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Making and Breaking of British India

May 7, 2012
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United Kingdom
Since the British had their major victory in South Asia at the Battle of Plassey in Bengal the British had slowly been building up their colony which they named "British India". It is very important to understand that British India was not the modern Indian Republic. Too many people assume that both are the same thing. They are not.

British India was a colony. Call it a jail where various South Asian's peoples were imprisoned. No South Asian voluntarily agreed or wanted be part of British India. In fact they fought not to be part of British India. This means they did NOT want British India.

These were the flags of British India under Company Raj.


Coat of Arms


The languages were English and Persian. The capital was Calcutta. The disgusting and embarrassing fact for all South Asian's is this was a private company. British India was created by a British Company no differant in law to British Airways.

It was British East India Company that made British India. In the making of British India lot's of British blood was spilled. South Asian blood was spilled in trying to stop the making of British India.

Anyway my intention is not to study the history of and making of British India by the English. My intention is to juxtapose to events that are significant to Pakistan.

I want Pakistani's to go back to 1840. My dad was born in 1935. At about 30 years per generation gap that mean my grandad was born around 1900, my great grandad about 1870 and my great great grandad about 1840. That means four generations ago. Most of the members here are younger than me so it probably would be five generations on average.

Anyway when my great great grandad was born in the Sikh Punjab Empire. As a young boy living in the Sikh Empire he did not know he was soon going to be made into "British Indian". This is very important because everybody talks about pre 1947 but have you ever thought how you became British?

If you live in Sindh then your geat great grandad would have been born in the Talpur ruled Sindh. If you live in Punjab, Khyber Pak or Kashmir then your great grandad would have lived in the Sikh Empire

Have a look at the map below which shows the area that is now Pakistan in 1840. The area marked red covers today's Khyber Pak, Punjab and Kashmir which was then the Sikh Empire. The area marked green is Talpur Sindh. On the right side is British India.


Have a good look at the Map of 1840 and place your family in there. Had the British not been so greedy we and I know for sure my great great grandad lived in the Sikh Empire would have never become British and came under the British flag. Neither would I be reminded every turn by Indian's that we were all so called Indian's.

So you can thank the bloody British for making us "British Indian". On the question of how did our great great grandparents become British Indian? The British attacked the Sikh Empire and in the Battle of Gujrat in 1849 my great great grandad officially became "British Indian".

The British attacked Talpur Sindh and in the Battle of Miani 1843 Sindh became "british Indian". Thus majority of what is now Pakistan had become British India. You do note though that both the Punjabi and Sindh were attached to British India by killing Sindhi and Punjabi because both did NOT want to become British Indian. The English lost men also who were trying to build British India. In short English blood was spilled making British India and Punjabi, Sindhi blood was spilled to prevent being part of British India.

Battle of Gujrat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia of 1849 Punjab became British
Battle of Miani - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 1843 Sindh became British

So we ended up being forced into this British Raj - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Have a look at the flag it is NOT Indian flag that is because it is British Indian flag - a British colony. Look at the map below of British India.


You will notice it included Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Burma and even parts of Aden in Yeman.


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The list above was British India at some point or other. This was a British colony although today Indian's have a habit of treating this as theirs. What they forget is all the above countries including them are successor states of British India.

Then in Allahabad Address - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Sir Allama Iqbal in 1930 pushed for the idea of breaking away from British India when he demanded thus:-

"Personally, I would like to see the Punjab, North-West Frontier Province, Sindh and Baluchistan amalgamated into a single State. Self-government within the British Empire, or without the British Empire, the formation of a consolidated North-West Indian Muslim State appears to me to be the final destiny of the Muslims, at least of North-West India".

You will notice that today in 2015 this is exactly what Pakistan is although North West Frontier Province has been renamed Khyber Pak Province. Other than that today Pakistan is exactly like the Sir Allama Iqbal's blueprint.

Rahmat Ali published a pamphlet titled "Now or Never; Are We to Live or Perish Forever" in 1933, also known as the Pakistan Declaration . The pamphlet started with a famous statement:-

At this solemn hour in the history of India, when British and Indian statesmen are laying the foundations of a Federal Constitution for that land, we address this appeal to you, in the name of our common heritage, on behalf of our thirty million Muslim brethren who live in PAKSTAN – by which we mean the five Northern units of India, Viz: Punjab, North-West Frontier Province (Afghan Province), Kashmir, Sind and Baluchistan."

This again matched with what Allama Iqbal had asked for 3 years earlier and replicates today's Pakistan.
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Just like Russia became the successor state of USSR, India became the successor state of British India. Add to that, All the cultures that flourished during the days of British India are still flourishing in today's India.

So how do we sum this up. Very simple?

1840 - Free
* Punjab - Sikh Empire
*Sindh - Talpur Rule


Making of British India
* 1843 Battle of Miani - Sindh attached.
* 1849 Battle of Gujrat - Punjab attached.


Breaking of British India
*Punjab, Sindh, NWFP, Balochistan detached.
* 1947 Join the Pakistan federation.


British India - Map


Successor states


Please refer to British Raj - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia which makes it quitte explcit and clear.

British Indian Empire was partitioned into five sovereign dominion states, the Union of India (later the Republic of India) and the Dominion of Pakistan (later the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the eastern half of which, still later, became the People's Republic of Bangladesh), Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), and Sikkim. At the inception of the Raj in 1858, Lower Burma was already a part of British India; Upper Burma was added in 1886, and the resulting union, Burma, was administered as an autonomous province until 1937, when it became a separate British colony, gaining its own independence in 1948 as British Mayanmar Burma.

Just like Russia became the successor state of USSR, India became the successor state of British India. Add to that, All the cultures that flourished during the days of British India are still flourishing in today's India.

This is typical fabrication that goes on. Your example is incorrect. Tzarist Russian pre existed USSR and it insituted by revolution led by Russians to USSR. British India on the other hand was made by a far away colonizer who left in 1947. It was not like Indians made British India and then reverted back to just India.

As far as British Indian cultures they are flourishing in their regional style in all successor states of British India as listed in previous post.

This is intended for the consumption by Pakistani's here. I have no interest in trying explain this to any Indians here.
You do note though that both the Punjabi and Sindh were attached to British India by killing Sindhi and Punjabi because both did NOT want to become British Indian.

I can confirm this with the personal accounts that i have known.

For example the people of Jagowala gave a hard time to the British, and for quite some time British were not even able to enter that area to even make a small road in that area, such was the resistance.

It falls under the Sikh Punjabi empire you marked above.
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Thanks atanz fantastic info very informative

British India - Map


Successor states


Please refer to British Raj - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia which makes it quitte explcit and clear.

British Indian Empire was partitioned into five sovereign dominion states, the Union of India (later the Republic of India) and the Dominion of Pakistan (later the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the eastern half of which, still later, became the People's Republic of Bangladesh), Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), and Sikkim. At the inception of the Raj in 1858, Lower Burma was already a part of British India; Upper Burma was added in 1886, and the resulting union, Burma, was administered as an autonomous province until 1937, when it became a separate British colony, gaining its own independence in 1948 as British Mayanmar Burma.


This is typical fabrication that goes on. Your example is incorrect. Tzarist Russian pre existed USSR and it insituted by revolution led by Russians to USSR. British India on the other hand was made by a far away colonizer who left in 1947. It was not like Indians made British India and then reverted back to just India.

As far as British Indian cultures they are flourishing in their regional style in all successor states of British India as listed in previous post.

This is intended for the consumption by Pakistani's here. I have no interest in trying explain this to any Indians here.
As I have stated continuously Pakistan is the dominion or the territory of the ancient peoples of panjanb, Sindhu, kashmira, Baluch, Gandhara/khyber. Let the Indians burn.
You will notice it included Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Burma and even parts of Aden in Yeman.

The Trucial States (modern day UAE sheikhdoms) too were part of British India afaik. Technically hence Dubai, Abu Dhabi were princely states like Kashmir or Hyderabad. Its quite clear to understand though of course that the British used India as geographic term
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Those who have power can redraw the maps and rule the lands.

Analysis and logic do not stand infront of that !
When did official passports first recognize individuals as citizens of India (British India or otherwise)? Did the previous kingdoms have any official documents describing ones' citizenship? What happened when kingdoms fell?
When did official passports first recognize individuals as citizens of India (British India or otherwise)? Did the previous kingdoms have any official documents describing ones' citizenship? What happened when kingdoms fell?

That guy's logic is not upto the mark.

British came 300 years ago, nation states are formed in 20th century, before that Mughal India,Maurya India, Bharat described in old Hindu scriptures thousands of years ago is the actual India.
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Those who have power can redraw the maps and rule the lands.

Analysis and logic do not stand infront of that !

The OP has clearly mentioned that this a piece of fiction designed to entertain Pakistanis & give them a reason to justify the existence of Pakistan
British India - Map


Successor states


Please refer to British Raj - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia which makes it quitte explcit and clear.

British Indian Empire was partitioned into five sovereign dominion states, the Union of India (later the Republic of India) and the Dominion of Pakistan (later the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the eastern half of which, still later, became the People's Republic of Bangladesh), Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), and Sikkim. At the inception of the Raj in 1858, Lower Burma was already a part of British India; Upper Burma was added in 1886, and the resulting union, Burma, was administered as an autonomous province until 1937, when it became a separate British colony, gaining its own independence in 1948 as British Mayanmar Burma.


This is typical fabrication that goes on. Your example is incorrect. Tzarist Russian pre existed USSR and it insituted by revolution led by Russians to USSR. British India on the other hand was made by a far away colonizer who left in 1947. It was not like Indians made British India and then reverted back to just India.

As far as British Indian cultures they are flourishing in their regional style in all successor states of British India as listed in previous post.

This is intended for the consumption by Pakistani's here. I have no interest in trying explain this to any Indians here.

Of course you don't have anexplnation for a fantasy

Just a fake propaganda !

The OP has himself agreed that it is propaganda so it must be
British India - Map

the Dominion of Pakistan (later the Islamic Republic of Pakistan,
Your reasoning is flawed.
The "Dominion of Pakistan" came into being on 14th Aug 1947, and while it existed, the Queen was still the sovereign head of state. It was replaced in 1956 by the Islamic republic of Pakistan. There was nothing called "Pakistan" before that, except an idea on pieces of paper yet to be put into practice. So British India meant the entire subcontinent, including the princely states which accepted British supremacy in the subcontinent.

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