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Malaysian Air Force Trainees in Pakistan

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Malaysian Air Force Trainees in Pakistan




ASIAN DEFENCE: Royal Malaysian Air Force Trainees in Pakistan
Pakistan And Pakistan Armed Forces symbol of All Muslims Countries around the world. Mostly all muslim countries Military and Airforce recommended training from Pakistan Military forces.

GG Pakistan
These are the 1st aviation cadets. I recall when I was living in Sargodha in 93, when my dad was doing CCS on F-16s with No.9 Sqn, there were 2 RMAF pilots, both were on F-7.
well good to see muslim brothers gewtting together and helping each other in trainning thats what show whole the world how high the standard has set by paf on trainning our pilots are one of the best pilots and it is such a pitty they dont get what they are made up for but it makes them even more greater that flying low class jet against high quality jets of enemy still our pilots never got shoot down F 16 is not a low class but it is infront of F 15 SU 30 is low classs when comes to air to air war
perhaps these trainees want to be familiar with F-16 and it's tactics deployed by PAF

don't forget that we're surrounded with countries that used this little bugger (Thailand,Singapore and Indonesia.Thailand is relatively passive to us despite their overwhelming military might but Sg and Indon...i have reason to be worried)
perhaps these trainees want to be familiar with F-16 and it's tactics deployed by PAF

don't forget that we're surrounded with countries that used this little bugger (Thailand,Singapore and Indonesia.Thailand is relatively passive to us despite their overwhelming military might but Sg and Indon...i have reason to be worried)

I can understand disputes with SGP...but Thailand and especially Indonesia....? can you please add to my information?
Pakistan And Pakistan Armed Forces symbol of All Muslims Countries around the world. Mostly all muslim countries Military and Airforce recommended training from Pakistan Military forces.

GG Pakistan

What does "GG Pakistan"mean ?
I just know a little English.............:china::pakistan::china::pakistan:
perhaps these trainees want to be familiar with F-16 and it's tactics deployed by PAF

don't forget that we're surrounded with countries that used this little bugger (Thailand,Singapore and Indonesia.Thailand is relatively passive to us despite their overwhelming military might but Sg and Indon...i have reason to be worried)

if they are just to "get fimiliar" with F-16 why are they in pakistan they should go to US, the maker of f-16
This speaks of our "clout" in Islamic world. A proof that PAF is an icon of quality air warfare training.
Actually officers of non muslim countries come as well, Nigeria is a good example, so is Bhutan.
Usually though, mostly senior officers are sent to us for training since they want their leadership well versed in Aerial Warfare.Although not in CFT.. last time I met officers from Nigeria, Sudan, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka(wonderful guitarist) and Malaysia.
At the end of their course they were all treated to a good helping of our culture courtesy of their Lecturer whose son was getting married.
Funny though, you can never take the Airforce out of a man.
All throughout.. he was on the mike introducing;
the bringing in of the guy, we were holding that dupatta up; " Ladies and gents.. as you can see our interdiction has started and escorts are bringing in the main strike package" :P

The Singing '....This is very heavy ECm..."

The dances; " We are now going into the offensive-offensive stage..."

perhaps these trainees want to be familiar with F-16 and it's tactics deployed by PAF

don't forget that we're surrounded with countries that used this little bugger (Thailand,Singapore and Indonesia.Thailand is relatively passive to us despite their overwhelming military might but Sg and Indon...i have reason to be worried)

No, to fly and be familiar with F-16s you have to be a fighter pilot. These aviation cadets are still trying to fly fast jet-trainers.
Future JF17 thunder pilots

i don't quite buy that

sure JF-17 has it's place in RMAF military(as F-5 and Hawk Mk 208 replacement) as a 2nd tier fighter and there's even an article mentioning Malaysia as potential buyer but we're more interested with big,2-engined MRCA aircraft with long range and large load(since Malaysia is divided by the largest sea in the world and there's offshore ZEE to patrol)

I can understand disputes with SGP...but Thailand and especially Indonesia....? can you please add to my information?

Indonesia has its own one-sided animosity towards us Malaysian and there are some incidents involving both armed forces.Thank God Malaysian and Indonesian politician aren't exaggerating it.among our neighbors,the only countries that i can safely say as peaceful neighbors are Thailand and Brunei.The Philippines also have some issues with Malaysia(Spratly island,and the old claim of north borneo).But again,Thank God they are weak

if they are just to "get familiar" with F-16 why are they in pakistan they should go to US, the maker of f-16

we did have regular aerial exercise with USN and USAF,but there is little,if any,chance to get in to a Falcon(Or Viper,depends on which person one is talking to) and learn more about them

No, to fly and be familiar with F-16s you have to be a fighter pilot. These aviation cadets are still trying to fly fast jet-trainers.

then again why wasting time learning basics in foreign soil when they can do the same in Malaysia?we got Hawk 108 and new MB-339A/C for that.

on a side note,my favorite RMAF fighter pilot,Major Patricia Yapp(call sign FOXY) is already married.

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