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Make Gilgit-Baltistan the fifth province of Pakistan

Nope, Azim wants resolution and India wants the Mumbai massacre planners to justice!

Mumbai incident happened at 2008 and Kashmir issue happened in more than half a century ago!
Historically speaking these were distinct areas but we are welcoming a plebiscite on all of Kashmir but since India won't do it on the side controlled by her, at least we can continue to give basic rights to Kashmiris we have liberated.

Later when India allows we can have another plebiscite on all of Kashmir according to wishes of Kashmiris.

Bottom line here is UN resolution 47-48 recognizes GB as part of Kashmir and hence a disputed territory between India and Pakistan.
Situation on ground is..as of now India does not agree with UN resolutions(and hence has gone ahead declared J&K part of Indian union) but Pakistan does!! and harps about it on every international forum.

Pakistan can go ahead and declare GB as part of Pakistan(and infact India should encourage it) ..but it will be violation of resolution and Pakistan can no longer ask for its implementation.

In short Kashmir will no longer be a disputed territory ..as resolution would be null and void..because all the the parties involved have violated it.
This is a good step towards accepting the LoC as international border. Good going Pakistan.
We say resolve it, you say no.

So then we have done our duty to the agreement.

You say resolve "according to Pakistani wishes". We say no.

Fair call.

If Pakistan says resolve "according to Indian wishes" then we would have gone ahead.

BTW no one takes seriously what Pakistan "says" nowadays. That is the hard truth. Please get used to it. Not especially India and not regarding Kashmir, considering that Pakistan had itself has militarily violated the UN mandated LoC twice - once in 65 and then in 99.
That is perfectly all right with us ...we recognize J&k as part of India ..because we have Instrument of Accession..and we do not agree with UN resolution on Kashmir...but if you carry this out..tomorrow you can not ask for UN resolutions to be implemented.

When you don't agree with UN resolutions you don't have any reason to consider GB as disputed territory. Neither you should protest to Pakistan if it makes GB a fifth province since it is the UN resolutions which make GB a disputed territory. You don't agree with UN resolution, fine, GB isn't a disputed territory then. Pakistan on the other hand can make GB it's fifth province an can tell UN that Kashmir dispute is limited to IOK and AJK and that's why we didn't make AJK a province. We can inform UN about the real state of Jammu and Kashmir. We can point out the mistake in the resolution.;)
Bottom line here is UN resolution 47-48 recognizes GB as part of Kashmir and hence a disputed territory between India and Pakistan.

I am also talking about a UN administered plebiscite on GB + AJK. It can be argued once the UN conducts a plebiscite and people vote for Pakistan, then that territory is Pakistan from that day on wards.
When you don't agree with UN resolutions you don't have any reason to consider GB as disputed territory. Neither you should protest to Pakistan if it makes GB a fifth province since it is the UN resolutions which make GB a disputed territory.
problem is you guys agree with UN resolution and thus you agree that GB is diputed
problem is you guys agree with UN resolution and thus you agree that GB is diputed

We consider whole Jammu and Kashmir disputed and we don't GB to be part of Kashmir. That's what I was saying. We can still make GB a province of Pakistan and can tell UN about the mistake in their resolution.
We consider whole Jammu and Kashmir disputed and we don't GB to be part of Kashmir. That's what I was saying. We can still make GB a province of Pakistan and can tell UN about the mistake in their resolution.
GB was part of hari singh's kingdom you cant claim GB to be undisputed while rest of the region disputed UN would not consider it a mistake either you believe all region is disputed or none is disputed
GB was part of hari singh's kingdom you cant claim GB to be undisputed while rest of the region disputed UN would not consider it a mistake either you believe all region is disputed or none is disputed

Leaving everything else even if we assume GB to be part of Kashmir state, people of GB already revolted against Hari Singh and his governor, hence Hari Singh had no legitimacy to decide future of this region. He didn't had had legitimacy to decide the future of Kashmir as a whole but in case of GB he had no legitimacy.
Leaving everything else even if we assume GB to be part of Kashmir state, people of GB already revolted against Hari Singh and his governor, hence Hari Singh had no legitimacy to decide future of this region. He didn't had had legitimacy to decide the future of Kashmir as a whole but in case of GB he had no legitimacy.

Thats all nonsense.. Either you legitimize the UNSC resolution (that calls all of Kashmir princely state of 1947) as disputed or none of it is.. Take your pick..

I am also talking about a UN administered plebiscite on GB + AJK. It can be argued once the UN conducts a plebiscite and people vote for Pakistan, then that territory is Pakistan from that day on wards.

That can not happen till Pakistan proves to have completed the prerequisites of that plebiscite and demonstrates that it has not altered the demographics of the area from what existed in 1947.. Neither of the above can really be done, so no cigar..
Thats all nonsense.. Either you legitimize the UNSC resolution (that calls all of Kashmir princely state of 1947) as disputed or none of it is.. Take your pick..

You take your pick and accept the UN resolution as a whole or stop considering GB as a disputed territory. :)
Leaving everything else even if we assume GB to be part of Kashmir state, people of GB already revolted against Hari Singh and his governor, hence Hari Singh had no legitimacy to decide future of this region. He didn't had had legitimacy to decide the future of Kashmir as a whole but in case of GB he had no legitimacy.

but officially he didn't handed over the power to people or pakistan he handed it over to india and thats what international court will consider
That can not happen till Pakistan proves to have completed the prerequisites of that plebiscite and demonstrates that it has not altered the demographics of the area from what existed in 1947.. Neither of the above can really be done, so no cigar..

That resolution covers all of Kashmir between India and Pakistan.

We can approach the UN to have a plebiscite conducted in the part controlled by us. Conduct that original resolution whenever the UN gets a chance to do so. Until then, they are welcome to conduct one in our part.
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