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Malaysian Air Force Team Likely To Visit India Soon To Assess Suitability Of LCA Tejas Fighter Jet

They want typhoon buddy they deem.tejas and your mighty thunders as not good enough for bangla air power.
remember they have double your forex now
What..we are arch rivals why would they want mighry thunder and why would we offer it

Is china 10x greater thn USA as their forex reserves are 10x higher then USA so are indian forex reserves greater then USA

Forex reserves are forex reserves nothing else
Strategically speaking the KFX/IFX buys them new tech, and it is the best political decision.

Is KFX/IFX ITAR free ? It has a USA engine, which is problematic for some countries.

Well Malaysia best option IMO is KFX/IFX starting in 2027 upward (if the program is successful and ready for mass production in 2026 base on plan). Even if Malaysia has conflict with Indonesia, their KFX squadrons will be safe since Indonesia is only a junior partner in the joint project, unless they have conflict with SK which is near impossible to happen by seeing the geographical situation and current dispute.

Malaysia also bought some defense equipment from Indonesia like around 8 CN 235 planes and even two of them now are in Indonesian Aerospace undergoing conversion from transport type into MPA type. But as far as I know, they never bough any defense equipment from Singapore despite Singapore is relatively having a good defense industry. I see their main rival is actually Singapore by looking to their dispute in territory which is quite hot if you follow the news. Singapore has started to buy F 35 and for Malaysian F 35 is out of reach due to US restriction and also considering F35 relies too much on US infrastructure.

KFX/IFX of course is not ITAR free due to US engines and some technology from F 22 and F 35 are adopted to the plane. Despite so, it is unlikely for US to impose any sanction to Indonesia/Malaysia since both Malaysia and Indonesia are actually needed by US to stay powerful in SCS. There is mutual needs between Indonesia/Malaysia with US interest in SCS, particularly regarding China growing influence and power in Asia Pacific region and SCS in particular. Even Malaysia gives refuelling facility inside their country for US military planes, something that until now is still rejected by Indonesia.


And as new development comes where all Indonesia state owned defense companies are united under 1 holding company, so I expect we will try to develop more indigenous components in the future as the cooperation between state defense companies are getting easy due to this new development.

As Indonesian economy keeps growing inshaAllah, so I also expect more ambitious program will be conducted in term of critical technology like in engine and avionics sector. At least we could possibly sustain the plane like Iran can sustain their F 14 fighters despite arm embargo from US (we are talking a scenario of 2035 upward). Not considering Turkey development on engine and avionics where maybe some critical component can be supplied from them if in case something bad happening in relation to US support.
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They will examine all the jets.
but they will most probably buy F/A-50. KAI FX program will be the main reason.
Malaysian foreign minister just called China "big brother". Better be ready for order of 50 JF-17 to Malaysia on soft loan from China.
JF 17 Block 3 is not ready yet. If Malaysian see China as threat, they are not going to buy JF 17. Previous administration under Najib doesnt see China as threat and buy some warships from China, while Mahathir see China as threat and doesnt want to give up their ZEE over China nine dash line, we will see what is the wisdom of this new administration over this issue.
What threat? they just admit China is big brother while they are happy to be China little brother. :lol:
Malaysian foreign minister just called China "big brother". Better be ready for order of 50 JF-17 to Malaysia on soft loan from China.

What threat? they just admit China is big brother while they are happy to be China little brother. :lol:

This is what I said it will depend on Malaysia new administration wisdom/policy in relation to China. During Najib rule, the relationship is very close and it is why Proton, their pride is let by him to be bought by China around half of it and effectively it is under Gely leadership now, it includes Lotus company which is important for their engine development is also now under Gely ownership.

The policy is different when Mahathir took power, just before he get "coup" by his own party, he files to UN a new map in SCS that anger China administration and we see China harassing their oil survey ship in SCS. As I said, I dont know this current administration policy, there is of course possibility to come back under Najib previous policy
The delusional mind of some Indians here. They are *evaluating* your jet, stop acting like they ordered 50 tejas and thumping your chest. Mock Pakistan all you want but they’ve already sold their jet to 2 other countries with more to come as seen, until you have sold your fighter jet you have 0 rights to even say anything about the jf17, 0.
Malaysians won't buy anything for now, they are just window shopping
In a major development, a team of Malaysian Air Force is expected to visit India within the coming two months to assess the suitability of the indigenously developed light combat aircraft (LCA) Tejas fighter jet, reports Economic Times.

During the visit, the Malaysian team is likely to be given a full tour of the LCA's production facilities, test infrastructure, and a demonstration of the fighter jet's combat potential.

India is said to be offering the Mk1A version of the LCA with modern AESA radar, new avionics and the capability to integrate a variety of weaponry to the Malaysian Air Force. The potential export order from Malaysia is likely to have an initial size of 12 fighter jets, with the option for 24 more fighter jets in the future.

According to the ET report, the Indian fighter jet has emerged as the top contender for the Malaysian Air Force as it is cheaper than Swedish Gripen, and more modern and capable than Pakistan's Chinese origin JF-17 jet.

Besides the LCA Tejas, Gripen and the JF 17, the South Korean T 50 is also a contender for the contract.

Other than the aircraft, India is also offering the Malaysian Air force full support in training both ground and air personnel. It is also offering to build a full maintenance, repair and overhaul facility for the jets in Malaysia to ensure a higher availability rate.

It should be noted that the Indian Air Force (IAF) has already placed orders for 83 Tejas jets. The aircraft is priced at just over $42 million a unit.


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Intresting if true. I wonder what use Tejas will be though, Malaysia has F-18s and SU-30s.

If you have read previous reports the RMAF is looking to replace both Mig-29s and BAE Hawk-200.
Malaysia is evaluating several light weight combat jets under it's LCA programe. LCA for Malaysia does NOT specifically refer to Indian Tejas, it is just a generalised term for any Light Combat Aircraft that includes FA-50, Tejas, JF-17, Yak-130, M-346, L15B, L-39NG and Boeing T-X. Manufacturers of these aircraft have tendered their offers to Malaysia's LCA programe.

Malaysia will send a team to each country that includes India, Pakistan, Russia, Italy, China and USA. The whole purchasing process will take a long time, probably 5-8 years to decide the aircraft Malaysia will buy. Right now we are just window shopping, no money to buy as we running very tight in our cash.

Tengok-tengok, Malaysia boleh, nok beli pun tadok duit.
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this article is full of Bullshit.

it says Malaysia is looking for a cheap fighter so they drop the cheap Jf-17 and went for the more expensive Tejas because its a modern fighter??? with this kind of logic they should off went for the Gripen instead of the modern Tejas.
The only advantage Tejas brings is the entrenched maintenance for Malaysia regarding the Ge-404 that it has on its hornets.
this article is full of Bullshit.

it says Malaysia is looking for a cheap fighter so they drop the cheap Jf-17 and went for the more expensive Tejas because its a modern fighter??? with this kind of logic they should off went for the Gripen instead of the modern Tejas.

By cheaper mean "affordable". Most LCAs are cheaper to procure and maintain.Other than this They have better turn around times.

PS:-Calm down.
By cheaper mean "affordable". Most LCAs are cheaper to procure and maintain.Other than this They have better turn around times.

PS:-Calm down.

I'm Calmed.

but when you say most LCAs, I believe you mean older versions of Tejas fighter, but Malaysia were offered MK1A which is not cheap compared to JF-17 Blk 3.

and Tejas are not easy to maintain as you have to contact several countries to get the required parts to keep Frankenstein fighter air worthy. lets not forget that the engine is American which mean any country buy Tejas and upset uncle Sam, they will get their Tejas's grounded for the lack of spare engines and parts from USA.

P.S:-Calm down.
In a major development, a team of Malaysian Air Force is expected to visit India within the coming two months to assess the suitability of the indigenously developed light combat aircraft (LCA) Tejas fighter jet, reports Economic Times.

During the visit, the Malaysian team is likely to be given a full tour of the LCA's production facilities, test infrastructure, and a demonstration of the fighter jet's combat potential.

India is said to be offering the Mk1A version of the LCA with modern AESA radar, new avionics and the capability to integrate a variety of weaponry to the Malaysian Air Force. The potential export order from Malaysia is likely to have an initial size of 12 fighter jets, with the option for 24 more fighter jets in the future.

According to the ET report, the Indian fighter jet has emerged as the top contender for the Malaysian Air Force as it is cheaper than Swedish Gripen, and more modern and capable than Pakistan's Chinese origin JF-17 jet.

Besides the LCA Tejas, Gripen and the JF 17, the South Korean T 50 is also a contender for the contract.

Other than the aircraft, India is also offering the Malaysian Air force full support in training both ground and air personnel. It is also offering to build a full maintenance, repair and overhaul facility for the jets in Malaysia to ensure a higher availability rate.

It should be noted that the Indian Air Force (IAF) has already placed orders for 83 Tejas jets. The aircraft is priced at just over $42 million a unit.
Source ?
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