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Making Pakistan great again!!!

یہ سوال سندھی مہاجر کا نہیں ہے، یہ سوال بلوچ پنجابی کا نہیں ہے، یہ سوال پاکستان کا ہے.
Exactly my thoughts.
To bring about positive social change it becomes imperative to study the current political situation, it's driving factors and how it came to be.

GoPs driving factors can be broadly categorised in two segments, it's domestic or inner forces and it's external ones. Both are intrinsically intertwined and reflect each other.

Domestical, public sentiment wants for a quick fix solution, a messiah figure. As you've correctly pointed out through your proposed solutions that would hardly be the case. One unique geographical advantage Pakistan has is it's strategic positioning, for it connects energy surplus gulf countries to one of the biggest consumers of energy to their east. This presents a unique bonus, i.e GoP can earn enormously by simply allowing transit. That is not say to advocate for such a proposition and GoPs decision in that regard reigns supreme but just a demonstration that each country has progressed by fine-tuning and utilising what it has to extract the maximum benefit. If it benefits ones people, pragmatism calls to do so even if it means temporarily trading with your adversaries. GoC is particularly good at this realism and it reflects in their foreign policy. One example would be cooperation in research about the common problems faced by people in his subcontinent, a study done in Bangalore to observe the littering habits of its citizens found that if a public space was clean people would be less likely to litter and throw their garbage as compared to areas where litter was already present. This helped them plan garbage collection routes and routine that had a noticeable effect on city cleanliness and hygiene. It's not about blaming the public for their responsibility, it's about creating institutions and staffing them with capable people to study and solve those problems.

To complain about corruption and the decaying effects other negative attributes polity has on national health and wanting a quick fix solution is akin to cribbing about the symptom and prefering short term relief rather than permanent ones. Studies incidate that strong autonomous institutions performing their mandated duties have a significant reducing effect on corruption. Those institutions don't have to be pristine, but simple long term institutionalisation has a long but permanent effect on reducing corruption. Corruption is like depleted uranium, it's not gonna go away, but we know the scientific way to go about containing it.

In that regard you guys are on the right track, democracy, however fragile, has undeniably taken root in Pakistan and so long as that continues expect good things for the future of its people.

Foreign affairs is one of the most challenging domains GoP faces. It has tremendous experience and success in briding countries across various camps by acting as a mediator ( which imo again exemplifies Pakistan's unique geographical advantage into its strategic ones ). This However has the effect of towing the faction line for continued support. Pakistan is primarily a security state, that focuses first on defending itself from its adversaries. That translates to spending diplomatic capital primarily on neutering it's opponents position rather than for own economic ones. A policy that current GoP has amended and shifted to focus on economic growth.

You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. Training, arming and propagating radical groups to utilise them as guerrilla tactics against adversaries sounds like a good idea. It has implausible deniability, comparitively low capital needs and an effective way to harass your opponents. Data though, over whelmingly supports the opposite.

Every country, be it the US, UK, India or Pakistan, that has tried to indulge itself has faced backlash in the same predictable fashion. Geopolitical history of our region shaped and honed GoPs ability to inculcate and nurture such groups. First against the sovients and then against India. This has had a adverse effect on GoPs image globally. This limits GoPs diplomatic options for its strategic aims, ideally, the greater diplomatic options a country has the more secure and powerfull it is.

With economic transactions that sustain terrorist activities under enhanced global scrunity, verbal denouncement of terrorism became insufficient. Visible action, ( which in credit to GoP has been implemented) became the new requirement and FaTF became political tools to enforce that.

It is with great elation that IMO that the current GoP is aware of these issues and has shifted its focus on bringing about strategies that will have postive change for its people. This is monumental and must be appreciated. The more the trade the more able and resources we have we to better solve our problems.

The new task and much harder one now is to go about building a system of consensus wherein no matter how much you hate the opponent, decisions can be made that can promote stability, growth and prosperity of the people of Pakistan.
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So it's not army, it's the civilians who start... And then army carries on....
Pakistan chose begging in response to embargoes. But many nations did not. And those nations faced even tougher embargoes than us. So if we want to come back, first we must recognise each other as we are. Then merit and justice for all. Begging cant be our future. No no no... We must stand now.
The main issue of the Muslim world is the monetary system. They have none which is theirs. They rely on western monetary systems, and that also only partially. That's the reason why Jews were money lenders even in the Khilafat-e-Rash'da era. And eventually, it was the western monetary system that conquered the Muslim world, not armies.

That's the reason why Saudi oil and African gold are sold at prices that suit western interests.

I understand that at the moment we as Muslims can not change things overnight. But India, Russia, and China can help us in bringing the balance back to the East, or at least a balance between East and West. At the moment we don't have any. In the first stage, the decision about the gold and oil prices should be brought to the east. Then in the next phase, we can proceed with interest-less economies.

In Pakistan, due to these issues, we always needed external assistance. With the passage of time the people who couldn't hold up to this situation left Pakistan. And then Pakistan was left behind for the people who simply don't have any idea of Pakistan, foreign policies, or the people of Pakistan.

پاکستان کا حال اس تباہ شدہ محل کی طرح ہے جس کے لئے ہم کہتے ہیں کہ یہ کبھی آباد تھا اور یہاں کبھی کام کے لوگ رہتے تھے، جو آہستہ آہستہ اسے ویران کرگئے۔
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When we have deviated or left the Quran and Sunnah, this bound to happen
The asslicking living pathetic inferiority complex of our people, to anything western/white is the core reason for our decline.

We abandoned everything that was given to us by RasoolAllah(saw), now u reap the results
Only ghazwa e hind will cleanse all the filth, dirt, rot within our country. Then people will learn to appreciate what we have, what freedom really is/was and how to move to better future. Until that happens, current rot/decay can’t be fixed as we are morally, ethically and physically corrupt to the core. We’re fucked up.
Pakistan was never great to begin with. Want to make it great? Educate people, focus on healthcare and technology (most importantly in the IT sector), revise or hell make another constitution, respect basic human liberties and rights to private ownership, stop ummah chummah nonsense and start going for self sufficiency. Oh yeah also need to bring about a new social culture that respects human freedom and privacy, hopefully educate people about downsides of cousin marriages (or even ban it if it gets out of hand). Make people percieve politicians as what they really are (servants of the country) instead of God sent angels with infallibility. Only then can we see some changes in 1 or 2centuries.
Do you know that Jews were lending money even in the era of Khulfa e Rashideen? Muslims from the very beginning never worked on this topic seriously.

China is currently the money lender of the world, but they also use interest to their benefit massively. Supporting the Chinese monetary systems would be beneficial, but Pakistan would eventually need to deviate if it wishes to make a interest free state.

I also believe that the culture in Pakistan is fcked up because of a lack of religious morals taught at a young age. I’m not saying that each school needs to train their students into scholars, but they should at least install values such as bravery, courage, honesty, trustworthiness and efficiency.

Cousin marriages are another problem with the less educated folk. This can be fixed by encouraging genetic diversity, but encouraging people to move away from cousin Marriages. A straight up ban could also work, however.

I was reading through the PTI constitution, and I realised that a lot of the things that you said above could be slotted into the constitution, and work pretty well alongside the other ideologies.

But standing around talking about it, will do nothing. The corruption will only stop when the people get off their asses, and speak out against the corruption. For that reason, I will eventually move to Pakistan once my business grows, and support this very cause
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