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Making Pakistan great again!!!

This thread is not about military. This thread is about the lifeline of society. I am writing these lines based on my observations, as well as on my discussions with many individuals.

Have you ever wondered why some people of Pakistan do corruption and why they are always cursing Pakistan, but never look out for ground realities? In this thread, I will put some very important points for making Pakistan a great country, again.

1) The medical policy
In Pakistan, most of the people live under continuous fear of having some medical issue. Because standard medical facilities are very costly for common people. Although private sector and govt pays the medical allowances, and bear the costs of treatments, but what about those people who are working with Seths and mid level businessmen? or the daily wager? And what about those, who are fired recently, and suddenly, ones father gets a heart attack, or little son falls from the roof? So here must come a comprehensive medical policy, for all.

Solution: Each employed person should pay two parts of medical fees to the medical insurance companies(which in turn also pay tax to govt). One part will the employer pay, and other part will be paid by employee. Insurance companies will collect these fees directly from employer. In turn, a man, his parents, wife, and his children will be medically insured. He doesn't have to save extra money for any eventuality.
For businessmen and daily wager, Govt needs to negotiate with insurance companies to give individual package, so that these people are also enjoying their residence in Pakistan. This is easy, btw.

2) What if your employer fires you?
Solution: That's the second biggest reason, why people do corruption: Just to save their future. In this case, govt will insure every person who is employed in Pakistan(national or foreigner).
For doing this, govt will collect small amount as insurance each month from every employee, and after working for at least 2 years, if someone looses his job, then he/she can apply for unemployment benefits for next two years. In that way, everyone feels little more secured, and tends to do less corruption.

3) What if you don't have money to pay to your employees(for businessmen)?
Solution: If your company was paying taxes and govt exactly knows what were your ins/outs, then govt will compensate you with the percentage of your declared amount, and will pay your employees for a fixed duration, during which you will take your momentum back. So a slight bump in the road should not be the end of your journey.

4) You are unemployed, and your children can't study.
This is the biggest reason why People do corruption in Pakistan. People don't send their children to govt institutions, because these institutions are not functioning properly. So here are three recommendations to get things work:
a) Make Education as fundamental focus of governments attention, and get education system out of the hold of political people. Same education system(caliber wise, and in different local languages) for all. Central education system, that is translating new research in Urdu and local languages as well.
b) Abolish quota from Education system. For every 1000 children in Pakistan, there should be a higher secondary school. Induct people of highest competency and pay them above average. Make it free, for every human being living on the soil of Pakistan, national or foreigner.
c) For every student going to school or college, or University, first three children will receive money from govt. Every student going to School will also be medically insured, automatically. For every student going to any school, college or university, all travelling costs, in public and private conveyance, national or international, will become half, automatically. To insure valid studentship, a tight control should be placed on data regarding students, updated regularly.

5) You paid taxes whole of your life, but you were working with private sector?
Solution: That's another reason why people run away from Pakistan. In Pakistan, there is no concept for pension for people, who were running their businesses or the people who were working for private sector. They basically exists only to pay, not to get paid.
State of Pakistan must insure these people a fixed amount(based on their contribution throughout their lives) as pension. This will boost their confidence in system of Pakistan, and people will try to establish their businesses here, rather than in Canada.

6) You died while serving your country.
Any person, who dies on duty gives the best to his nation. But after that his widow and Children struggle for living.
Solution: It is suggested that in this case, the widow and Children should keep getting pays as usual. Till the eldest two gets graduated and start giving taxes to govt. If the person was unmarried, then parents will continue to get pays for next 20 years. If a person was insured for unemployment with govt, and dies of natural causes, lets say, heart attack, then still his children will continue to receive money, till they become self sufficient

I wanted to write much more. But lets see what you guys have to say about the points so far.

@Mangus Ortus Novem @MastanKhan @PaklovesTurkiye @Tps43 @Mentee
In third world countries like us are created for superpowers pawns , good leadership is always a big dilemma .
Leadership plays a key role in the improvement or enhancing of a established country. Specially the leaders perform in improving the circumstances of any country yet much of the research in this area has taken place in Pakistan but still our leaders did not recognize or realize that how far do the other countries leadership pertain to the world and in their own countries how do leaders lead, manage or change and bring improvement. If we talk about the leadership in Pakistan; all leaders in Pakistan have the same condition yet no one shows any concern about our beloved country. There is a lot of issues present in our leadership. Every one is trying to achieve their own goal and fame, they are not concern about the prosperity of the country they are just giving damage to our nation’s interest. Each political leadership says that our party is the best for Pakistan. We will provide the bread and butter, shelter, and cloth but this happens every day but these conference always end on personal grievances. No one is providing basic needs and every one is busy blaming each other. No one is interested for our country’s benefit.
But here I will not blame only on our leaders, I will also blame on our nation, who chooses these leaders. “ALLAH does not change men’s condition until/unless they change their inner selves “
If we want to see best leadership and leaders in Pakistan again we have to change our selves and our thinking. We should choose those leaders who deserve to be leaders, who will change Pakistan, who will not just do promises but also fulfill them. It is the right time to raise a voice to ask for an honest leader for our country otherwise one day we will lose our beloved country. We still have time to do something for our country and for the coming generations.
In third world countries like us are created for superpowers pawns , good leadership is always a big dilemma .
Leadership plays a key role in the improvement or enhancing of a established country. Specially the leaders perform in improving the circumstances of any country yet much of the research in this area has taken place in Pakistan but still our leaders did not recognize or realize that how far do the other countries leadership pertain to the world and in their own countries how do leaders lead, manage or change and bring improvement. If we talk about the leadership in Pakistan; all leaders in Pakistan have the same condition yet no one shows any concern about our beloved country. There is a lot of issues present in our leadership. Every one is trying to achieve their own goal and fame, they are not concern about the prosperity of the country they are just giving damage to our nation’s interest. Each political leadership says that our party is the best for Pakistan. We will provide the bread and butter, shelter, and cloth but this happens every day but these conference always end on personal grievances. No one is providing basic needs and every one is busy blaming each other. No one is interested for our country’s benefit.
But here I will not blame only on our leaders, I will also blame on our nation, who chooses these leaders. “ALLAH does not change men’s condition until/unless they change their inner selves “
If we want to see best leadership and leaders in Pakistan again we have to change our selves and our thinking. We should choose those leaders who deserve to be leaders, who will change Pakistan, who will not just do promises but also fulfill them. It is the right time to raise a voice to ask for an honest leader for our country otherwise one day we will lose our beloved country. We still have time to do something for our country and for the coming generations.
I really want to raise a political organization in Pakistan, who will work on the mentalities of People. This party will never participate in politics, yet it is guide people through this and up coming crises. This organization will produce future leaders of Pakistan.
Lets see what I can do for Pakistan.
Old/Used copies of Quraan:
In Pakistan, used Quraans are either thrown in running water(Canals and Rivers) or it is dumped in some place where no one goes.
That's so much primitive way of dealing with such problem. Most of such copies of Quraan come under human exposure again, and then happens, what happens.

My suggestion is to establish a private owned company, that not only collects such copies of Quraan from all across the country and recycle it. Simple.
For doing so, volunteers might help in the collection and transport of such copies to the central part where these materials will eventually be recycled. In each city, a group of volunteers will be appointed, and a deposit point will be marked. A central website will be launched where such locations will be updated frequently updated.
I mean, a lot can be done, but again, we need some one to deal with this small but important issue.
Meh, these are already things that are part of western countries.

But we have such vicious leaders that they seem like some revolutionary ideas.

In Pakistan, government is still run like caveman used to do. Law of the jungle
Old/Used copies of Quraan:
In Pakistan, used Quraans are either thrown in running water(Canals and Rivers) or it is dumped in some place where no one goes.
That's so much primitive way of dealing with such problem. Most of such copies of Quraan come under human exposure again, and then happens, what happens.

My suggestion is to establish a private owned company, that not only collects such copies of Quraan from all across the country and recycle it. Simple.
For doing so, volunteers might help in the collection and transport of such copies to the central part where these materials will eventually be recycled. In each city, a group of volunteers will be appointed, and a deposit point will be marked. A central website will be launched where such locations will be updated frequently updated.
I mean, a lot can be done, but again, we need some one to deal with this small but important issue.

Brother, that is actually a good idea for other books. Normally Quran is burned and then the pieces buried. I do it myself for other people.

However if you have a small piece or a decoration which is not possible to be burned, you can use paint or ink to blot out the Quran or name of Allah swt and get rid of it normally.
I really want to raise a political organization in Pakistan, who will work on the mentalities of People. This party will never participate in politics, yet it is guide people through this and up coming crises. This organization will produce future leaders of Pakistan.
Lets see what I can do for Pakistan.

Great idea brother. You should know that Allama Iqbal wanted an apolitical Islamic organization to work on the hearts of Muslims after a Muslim state was formed.

Dr. Israr Ahmad took it as a personal task and everything he did was for that purpose.

It is very important to work on our people, honestly they have many social issues which can be easily eleviated from a little bit of knowledge and awareness.

For example, the issue of respecting females who are simply walking in the street, no matter how they dress or appear. Double standards of behavior has crept into our society over time and our character has become corrupt. These men would not like anyone staring at their women, but seem ok with staring at others.

What does Islam teach us about that? This is like elementary Islamic social etiquette.
Great idea brother. You should know that Allama Iqbal wanted an apolitical Islamic organization to work on the hearts of Muslims after a Muslim state was formed.

Dr. Israr Ahmad took it as a personal task and everything he did was for that purpose.

It is very important to work on our people, honestly they have many social issues which can be easily eleviated from a little bit of knowledge and awareness.

For example, the issue of respecting females who are simply walking in the street, no matter how they dress or appear. Double standards of behavior has crept into our society over time and our character has become corrupt. These men would not like anyone staring at their women, but seem ok with staring at others.

What does Islam teach us about that? This is like elementary Islamic social etiquette.
People do corruption. From mixing water in milk to vandalizing public funds.
When people say govt needs to make this law or that law, I say no, govt needs to work on the mentalities, through speech and work.
Brother, that is actually a good idea for other books. Normally Quran is burned and then the pieces buried. I do it myself for other people.

However if you have a small piece or a decoration which is not possible to be burned, you can use paint or ink to blot out the Quran or name of Allah swt and get rid of it normally.
Burning, throwing into water or burying is probably not a good idea. There should a proper disposal. And for that, we got to work.
But this is a fact that, we can not compel people for not doing any bad without giving them alternative. Laws without justice and enforcement are useless.
How are you going to free and reward the home workers, half of the population who give birth and feed the next generation ?-

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