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Majority of Sri Lankan’s Favors China: Latest Poll

Hey I didn't put anyone there. That said, Indians are known to vote stupid. Why else we keep electing Gandhi clan. Perhaps we need to educate people more and teach them the value of their vote.

JDME you are off thread again. But I thought I had to comment because this is the first time I agree with you. But then we to have crappy politicos. Back to thread the chinese are nice thats why their neighbours on the whole love them. They know how to win hearts and minds:china:
JDME you are off thread again. But I thought I had to comment because this is the first time I agree with you. But then we to have crappy politicos. Back to thread the chinese are nice thats why their neighbours on the whole love them. They know how to win hearts and minds:china:
Which neighbours? Only Pakistan loves them. Their other neighbours are either hostile or indifferent to them.

Its funny that both China & India makes good friends of each other's neighbours but not theirs.
Which neighbours? Only Pakistan loves them. Their other neighbours are either hostile or indifferent to them.

Its funny that both China & India makes good friends of each other's neighbours but not theirs.

Well according to this thread the srilankans do as well. Oh please why do you have to bring pakistan into every thread
Well according to this thread the srilankans do as well. Oh please why do you have to bring pakistan into every thread

Because Pakistan is the 'all weather friend & ally' of China.
Because Pakistan is the 'all weather friend & ally' of China.

The PRC has proved with word and deed that it the friend of Pakistan. Regarding Sri Lanka the people their know that india seeks to dominate and subjugate the countries in the region that is why they vote for China.

Regarding movies - I prefer Chinese over indian.

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No I think all war is crime against humanity. Rest is just propagand. Winners or people with more money write the buXXX

you answer doesnt satisfy my question......if a nation considers all its citizens equal must not it punish those responsible for the gruesome killing of civilians ?
you answer doesnt satisfy my question......if a nation considers all its citizens equal must not it punish those responsible for the gruesome killing of civilians ?

Sorry mate didnt realise my vocation was to satisfy you, Its just my opinion
then why are the tamil names for places in the north being renamed into sinhala names.....? omanthai became omantha...mullivaikal (where the sinhala forces conducted one of the most gruesome war crimes by killing 49 patients by shelling a hospital) , Kokkachchaankulam and a host of other tamil towns' names are also on the process of being sinhalaised.....

lol this is how we pronounce it. Get Idea about SL languages!
Just take "Jaffna", Jaffna (English), Yaapanaya (Sinhala), Yaalpanam (Tamil)
hey mate, how about Colombo?
Colombo (English) Colaba (Sinhala), Colompu (Tamil),
my city Kandy (English), Mahanuwara (Sinhala), Kandi (Tamil)

Omanthai (Tamil), Omantha/Omanthai (Sinhala/English)

You guyz come and should see these things with your own eyes!!! lol

India (English), Indiyava (Sinhala)
China (English), Cheenaya (Sinhala)
Pakistan (English), Pakistanaya (Sinhala)
People of tamilnadu should look at us bengalis and how we dont care about people of bangladesh they should do the same with srilankan tamils.
People of tamilnadu should look at us bengalis and how we dont care about people of bangladesh they should do the same with srilankan tamils.

that is coz majority of bangladeshi are muslims and you are hindus....shame on you to ask us to be so indifferent to our brothers and sisters plights

we tamilians look out for each other irrespective of nationality or religion
what would be the pool result is same poll conducted in pakistan or banglash...

what difference it make to india..

but it might makes a case of simmiler economic/social situation of three countries and it not going to change...[
that is coz majority of bangladeshi are muslims and you are hindus....shame on you to ask us to be so indifferent to our brothers and sisters plights

we tamilians look out for each other irrespective of nationality or religion

Shall I answer for this with the ground level reality here?
Shall I answer for this with the ground level reality here?

dude the tamilians of tamil nadu (majority) have no feelings for sl tamilians and even if they have they cant do anything about it...Boys and Girls aged between(15-24) have no idea or very few idea of wat happened in SL including the war....but the tamilians living in Foreign countries have this pride of being tamilians and sympathetic to tamil cause........You sinhalese were lucky to fight with tamilians coz tamilians here in India are shameless had there been malyalis or kanadigas or telgu people hell would have rained down on you>>>>>>
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