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Real Ulama are being systematically replaced by fake ulama:

I wanted to share something since long time.

Whenever such murders happens, we blame either some groups, some political parties or some person. What we ignore the fact, is that some forces of evil, while sitting somewhere in the world, are continuously monitoring our societies. These forces have murdered almost all the top brass of Pakistani aalims. And we are left with Haramis like Amir Liaqat or Mufti Qavi. Its a well planned and coordinated activity.

So stop blaming each other.

One word of caution. One strange thing I have observed. Ulama, who attended international conferences, which are apparently organized by some other "aalim" of UK, USA , Canada or in some cases, Dubai as well, got killed after returning back to Pakistan within few days.

Ulama of Pakistan, if they want to save themselves, then they can do 3 things:

1) Just immigrate to Canada, USA, UK or any other such country, and do their activities from there.
2) Stop taking all money, from foreign countries and foreign organizations.
3) Stop attending international conferences, of all types, but organize to view the recording of the same.

Trust me, no body useful will get killed afterwards.

Please spread my words, if you have any aalim to save.
Defense industry should be given tax rebate:
Defense product manufacturing and defense related research should be given tax rebate so that they are charged only 1% of what they earn. Private companies should also be encouraged to do that. Although it will not directly impact Pakistan but spin offs will surely make Pakistan great.
Here I want to exclusively mention that, universities in Pakistan should be taken onboard, PhD and research scholarships should be increased so that our professionals are grasping latest techs. We lacking in Vlsi and now quantum computing techs.
I DISAGREE to all of your Suggestions.. On Paper it looks beautiful But in real its a copied system already in Effect in many countries.

My reasons to DIsagree

I personnally have seen and experienced How insurance system automatically increased the health system atleast double expensive
Forexample, I went to replace contact lenses of eyesight. With insurance they charged 70 SAR. And from another supplier without insurance i got them replaced for 50 SAR. System is easily manipulated.
Basically No vender is gonna give up his part of profit but infact they want to loot with both hands

All complain about the private sector industries But None is willing to make and represent a Model of functioning Company for mutual benefit of employer and employee. Because it is a lifetime goal and need devotion and hell of efforts. So why not continue to patch the system Rather than make a Model system of private company and execute it

3 Important
Right now a majority of Pakistani needs health services. Why?
Because once they were sick they were unable to get cured due to several reasons, no money, no proper doctor no proper medication etc etc.
Once a person is cured at first properly its highly unlikely that they will be sick again.
Forexample In Saudi Arabia, People Rarely Get Sick. And when they Get Sick they are cured at first time. I MYSELF rarely have any sickness Maybe a yearly flu and fever etc.

Rather we need to work on core causes resulting in spread of diseases Cleanliness. I am not saying that we need to be obsessed with cleanliness like Japs and weterners

In Pakistan Everybody wants to GET Everything Nobody wants to GIVE anything
I see vast Majority of Pakistanis crying and complaining rather than Doing something on Practical Solutions
I was also part of it before moving to Saudia for work.

All people who leave Pakistan and make good Businesses in foreign Countries are Weak in my sight. Because they give up. They want a suitable system to make progress. Everyone can grow in good environment Those who grow in worst environment are True progressors
One day i will return Pakistan and prove them how..
The Pakistani expat community is rightfully fearful of investing anything in Pakistan because, number one, corruption at every level, and number two, it is so easy for anyone to bribe a senior police officer to register a fake FIR against you, then you get arrested and the justice system in Pakistan is a nightmare. Why would any sane person who is a citizen of a first world, Western country, go back to Pakistan and invest anything in that country knowing it will just be a colossal waste? I’ve been to Pakistan twice, both times I was arrested, once for overstaying my visa, and the second time for a fake case of blasphemy (298-C). In total I spent 8 months in Pakistani jail, three months in Multan District Jail, and five months in Adiala Jail Rawalpindi. Both times I went to Pakistan to invest and do business there as that is my motherland, but now I got the message that there is no use, no matter how much you love your country, it will betray you and mistreat you. So better to make our future and focus here in the West. Our children and their children will one day forget their roots and maybe it’s for the better.
it’s good, but at this age children should be learning in school, maths, science, philosophy, history, geography etc.
All Pakistani School children should be given free lunch would be a good starter. Healthy body means healthy mind. Every school should have a swimming pool. Teach all kids to swim.
Medical Sciences Universities and Graveyards Management
Coming years will be the years of Biological warfare years. This fact has two implications:

1) Trained medical staff in large number :
Currently we have very few Medical sciences universities in Pakistan. All they teach their students is general medicine, surgery and Dentistry. That's it. And that too in very small number.
Are our doctors trained for handling things related to biological warfare? In current pandemic, a large number of doctors died in the initial phase of pandemic.
There is dire need to increase the medical universities (and overall funding for medical science) in Pakistan. Courses related to biological war fare and the handling of the consequent situation. Doctors working conditions should be made better (most of the doctors die of heart failures in Pakistan). Most of the people who dislike medical field due to two basic reasons: 1) There are very few medical universities in Pakistan (students don't get admissions) 2) Doctor don't get job.
So the doctors should also be taught for setting-up their own clinic (in case they don't get any job). Similarly, each doctor should learn at least one foreign language (in addition to English).

But people might die anyway!!

2) Graveyard Management
Currently, the graveyard management is totally in the hands of common people in Pakistan, who do not have any sense of biological warfare. Corona is not that contagious, but in future, some country might also invent another virus, that might be contagious even after patients die.
So we have two problems at the moment
1) Graveyard space management 2) Dead body disposal
People might die in the number of thousands(may be millions), and Allah forbid, if we didn't manage things properly, there will be dead bodies lying on the streets. Its time that we legislate graveyards management and start proper disposal of bodies on industrial scale. A single burial may be charged Rs. 5000. This will also produce revenue for the govt, as well as prepare us for future. The staff in each graveyard should be trained to treat bodies properly. Similarly, private organizations should be launched, who have proper knowledge to handle dead bodies(washing and packaging of dead bodies).
Similarly, each grave should be assigned for each body for 10 years, and after that the bodies should be thrown in a big wells, which should be filled with soil, when filled half with bones.

These things are dirty, I know, but very very necessary.

Kam kerny se masail hal hongay, baton se nahi.
Medical Sciences Universities and Graveyards Management
Coming years will be the years of Biological warfare years. This fact has two implications:

1) Trained medical staff in large number :
Currently we have very few Medical sciences universities in Pakistan. All they teach their students is general medicine, surgery and Dentistry. That's it. And that too in very small number.
Are our doctors trained for handling things related to biological warfare? In current pandemic, a large number of doctors died in the initial phase of pandemic.
There is dire need to increase the medical universities (and overall funding for medical science) in Pakistan. Courses related to biological war fare and the handling of the consequent situation. Doctors working conditions should be made better (most of the doctors die of heart failures in Pakistan). Most of the people who dislike medical field due to two basic reasons: 1) There are very few medical universities in Pakistan (students don't get admissions) 2) Doctor don't get job.
So the doctors should also be taught for setting-up their own clinic (in case they don't get any job). Similarly, each doctor should learn at least one foreign language (in addition to English).

But people might die anyway!!

2) Graveyard Management
Currently, the graveyard management is totally in the hands of common people in Pakistan, who do not have any sense of biological warfare. Corona is not that contagious, but in future, some country might also invent another virus, that might be contagious even after patients die.
So we have two problems at the moment
1) Graveyard space management 2) Dead body disposal
People might die in the number of thousands(may be millions), and Allah forbid, if we didn't manage things properly, there will be dead bodies lying on the streets. Its time that we legislate graveyards management and start proper disposal of bodies on industrial scale. A single burial may be charged Rs. 5000. This will also produce revenue for the govt, as well as prepare us for future. The staff in each graveyard should be trained to treat bodies properly. Similarly, private organizations should be launched, who have proper knowledge to handle dead bodies(washing and packaging of dead bodies).
Similarly, each grave should be assigned for each body for 10 years, and after that the bodies should be thrown in a big wells, which should be filled with soil, when filled half with bones.

These things are dirty, I know, but very very necessary.

Kam kerny se masail hal hongay, baton se nahi.

I think there are serious flaws in your analysis here. You have been continuously saying that there are very few medical universities in Pakistan which is untrue.

There are 114 Medical colleges. Which is massive. I also believe that quality of medical education in Pakistan is much better than several countries. Pakistani doctors abroad have earned reputation because of concrete base hammered by Pakistani institutes.

Doctors working conditions should be made better (most of the doctors die of heart failures in Pakistan)

Not at all. Where did you get the data. Most common cause of death is "physician burn out" which is a global phenomenon. Not unique to Pakistan.

Most of the people who dislike medical field due to two basic reasons: 1) There are very few medical universities in Pakistan (students don't get admissions) 2) Doctor don't get job.

Not true again. In reality there is not a single unemployed doctor in Pakistan.

Are our doctors trained for handling things related to biological warfare?

No, but no where in the world biological warfare is part of medical curriculum.

Similarly, each doctor should learn at least one foreign language (in addition to English).

So medical education itself is not hard enough that they have to learn a foreign language.

You are assessment is absurd. I a sorry but none of what you said about medical education makes any sense. I feel like reading an article about medicine in Pakistan by a 20 years old engineering student.
There are 114 Medical colleges. Which is massive. I also believe that quality of medical education in Pakistan is much better than several countries. Pakistani doctors abroad have earned reputation because of concrete base hammered by Pakistani institutes.
Thanks for reading and a detailed reply. See, insult is not necessary if you don't agree. Anyway.
There are around 126 +/- MBBS programs.
But I think you have seen Wikipedia for that. So according to the same page, 61 institutions are in Punjab(Only 21 out of this are Public or Govt owned).
Situation is even bad in Sindh. 26 in Sindh(overall). 10 Public. And adding salt to injury, 5 out of these 10, are in Karachi.
I am not analysing the numbers in KPK and in Balochistan, intake and passing out capacity and training facilities over there, overall youth ratio of Pakistan etc.

Not at all. Where did you get the data. Most common cause of death is "physician burn out" which is a global phenomenon. Not unique to Pakistan.
And thus heart failure.

Not true again. In reality there is not a single unemployed doctor in Pakistan.
---> For some light on the issue, its not as simple as 2+2
---> Just one case
After 1990, there is no any real data available about doctors employment. I know few unemployed, if you know some job opportunities, then let me know.

No, but no where in the world biological warfare is part of medical curriculum.
Unique situation needs unique solutions. If enemy attacks Pakistan with biological weapons then we might be needing an army of doctors knowing the affairs.

So medical education itself is not hard enough that they have to learn a foreign language.
Learning foreign languages is a fun, not a burden. I love that.
I suggested that to increase their chance of acceptability in more countries.

That's what people of hyderabad and Karachi say. Koi nai sunta. Log saneha ka intazar kerrahy hain.
Making Pakistan a Nation:
The people of Pakistan are as diverse as they can be. From one side we have mongoloid looking Changezis. On another side, we have African-looking Makranis. At one corner of Pakistan, we have Indian-looking Sindhis, and on the other side, we have central Asian-looking Punjabis. On one side we have Caucasian Pashtoons and on another side we Irani looking Balochs.

What makes us one, Islam? Until now this has worked, though with a lot of flows. Everyone doesn't buy this ummah theory and ultimately happens what happened with the people of Balochistan and the people of Karachi.

In these times, diversity has become a vulnerability. This diversity has killed many national-level causes before they were even born. For example, A dam in KPK becomes Sindhi National cause. People fighting for the rights of Balochistan become Naraz Balochs. PTI wins from all parts of Pakistan, even from Karachi, but Sindhi only votes Bhutto (because Sindhi is afraid and Sindhi is right in thinking that). Siraiki of Pakistan become state-less and neither Sindh nor Punjab accept them as equal citizens. And much more like that.

Some people don't think beyond their constituency. They never thought.

The solution is United people, one language, and one system.

The provinces should be divided on the managerial basis such that every province is fully capable of handling every small detail about the people and nature under it. All people have to do is to learn Urdu, and every official issue should be understandable for them, right from education to court issues. Management procedures should be similar through out Pakistan so that the Peoples movement from one part to another part is as easy as it can be.

If we really want to live as a powerful and independent nation then we must have our own language(which we already have), our technology base should be independent
(which we can do after translating knowledge into our language and transforming our industry through easily available knowledge in our own language),
and our financial issues should also be independent of world powers
(when our language will be rich and when our industry will be in our control, then these international thugs will not be able to much against us).

I am already foreseeing a department that will translate knowledge in Urdu and will promote Urdu throughout the world. I suggest the name as:

غالب خانہءِ فیضِ اقبال
Or غالب خانہءِ فیض و اقبال

The pride in our language, justice, and work on Islamic guidance will make us great, yet again.

Pakistan must preserve the rights of every citizen and the biggest rights are copyrights and liberty of doing business.
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All leaves, including 14th August, 23 March, 25th December should be removed.
Instead, people should be given an extra leave with weekend per quarter. That is 3 days leaves( one given holiday + 2 weekend days).

That will be refreshing for the people. Aashora and 12 rabi ul leaves can be retained.
@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Path-Finder @American Pakistani @Rafeh @Rafi
No assurances no brain gain.
Most of the guys, who are considered as brains of societies go to western countries because of two simple incentives. 1) everyone who pays tax, will get pension, 2) everyone who pays tax will get an assurance from govt that if she/he looses his/her job due to employers layoff, then she/he will get a sustainace allowance till she/he gets a new job.

Does Pakistan gives any such assurance? All paid tax just vanishes in thin air. Specially the business guys don't get anything in return.
You are wrong in your assumption. There is no such assurance in US.
This thread is not about military. This thread is about the lifeline of society. I am writing these lines based on my observations, as well as on my discussions with many individuals.

Have you ever wondered why some people of Pakistan do corruption and why they are always cursing Pakistan, but never look out for ground realities? In this thread, I will put some very important points for making Pakistan a great country, again.

1) The medical policy
In Pakistan, most of the people live under continuous fear of having some medical issue. Because standard medical facilities are very costly for common people. Although private sector and govt pays the medical allowances, and bear the costs of treatments, but what about those people who are working with Seths and mid level businessmen? or the daily wager? And what about those, who are fired recently, and suddenly, ones father gets a heart attack, or little son falls from the roof? So here must come a comprehensive medical policy, for all.

Solution: Each employed person should pay two parts of medical fees to the medical insurance companies(which in turn also pay tax to govt). One part will the employer pay, and other part will be paid by employee. Insurance companies will collect these fees directly from employer. In turn, a man, his parents, wife, and his children will be medically insured. He doesn't have to save extra money for any eventuality.
For businessmen and daily wager, Govt needs to negotiate with insurance companies to give individual package, so that these people are also enjoying their residence in Pakistan. This is easy, btw.

2) What if your employer fires you?
Solution: That's the second biggest reason, why people do corruption: Just to save their future. In this case, govt will insure every person who is employed in Pakistan(national or foreigner).
For doing this, govt will collect small amount as insurance each month from every employee, and after working for at least 2 years, if someone looses his job, then he/she can apply for unemployment benefits for next two years. In that way, everyone feels little more secured, and tends to do less corruption.

3) What if you don't have money to pay to your employees(for businessmen)?
Solution: If your company was paying taxes and govt exactly knows what were your ins/outs, then govt will compensate you with the percentage of your declared amount, and will pay your employees for a fixed duration, during which you will take your momentum back. So a slight bump in the road should not be the end of your journey.

4) You are unemployed, and your children can't study.
This is the biggest reason why People do corruption in Pakistan. People don't send their children to govt institutions, because these institutions are not functioning properly. So here are three recommendations to get things work:
a) Make Education as fundamental focus of governments attention, and get education system out of the hold of political people. Same education system(caliber wise, and in different local languages) for all. Central education system, that is translating new research in Urdu and local languages as well.
b) Abolish quota from Education system. For every 1000 children in Pakistan, there should be a higher secondary school. Induct people of highest competency and pay them above average. Make it free, for every human being living on the soil of Pakistan, national or foreigner.
c) For every student going to school or college, or University, first three children will receive money from govt. Every student going to School will also be medically insured, automatically. For every student going to any school, college or university, all travelling costs, in public and private conveyance, national or international, will become half, automatically. To insure valid studentship, a tight control should be placed on data regarding students, updated regularly.

5) You paid taxes whole of your life, but you were working with private sector?
Solution: That's another reason why people run away from Pakistan. In Pakistan, there is no concept for pension for people, who were running their businesses or the people who were working for private sector. They basically exists only to pay, not to get paid.
State of Pakistan must insure these people a fixed amount(based on their contribution throughout their lives) as pension. This will boost their confidence in system of Pakistan, and people will try to establish their businesses here, rather than in Canada.

6) You died while serving your country.
Any person, who dies on duty gives the best to his nation. But after that his widow and Children struggle for living.
Solution: It is suggested that in this case, the widow and Children should keep getting pays as usual. Till the eldest two gets graduated and start giving taxes to govt. If the person was unmarried, then parents will continue to get pays for next 20 years. If a person was insured for unemployment with govt, and dies of natural causes, lets say, heart attack, then still his children will continue to receive money, till they become self sufficient

I wanted to write much more. But lets see what you guys have to say about the points so far.

@Mangus Ortus Novem @MastanKhan @PaklovesTurkiye @Tps43 @Mentee
Ok great. But who will pay for all this. How are you plan on serving 220 million people when only 11% pay Taxes. Itna mufta tu US main b nhi hy.
اگر سیاست عوامی خدمت ہے تو تنخواہ اور مراعات کیوں اور اگر نوکری ہے تو اس کے لیے داخلہ اور اہلیت کا امتحان کیوں نہیں؟ لوگ اپنی معاشرتی ذمہ داریوں سے بھاگ سکتے ہیں لیکن آخر کار لوگوں کو خود ہی گندگی صاف کرنا پڑے گی اور سب سے پہلے خود کو ہی ٹھیک کرنا ہوگا
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