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Making peace with PKK, Pros and Cons!

I'm talking about my local Kurdish kebab shop owner who hide his identity for years, only because he feared to be excluded from the Turkish community.

Your Kurdish kebab shop owner should write a complaint letter to Erdogan.
Don't get me wrong Ir.Tab, but I've seen a lot of Turkish members here who insult Kurds (not necessarily PKK) and I'm surprised you missed them. Not that others don't support peace and minority rights.
You know me, I'm not a hypocrite and I'm just saying what I've seen.You also know my opinion about minority rights in Iran.

I never mean you my dear. I always appreciate your highness. I just regret we rarely have people like you in Iran. I could not hide my awareness about Iran when I see the darkness of the end of the wrong track we are on.
I'm talking about my local Kurdish kebab shop owner who hide his identity for years, only because he feared to be excluded from the Turkish community.

But you said, many Kurds don't even dare to say that they are Kurdish in Turkey and accused other member with being biased in that very same post. :confused:

I don't give a fvck what your local kebab shop owner does. You are either too ignorant or intentionally trolling/provoking.
But you said, many Kurds don't even dare to say they are Kurdish in Turkey and accused other member with being biased in that very same post. :confused:

Yes, what does Ir.Tab know about the Turkish-Kurdish issue? Has he ever been to Turkey or Europe, where many Turks/Kurds are? Has he ever spoken to Kurds who oppose their constitutional Turkish identity? Comparing it to Iran is dead wrong. Unlike in Europe or Turkey, there are no problems between minorities and Persians. In Iran its the regime; in Turkey its the people.
Yes, what does Ir.Tab know about the Turkish-Kurdish issue? Has he ever been to Turkey or Europe, where many Turks/Kurds are?

Ir.Tab doesnt know a jacksh.t. I lived in Germany. When Kurds get out of Turkey, they immediately become PKK sympathyzer.
Yes, what does Ir.Tab know about the Turkish-Kurdish issue? Has he ever been to Turkey or Europe, where many Turks/Kurds are?

Although he certainly knows much more than you do but what does this have to do with Ir.Tab? Why are you spreading lies? What are you trying to do exactly by teasing him?
Ir.Tab doesnt know a jacksh.t. I lived in Germany. When Kurds get out of Turkey, they immediately become PKK sympathyzer.

So what is your solution?

It is not strange. When people like you do not agree to provide the least human rights for Turkish citizens why they should be proud of?

The road you show just will change those 10000 funerals to millions if you think.
Do you think the cultural gap between both people is too large?

No, there is not. both are Sunni Muslims. millions of Kurds live in Turkey but you see just 10000 in the funeral and this means not every Kurd is an agent of PKK.

No, there are at least one dead in each family.

So "no solution" means to change "one" to "two", "three", ...
I'm talking about my local Kurdish kebab shop owner who hide his identity for years, only because he feared to be excluded from the Turkish community.
I don't know if the Kurdish owner is paranoid or not, but I know a bunch of Kurdish operated businesses and I have never gotten the impression that they were being excluded or boycotted from the Turkish community.
I also am pretty sure that the people around there know the owner is Kurdish. The Turkish community is pretty tight knit here and generally people know of each other from what region they are form and know if someone is Kurdish, Alevi, Laz, Turkish etc. or at least suspect that one might be Kurdish in this case. I'm sure the Turkish people around there know the onwer is Kurdish or at least suspect so.

If the owner of a certain shop is a PKK sympathizer, then I am sure I would prefer to go to a competitor's shop. And I think the reason for my choice is pretty obvious and I'm sure understandable as well.
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