOL

1783-84 Up to 11 million died in the Chalisa famine in the regions of present-day Uttar Pradesh, Delhi region, Rajputana, eastern Punjab region and Kashmir.
1788-92: Another 11 million may have died in the Doji bara famine or Skull famine in Hyderabad State, Southern Maratha country, Gujarat and Marwar.
1800-1825: 1 million Indians died of famine
1850-1875: 2.5 millions died in Orissa famine of 1866, Rajputana famine of 1869; due to a generous relief effort, however, there was no mortality in the Bihar famine of 1873–74.

The above all were fully or partially occupied by Marathis.. So much development huh... :cheers:

PS: the last word... And today orissa has far reached its goal and became one of the poorest region in the face of the earth.

Why are u posting grossly wrong data ??
Take some more time to check ur own BS data.

while we are talking about maratha influnece in Bengal and orissa in during the period of 1750s to the yr 1800...u post about famines happended in yr 1866,1875 during the British rule.

"PS: the last word... And today orissa has far reached its goal and became one of the poorest region in the face of the earth "

haha, Bangladeshis are talking about development and poverty.:lol:

Let me put some world Bank data about orissa's economy.U can read the full page about if u feel like.

Overview: Orissa has transformed from a seriously lagging state to a state on the move

From being the poorest state of India in the mid 1990s, Orissa has become a state on the move. The state's economy has shifted gear and is on a higher growth trajectory. Gross state domestic product (GSDP) has grown at 8.5 percent on average during the Tenth Plan period (2002-07), compared to 5.5 percent during the previous plan (1997-2002) and even slower in the past.

Public investments in infrastructure have begun to rise, and private industrial investment is booming. The finances of the state have improved remarkably, creating fiscal space for expanding public investments.

Private investment is booming: Indian and foreign mega investments in the steel and power sectors and aluminum and chrome products are dominating the private investment boom. Industry has grown at 20 percent annually in 2002-07, compared to only 6 percent in 1997-2002. This is fuelled, in part, by the rise in world metal prices. Since 2004, Orissa has ranked as the country’s premier investment destination, according to the Center for Monitoring the Indian Economy (CMIE).

Private investments under implementation in Orissa now total about US$125 billion – which is about seven times the state’s annual gross domestic product (GSDP). Many of these investments are at an advanced stage and expected to start production before 2012/13. This makes it likely that Orissa will enjoy high double digit growth, faster than the rest of India, for several years to come

Coming the issue of poverty:

A great deal still remains to be done"

Second poorest state in the country: Despite recent progress, however, Orissa is still the second poorest state in the country with one of the lowest levels of urbanization. Over 45 percent of its people live in poverty with the scheduled tribes (STs) - who make up a sizeable 22 percent of the state’s population – lagging far behind the rest of the population. Most STs live in tiny villages or remote habitations in the hills where their geographical isolation underlies much of their poverty. Rural electrification is among the lowest in the country; some 18,000 villages and 5 million households have yet to get electricity. Learning levels in schools are low, and the burden of ill health too high.


........1/3 the total area of orissa comes under the tribal belt of india where tribals hostrorically have been living an isolated live mostly cut off from main stream india till recent improvements in modes to communications.If one take out tribal districts of orissa ,and then rest of the coastal regions of orissa is more economically developed than the national avg of india.
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I am a reader of history and I do not see a histotrical topic in any prism, religious or what. What the Marathas did to Bengal has been written in many history books and also in many folklores. What I said about the Marathas is correct to the point. It is the Hindus of present day India who see Marathas in colour glass. This worshipping started sometime during British rule and is still continuing. This is happening only because they are Hindus.

By the way, the Maratha cruelty was again indirectly responsible for the creation of a Muslim country after two hundred years. Only because of their unruly treatment, many Muslims living in Orissa, present day Jharkhand, Medinipur, Bankura, Puruliya, Burdhaman and Birbhum migrated towards east of the River Bhagirothi. Even many from Murshidabad went to the eastern part, such as Rajshahi, Bogra, Ghoraghat (Rangpur) etc. to avoid being killed or insulted by the Marathas.

This continuous exodus for 10 years made the western part of Bengal almost void of Muslims and on the contrary, the eastern part became overwhelming a Muslim majority area. These eastern Muslims raised first the flag of Muslim League in 1910 and then the flag of Pakistan. India reaped in 1947, what the Marathas sowed in Bengal from 1742 to 1751.

Though u refutes that u dont see a histotrical topic in any prism of religion... then u go on blaming the maratha for atrocities aganist bengali muslims and held them resposible for the creation of east pakistan.Isnt it the double speak u are famous for??:lol:
Why are u posting grossly wrong data ??
Take some more time to check ur own BS data.

while we are talking about maratha influnece in Bengal and orissa in during the period of 1750s to the yr 1800...u post about famines happended in yr 1866,1875 during the British rule.

"PS: the last word... And today orissa has far reached its goal and became one of the poorest region in the face of the earth "

haha, Bangladeshis are talking about development and poverty.:lol:

Let me put some world Bank data about orissa's economy.U can read the full page about if u feel like.

Overview: Orissa has transformed from a seriously lagging state to a state on the move

From being the poorest state of India in the mid 1990s, Orissa has become a state on the move. The state's economy has shifted gear and is on a higher growth trajectory. Gross state domestic product (GSDP) has grown at 8.5 percent on average during the Tenth Plan period (2002-07), compared to 5.5 percent during the previous plan (1997-2002) and even slower in the past.

Public investments in infrastructure have begun to rise, and private industrial investment is booming. The finances of the state have improved remarkably, creating fiscal space for expanding public investments.

Private investment is booming: Indian and foreign mega investments in the steel and power sectors and aluminum and chrome products are dominating the private investment boom. Industry has grown at 20 percent annually in 2002-07, compared to only 6 percent in 1997-2002. This is fuelled, in part, by the rise in world metal prices. Since 2004, Orissa has ranked as the country’s premier investment destination, according to the Center for Monitoring the Indian Economy (CMIE).

Private investments under implementation in Orissa now total about US$125 billion – which is about seven times the state’s annual gross domestic product (GSDP). Many of these investments are at an advanced stage and expected to start production before 2012/13. This makes it likely that Orissa will enjoy high double digit growth, faster than the rest of India, for several years to come

Coming the issue of poverty:

A great deal still remains to be done"

Second poorest state in the country: Despite recent progress, however, Orissa is still the second poorest state in the country with one of the lowest levels of urbanization. Over 45 percent of its people live in poverty with the scheduled tribes (STs) - who make up a sizeable 22 percent of the state’s population – lagging far behind the rest of the population. Most STs live in tiny villages or remote habitations in the hills where their geographical isolation underlies much of their poverty. Rural electrification is among the lowest in the country; some 18,000 villages and 5 million households have yet to get electricity. Learning levels in schools are low, and the burden of ill health too high.

India - Orissa in Transition

........1/3 the total area of orissa comes under the tribal belt of india where tribals hostrorically have been living an isolated live mostly cut off from main stream india till recent improvements in modes to communications.If one take out tribal districts of orissa ,and then rest of the coastal regions of orissa is more economically developed than the national avg of india.

There was no BS data. Even though british were ruling Bengal Presidency that time but these famine hit areas were fully or partly ruled by Marathans or their descendent that time.
A lot of development was done by Marattan after Mugal in Orissa that was your article said. But it failed to list any of those development afforts which were inititated by Marattans? Any project which you could come up with and enlight us? The only thing I could see is wide spread famine under Marattha rules.
I did not mention 1770 famine the worst in Human history, and affected mostly Bihar, Bengal, Jharkhand and orissya. We blame british for it in Bengal. But what happend in Jharkhand and Orissya? They were ruled by Marttans. Aint they? Or they were busy in huge development plans for the years to come? :cheesy:

The rest what you said is OK. I dont have recent history for that.Throughout the history Bengal did support orissya and bihar since 6th century and they acted as buffer state for Bengal all the time. Now they are on their own. Good luck to them.
There was no BS data. Even though british were ruling Bengal Presidency that time but these famine hit areas were fully or partly ruled by Marathans or their descendent that time.
A lot of development was done by Marattan after Mugal in Orissa that was your article said. But it failed to list any of those development afforts which were inititated by Marattans? Any project which you could come up with and enlight us? The only thing I could see is wide spread famine under Marattha rules.
I did not mention 1770 famine the worst in Human history, and affected mostly Bihar, Bengal, Jharkhand and orissya. We blame british for it in Bengal. But what happend in Jharkhand and Orissya? They were ruled by Marttans. Aint they? Or they were busy in huge development plans for the years to come? :cheesy:

The rest what you said is OK. I dont have recent history for that.Throughout the history Bengal did support orissya and bihar since 6th century and they acted as buffer state for Bengal all the time. Now they are on their own. Good luck to them.

This is ur data :

1800-1825: 1 million Indians died of famine
1850-1875: 2.5 millions died in Orissa famine of 1866, Rajputana famine of 1869; due to a generous relief effort, however, there was no mortality in the Bihar famine of 1873–74

Now tell me whats the role of maratha in those area during the 1800s u noted here??

These were all ruled by british east india company and later under the queen.

Even though u urself agree that british were ruling Bengal Presidency that time ...u go on putting lame excues...why dont check the map of Bengal Presidency ??:hitwall:

Here goes ur Bengal famine of 1770 ...check out which region it primarily affected and who is responsible for it.

Bengal famine of 1770 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Redundant post. I already talked bout 1770 famine and the reason for it. Jharkhand and Orissya was not under british neither mugal rule but marattans.

those area under question goes under british after 1857. They were outside bengal presidency that time specially Rjaputana and lower maratha country which were ruled by marattans or their descendent.
Redundant post. I already talked bout 1770 famine and the reason for it.

yaa...can u give some reliable source to back up ur fasinating BS claims??

About ten million people, approximately one-third of the population of the affected area, are estimated to have died in the famine. The regions in which the famine occurred included especially the modern Indian states of Bihar and West Bengal, but the famine also extended into Orissa and Jharkhand as well as modern Bangladesh. Among the worst affected areas were Birbhum and Murshidabad in Bengal, and Tirhut, Champaran and Bettiah in Bihar.

I see hardly any region of orissa except may be few pockets in norther orissa that came under Bengal presidency.

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