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Malaysian Air Force Team Likely To Visit India Soon To Assess Suitability Of LCA Tejas Fighter Jet

Tejas MK1A is more expensive than Gripen. Indians have mastered the art of farting through their mouth. Malaysia will go for South Korean jets considering their interest in their latest LCA/Trainer jet. No country not even India want nightmare called Tejas. Indian will only make token purchase of Tejas just like they did with Arjunk Tank.
Funny, not a single Malay source mentioning Tejas at all, not a single report about it being in a competition or about a team visiting India. Story made up for clicks by Indian media and we on this forum gladly help them by promoting the story.....
I believe any buyer, with small pockets, would want simple supply chain and a time tested product. Purchase of JF17 or Tejas can only happen iff some other gains are attached with the purchase like access to Pakistani or Indian markets with preferential status.

E.g., Part payment by Palm Oil supply instead of $$$..
Funny, not a single Malay source mentioning Tejas at all, not a single report about it being in a competition or about a team visiting India. Story made up for clicks by Indian media and we on this forum gladly help them by promoting the story.....
You are right, I can't find any news in our Malaysian news portals. But there are many reports originated from India, LOL! :blink:

Looks like wishful "make me feel good" reports from typical Indian media.
You are right, I can't find any news in our Malaysian news portals. But there are many reports originated from India, LOL! :blink:

Looks like wishful "make me feel good" reports from typical Indian media.

Yup, like EU Labs discovered, the Fake News operation gets one clever fake article then more "reputable" news outlets repeat it essentially quoting each other. They never quote a named official, it is always "sources" that are never named.

Funny that not a single statement from RMAF, Malaysian Defence Ministry or ANY Malaysian newspaper.
You are right, I can't find any news in our Malaysian news portals. But there are many reports originated from India, LOL! :blink:

Looks like wishful "make me feel good" reports from typical Indian media.

I think it is because they are not interested on such news, Malaysian in general is also not quite interested on military news, except for something catchy or have already become a contract. I also dont find any Malaysian news about FIBA Asia Cup 2021 Qualifiers, despite Malaysian team are present on the competition just an example, while Indonesian news about FIBA Asia cup 2021 qualifiers are many.

News like this is also small in scale and importance and usually only reported on blog that is focusing on military news which I see not exist in Malaysian blog community.

Welcome!! :usflag::pakistan:

BUT! Your thread is in the wrong PDF section.

Not a regular member of the PDF. Kindly let me know where to put future threads.
I'm Calmed.

but when you say most LCAs, I believe you mean older versions of Tejas fighter, but Malaysia were offered MK1A which is not cheap compared to JF-17 Blk 3.

and Tejas are not easy to maintain as you have to contact several countries to get the required parts to keep Frankenstein fighter air worthy. lets not forget that the engine is American which mean any country buy Tejas and upset uncle Sam, they will get their Tejas's grounded for the lack of spare engines and parts from USA.

P.S:-Calm down.

The RMAF is already using Legacy hornets and also uses French sub systems in its Su-30 Fleet. Except Israeli Radar(Which will be replaced by Uttam) there will be less problems regarding the supply chain.
FA 50 host high chances to win the tender

Yes Considering it's costs.
Tejas MK1A is more expensive than Gripen. Indians have mastered the art of farting through their mouth. Malaysia will go for South Korean jets considering their interest in their latest LCA/Trainer jet. No country not even India want nightmare called Tejas. Indian will only make token purchase of Tejas just like they did with Arjunk Tank.

120 Tejas for IAf itself isn't a token amount. And there's no way gripen is cheaper than that of tejas. Looks like you fart through your mouth and Blaming someone else.
I think it is because they are not interested on such news, Malaysian in general is also not quite interested on military news, except for something catchy or have already become a contract. I also dont find any Malaysian news about FIBA Asia Cup 2021 Qualifiers, despite Malaysian team are present on the competition just an example, while Indonesian news about FIBA Asia cup 2021 qualifiers are many.

News like this is also small in scale and importance and usually only reported on blog that is focusing on military news which I see not exist in Malaysian blog community.
That depends on what news media you are accessing. Go for the major newspaper like the Star, The New Straits Times, Berita Harian etc. Major news papers have many sections that includes interesting and dull news. Google search cannot find out every news reported on traditional newspaper printed on real paper.

The last news on Malaysia to acquired LCA (LCA= Light Combat Aircraft but not = Indian Tejas), was published on the New Straits times in 2019 before Dr Mathadir's govern,emt collapsed. The new government has never mentioned any news on Malaysia's light combat aircraft since it tookover last year. Hell, they don't even have the money.

When mentioned LCA, Indians will think of it means Tejas, but for Malaysians it has a broad meaning that include all types of light weight combat aircraft from different countries.

Extract from the 2019 news report:-
"Affendi said RMAF was currently still sourcing out suitable platforms for its new LCA requirements and could not identify the exact model of the fighter jet.

“We can only determine the aircraft model once we do proper evaluations. We issued request-for-information to all contenders (manufacturers) in the LCA category earlier this year.”

It is understood that the LCA contenders included the Korea-made T-50 Golden Eagle, Russia’s YAK-130, Leonardo M-346FA, BAE Systems Hawk, India’s Tejas and the JF-17 Thunder from Pakistan.

Affendi said there was no specific time frame for RMAF to acquire the new LCA, as everything depended on the government’s budget allocation."
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I think it is because they are not interested on such news, Malaysian in general is also not quite interested on military news, except for something catchy or have already become a contract. I also dont find any Malaysian news about FIBA Asia Cup 2021 Qualifiers, despite Malaysian team are present on the competition just an example, while Indonesian news about FIBA Asia cup 2021 qualifiers are many.

News like this is also small in scale and importance and usually only reported on blog that is focusing on military news which I see not exist in Malaysian blog community.

It is on official FIBA site

My point is with this kind of news, if true, there is usually some other reliable source then Indian press.
120 Tejas for IAf itself isn't a token amount. And there's no way gripen is cheaper than that of tejas. Looks like you fart through your mouth and Blaming someone else.

You better do your research. Gripen is cheaper than Tejas for basic reason that most of its systems are either local or license produced by Saab. Tejas on the other hand sources its systems and subsystems from nearly 4-5 different countries. It is an established fact that Tejas is expensive that SU30MKI. At present it is twice as expensive than Russian sourced Su30 MKI and price Indian manufactured sukhois is almost twice than Russian. A single Tejas 1A costs 63 Million by Indian sources whereas an indian manufactured SU30 cost 60 million. At the same time a Gripen costs around 50 mil minus its servicing costs.
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