Sweden--blond people, Ikea.
Germany--fine automobiles, and Hitler.
Greece--togas,long holidays, no jobs.
Poland--plays victim card, worships popes as gods.
Norway--really wealthy, good at hockey right?
Romania--con artists, Dracula.
@flamer84 sorry
France--surrendering, cheese, wine.
Italy--fine craftsmanship, greasy hair.
Ukraine--poor, identity crisis.
Spain--drink wine all day and they role their R's
Portugal--how are these people even considered european?
Finland--it's cold.
Luxemburg--i just found out this was not a city in Germany.
Netherlands--vacation capital of europe, women that sell themselves.
Belarus--this is part of Russia.
Latvians--complainers, this country is worthless.
Lithuanians--complainers, good at basketball.
Estonians--complainers that are racists that also warship Nazis, this country is worthless.
Austria--they speak German
Hungary--they were a part of some kind of worthless empire.
Serbia--people think they are Russians.
United Kingdom--English accents, think they are better then everyone.
Albania--this is where criminals live, really worthless.
Belgium--waffles and Jean Claude Van Damme.