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Majority of Pakistanis for 'Islamisation' of society: Poll

We should be realistic -- asking whether Pakistanis think government should "Islamize", is like asking if we are against death and taxes - it's a no brainer - but the really fascinating thing is that most people are not sure what islamize means because note the number who say that laws should be enacted one by one, that is to say that they do not altogether trust what the substance of Islamize may be
We should be realistic -- asking whether Pakistanis think government should "Islamize", is like asking if we are against death and taxes - it's a no brainer - but the really fascinating thing is that most people are not sure what islamize means because note the number who say that laws should be enacted one by one, that is to say that they do not altogether trust what the substance of Islamize may be

sir they know what it means but secular stupid are not ready to accept their defeat but they will be defeated INSHALLAH and soon this number will rise to 100 %
Yes, interesting - however, I can see a complication - after all, people are already sick and tired of which Islam and which Shariah, so I think there is a long long way to go before victory and defeat become issues.
Yes, interesting - however, I can see a complication - after all, people are already sick and tired of which Islam and which Shariah, so I think there is a long long way to go before victory and defeat become issues.
People are very clear these issues are only raised by secular traitors who do this to make their american masters happy
That means he said something at one time and said something diametrically opposite at another time?

I would like to believe what he said to the Constituent Assembly since that was observed by the international community!

No, that's not the case- he said the same thing again & again, it's the seculars or those gone astray as per Jinnah, who misquote or half quote or take out their own meanings.

There was nothing un-islamic or secular about Jinnah's speech in the constituent Assembly, even in those days some people started doing propaganda and in response to this propaganda Jinnah said:

"I cannot understand those people who deliberately do the propaganda that the constitution of Pakistan will not be based on Shariat. Islamic principles today are are as much applicable as they were 1300 years ago. I want to very clearly tell those, who have gone astray unfortunately, not only Muslims but the non-muslims should also not fear anything here............. "
People are very clear these issues are only raised by secular traitors who do this to make their american masters happy

Well, I don't know if that's exactly truthful - after all, are TTP Muslims or are lashkar e e Jhangvi or is the Pakistan state? or are they secular traitors?
Don't compare west with islam. Look who banned hijab?? Its the so called secular world. and now compare it with Prophet Muhammad PBUH allowing jews to worship in Holy mosque of madina. Islam does not impose any conditions for minorities to worship or practice their religion as todays western world is doing.

dude ur not even allowed to make a temple in gulf nor hold any public meetings in gulf(obviously minorities)...ur not allowed to enter mecca as well.....dont compare with the western world.
Well, I don't know if that's exactly truthful - after all, are TTP Muslims or are lashkar e e Jhangvi or is the Pakistan state? or are they secular traitors?

Don't worry people are very clear about it and they will give reply to you secular guys very soon
This is absurd!

Beheadings, blowing up of churches and schools, all you have to do is look around in the Muslim world.

There is no credibility established by wishful thinking.

look who's talking........:woot:

a citizen of the state which is without any doubt the biggest terrorist entity th e mankind has ever witnessed, is lecturing others !:eek:

massacaring native americans, lynching black people, the famous tear highway----- This is absurd!
dude ur not even allowed to make a temple in gulf nor hold any public meetings in gulf(obviously minorities)....
This is not what Islam says, Islam do not allow destruction of temple in the time of war even.
ur not allowed to enter mecca as well....

Non-Muslims cannot enter in to haram aream (Mecca and Madina) if you want to enter their become a muslim.... their are no visit visas in Islam only citizenship
I have wasted a lot of time with you but I am willing to waste even more.

Jinnah in this particular speech is espousing the need for a fair, democratic, equal, and justice driven society by using Islam as the subtext.

There is no indication here that Islam will be the state religion or it will seep in the manner by which the religious clergy benefits.

Similarly, he had clearly pointed out that religion will remain a personal matter though it will be used as a source to create a just, equal, fair and democratic society.

What you want is a society where Mullah are running around passing decrees, calling people kaffir and indulging in all vices. Add to that the fact that they would want an everlasting war with the Non-Muslims.

Lets be honest here, Shias, Ahmadi's, Aga Khanis and substantial number of Parsi's, Christian's, Hindu's would not have opted for Pakistan if it was to become a reactionary medieval state where the clergy has a lot of sway over the nations get up.

if i remember, it was you who ran away like a chicken in that thread in which you dreamed to make me run----:P

i simply asked, why didn't you quote his full statement?

stop acting dishonestly by half-quoting Jinnah's statement and misguiding the people. i will be keeping an eye on your posts relating to Jinnah as you have proved that you are also one of those who likes to play with his speeches/statements
Don't worry people are very clear about it and they will give reply to you secular guys very soon

They will after they have given you a clear reply.

Are you blind that you cannot see how they are giving you their reply and you are sitting impotent and helpless.

And you kowtow to them?

They will first finish you. So, gloat as much as you want, because your clock has started ticking!
The Taliban is receiving support because of the perception that the West is occupying a Muslim land, there is much less support for their brand of Islam, the Mullahs are using religion as a grab for power, just like the Catholic Church, RSS etc.


But, is it not correct that the RSS and the Catholic Church is not on a world wide suicide bombing spree against all those who do not agree with them?

RSS is a redundant organisation. Check the Baba Ramdev thread and observe the rancour.

The Catholic Church is having problems wherein the ranks are dwindling fast!

But the RSS and the Catholic Church is not on a world wide suicide bombing spree against all those who do not agree with them.

Why don't you people understand Islam is not equal to taliban....

Shariat is not what was the law of Afghanistan

Shariat is ever changing according to the needs of time....

Shariat simply means laws based on Islam...

Their are certian boundairies of Islam and as long as you remain in those boundaries you can ammend the laws....

Their are many verisions of Islamic laws may be but nothing is beyond the boundaries of Islam...

why people are against secularism is because they don't want any law to be against Islam and they fear that their leaders will made un islamic laws when given full liberty...

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