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Making peace with PKK, Pros and Cons!

No, 10000 of them not Kurds!

All in all Diyarbakır hosted a peaceful ceremony and Kurdish politicians gave clear messages of peace.

However if you could provide us another solution we are eager to listen.

I agree, Its pointless to fight on. We dont want internal conflict for another 30 years this would only be a burden for our economy developments and such, Without peace we can only go somewhere at a limit. Some people here oppose this but like Ir.Tab said i would be eager to hear your answer to peace...
there was an odd event in rally this time
PKk supporters wave Ocalan Posters as flag in every activity. Bu this time it was not.

Another unknown reality of PKK and its orgs.
PKK has no any slogans on Kurds or Kurdistan. never shout slogans like long live Kurdistan or Kurds.
its constantly main and unique slogan is Long live Leader Apo. Second one Marrtyrs nnot die!

Edit: anyway, A. Ocalan and most of senior member of PKK leadership staff dont know Kurdish or hardly speaak kurdish
^It's because Apo is an Armenian, not a Kurd. Don't you find it ironic, 100 years ago Armenian gangs were terrorizing eastern Anatolia and now it's PKK.
I believe it is not possible to have peace with PKK. Foreigners have the ropes in hand. Only way to destroy PKK is when you destroy the people who support them. Otherwise you will fight the symptoms but not the cause.

Turkey should adopt other strategy. Piece at home, piece in the world is not working. Neither is zero problem policy. We have to say, if you support terrorist I will come and burn your house down. Just like how U.S says to its enemies. I'm sad to read so many naive comments from my countrymen.
I believe it is not possible to have piece with PKK. Foreigners have the ropes in hand. Only way to destroy PKK is when you destroy the people who support them. Otherwise you will fight the symptoms but not the cause.

Turkey should adopt other strategy. Piece at home, piece in the world is not working. Neither is zero problem policy. We have to say, if you support terrorist I will come and burn your house down. Just like how U.S says to its enemies. I'm sad to read so many naive comments from my countrymen.

PKK seems have to accept the peace
TAHA ÖZHAN - Why Should the PKK disarm?

However even the peace state is not reached, in eyes of Kurds it is PKK who will be responsible. The main aim is not shaking hand with PKK. This is a win win game for Turkey.
PKK seems have to accept the peace
TAHA ÖZHAN - Why Should the PKK disarm?

However even the peace state is not reached, in eyes of Kurds it is PKK who will be responsible. The main aim is not shaking hand with PKK. This is a win win game for Turkey.

Ir.tab mind your own business, think about Iran. We dont need you.

Those Kurds rise up against the State openly. You should have seen my Facebook, we are just one step from ethnic clash now.
Ir.tab mind your own business, think about Iran. We dont need you.

Those Kurds rise up against the State openly. You should have seen my Facebook, we are just one step from ethnic clash now.

Especially since Iran supported PKK. I don't know if they still support PKK.

The only way to fight violence is with violence. Turkey has the guns and equipment to destroy PKK, why should it sit at the table with them? As I said earlier PKK is the symptom. The people behind PKK who support them is the cause.

To solve the problem we have "cure" the cause.
Especially since Iran supported PKK. I don't know if they still support PKK.

The only way to fight violence is with violence. Turkey has the guns and equipment to destroy PKK, why should it sit at the table with them? As I said earlier PKK is the symptom. The people behind PKK who support them is the cause.

To solve the problem we have "cure" the cause.

Ir.Tab is Iranian Turk, or so he claims. Since we are in internet, not sure.

When army calls me, I wont hesitate going again. Thats my answer. I like guns, not that i like killing.
To solve the problem we have "cure" the cause.

Without doubt those will weakens the PKK and even maybe destroy it. The problem is not PKK. Do your best regards to PKK as somehow they are responsible for their terrorism action accepted internationally.

We want to know your idea about providing internationally accepted rights to Kurds. agree or disagree and WHY
2 Kurd arrested in Paris

Paris’te 9 Ocak'ta PKK’nın kurucularından Sakine Cansız, Kürdistan Ulusal Kongresi Paris Temsilcisi Fidan Doğan ve Leyla Söylemez'in susturuculu silahla öldürülmesiyle ilgili Türkiye doğumlu iki zanlı gözaltına alındı. Zanlılardan biri kadınların şoförü çıktı.

Paris suikasti zanls iki krt yakaland - Hrriyet PLANET

Ir.Tab is Iranian Turk, or so he claims. Since we are in internet, not sure.

When army calls me, I wont hesitate going again. Thats my answer. I like guns, not that i like killing.

How old are you?
Without doubt those will weakens the PKK and even maybe destroy it. The problem is not PKK. Do your best regards to PKK as somehow they are responsible for their terrorism action accepted internationally.

We want to know your idea about providing internationally accepted rights to Kurds. agree or disagree and WHY
If ir tab is an Azeri Turk why is he opening such a provocative thread and supporting PkK terrorist? Iran is not even giving any rights to Turks in Iran. They have no right to open such threads.

Studied politics, then did many jobs. Accountant, banker, oil station worker.

I retired myself from banking, and wanted to study history.
Do you want to be history teacher?
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